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When I came to the room was dark and cold.
I went to move but my arms were tied behind my back and I was against the wall.
This wasn't happening.
Can't the main character get a break for once?
My heart's already hurting and now I'm sitting in a room with no idea where I am.
I knew I should of stayed home.

I looked around and the more I did, the lighter the room really seemed to be.
I blinked a few times before my eyes fell on a person in the corner.
Unlike me.
Their hands were free but they were holding their knees to their chest.
I just stared at them trying to take the other in.
They looked like a girl..

"Leave me alone." I heard her comment and I sat there staring at her.
"JESUS SHUT UP!" She screamed at me and it was obvious she was glaring.
Her tone was angry and scared.
I frowned deeply and leaned my head against the wall.

"This is your fault." She stated and suddenly I felt this anger boiling up inside of me.
"My fault?"
"Yeah, your fault-"
"How is this my fault?" I demanded glaring now.
"I wasn't the one who was being followed!"

"No but you involved yourself, if they were after money, I could of gave it to them. But you made it ten times worse than it had to be, god." She growled.
"I wish you'd fucking disappear, of all the people I had to be kidnapped with, it had to be some low class whore." She hissed bitterly.

Rolling my eyes I just scoffed looking away from her.
"If pointing fingers at me makes you feel better, go right ahead."
"It does make me feel better, you know why? Because when they ask who wants to die first, I'll point at you. I hate you Morgan Kelly, you tried stealing something that didn't belong to you. You stole my friends, and I have no idea what Mitchie even sees in you! But you're all that jerk talks about." She spat and it sounded like she was choking back a sob.

I pushed my knees to my chest wishing I could hold them with a deep frown.
"Maybe because I treated him like a person and didn't throw tantrums anytime something didn't go my way-"
"No you ran." She commented and I glared at her.
"Yeah, I fucking ran because unlike you and your uptight attitude. I respect what Mitch wants, and as much as he doesn't want you. He's still making himself go through with the wedding, KNOWING he'll lose Rocky and who knows who else after you're married." I snapped.

I glared at her.
"It's the fact you're chaining him down-"
"Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about." She growled.
"I know that you don't make him happy." I shrugged.
"Oh and you know for a fucking fact you could make him happier than me?" She glared and I shrugged.
"I know he'd be able to breathe around me, look Santana, I know you hate me but I hate you too." I looked down at the floor.

"But we both love Mitch Taylor." I said out loud frowning as the words tasted bitter coming out.
"And even though you may love him-"

"I don't." I heard her comment and her voice broke as she said it, like she was crying over there by herself.
"I haven't loved him in years." She cried and my eyes grew wide staring at her silhouette.

"Then.. why are you fighting so hard to marry him?" I demanded.
"Because it's what my parents want! It's what his parents need to happen, we've been putting on a show for those four clowns, but I haven't loved him. I stopped loving him when Mitch started showing doubt to the relationship, I know he hates the idea of marrying me." She cried harder.
"And I don't want to marry someone where saying I love you, feels like ice." She told me.

I stared at her before getting to my feet and walked closer to the other, I kept my distance though as I sat back down.

"Mitch said you called your dad-"
"I called my dad because I wanted them to find a different solution for this marriage, I told him how unhappy we both were but he wasn't listening to me. He said they were moving the wedding closer so we'd have no choice-"
"You can't be forced to marry someone-"
"You clearly don't know my dad." She laughed sadly.
"He's a cruel man, he only cares about his image and what rep the family has." She wiped her eyes before looking at me and her expression was so broken.

"My parents went through the same thing, they were paired to be wed despite hating each other. But with my moms looks and my dads career choice, the genes were bound to be passed down to their first kid. Lucky me." She said bitterly.
"When they found out I was a girl, they were determined to build me into perfection, the isolation away from other kids my age, corrupted my personality. So now, what you see is what you get." She frowned deeply through fallen tears.

"I met Mitch through Rocky, at first I thought I could enjoy the idea of a relationship. But then my parents met his and somehow down the road. His parents fell into debt with mine, the only way his parents could pay off the debt was if me and Mitch got married.. But," she smiled sadly wiping the tears.
"It was obvious since the very beginning, I wasn't someone he wanted a lifetime with. That was the day everything started falling apart, but for the sake of clowns. I had to act the part, I had to look like I was madly in love with someone who didn't mean shit to me." She glared softly with knitted brows.

I sat there frowning at the other.
"And then you showed up that day at the dorm, an invite from Abel who had already told everyone you would be showing up. Mitch mentioned you and I got angry because I thought you were a girl." She looked at me and I laughed earning her face to gain color.
"It's not funny!"
"No it is, I can understand the confusion, Morgan is a unisex name so of course. The guy you're supposed to marry is talking about a person with the name Morgan, any girl would get upset over that." I leaned my head back.
"I really did think your greeting was a bit more salty than expected. But I wasn't about to be talked to like that." I told her.

Santana's brows knitted but she looked away.
"Anyway.. yeah, you showed up. Obviously a boy, and everyone basically fell in love with your looks and personality, you became someone Rocky always talked about and how he didn't feel too sure about that Joshua kid being around, but with the phone calls I received daily from my dad.. I was always so angry and you were the perfect punching bag." She frowned at me.

"I guess I should say I'm s-"
"If you say you're sorry, I'm going to puke." I smirked and she blinked but she forced a smile.
"You're right, I'm not sorry.. I do think I could of held back." She admitted quietly and I blinked but sighed.
"I probably could of backed off Mitch-"
"No." She shook her head looking at me.

"It's obvious he likes you Morgan," her brows knitted.
"From the first day he met you, you're someone he looks forward to seeing." She crossed her arms frowning softly.
"And yeah I was jealous, I wanted that.. but, not with him." She looked away and my brows knitted.
"Who are you in love with, truly?" I asked her.

She looked at me with such panicked eyes.
"No one." She said quickly and I glared.
"Santana, it is literally the two of us locked up in a room together, I really don't think the dust bunny is going to care who you're in love-"

"Amber." She told me.
I sat there with wide eyes and a gawking expression.
"But you're homophobic-"

"WHAT?" She glared at me."
" I am NOT homo-"
"Whoa okay, knock the volume down. It was just something I was told, obviously you're not if you're in love with a girl." I shrugged.
Santana glared at me.
"Obviously." She said bitterly.

"So...you're in love with Amber, but she's dating Cain-"
"You're wrong again, Morgan." Santana said with a heavy sigh.
I really wanted to rub my temples on this.

"They broke up the night Rocky and them brought you to the hospital." She told me.
I blinked but then frowned deeply.
"Does she know you're in love with-"
"Yes." Santana frowned softly.
"But with this wedding and the drama, it was a lot of stress to even think about. She knows I like her, and it's mutual, but just like with you and Mitch. No one gets their happily ever after.. not you, or me. Or Mitch, not even Amber." She frowned.

"Quite the sob stories the two of you are sharing." I looked up as the light came on and there stood Ambrose with Jordan, Dallas and Bellamy.

"Really Morgan, you just like to end up in the situations where you get hurt in the end. That must be something you're into." Ambrose commented and I glared.
"Pain actually isn't something I'm into." I frowned.

"How's that scar healing up?" Jordan smirked at me and my blood ran ice cold.

"What do you want with me? It's obvious you didn't intend to grab Morgan." Santana glared and Ambrose's eyes fell on her.
"You're right, it wasn't at all intentional to grab a prostitute off the street saving someone like a tragic hero." He walked right up to me grabbing my chin as he knelt there.
"And you know what they say about tragic heroes? They die like one." He let go and I glared at him.
"You guys just like causing unneeded bloodshed." I growled.

"Unneeded?" Ambrose arched a brow and I glared.
"Rodger." I glared at him and his eyes slightly widened before he smirked.
"That bitch Ziggy must of opened his mouth." He walked over to the table in front of us.
"Yeah he did, he told me everything. Valentine paid one of yours to kill Rodger to get me cornered." I glared at him.
"Well aren't we speaking our own bosses names a little too boldly?" Ambrose grinned.

"He isn't my boss." I smirked back and his expression fell.
"He burned it, Ziggy is my boss now." I informed the other.
Ambrose arched a brow with curiosity.
"Well that's interesting, the last time we talked. He had no intentions of letting you go-"
"I guess a gunshot to the leg will change your mind." I told him.

Dallas, Jordan and Bellamy stood there with wide eyes.
"There's no way Ziggy shot Valentine-"
"He did." I shrugged.
"He was in the hospital the last time I heard anything." I smiled and Ambrose stood there before scoffing.
"Pathetic excuse of a boss if a gunshot can convince you to burn a mark like that." He commented walking over to Santana.

"But back to the previous question that we ignored, you are here because your dad owes me money he has yet to pay. I've been a patient man, and until I get what I want. You'll be locked down here." He explained to her.
I looked to Santana.
"Your dad owes a boss money?" I questioned.
Santana's brows were furrowed.
"This is the first time I'm hearing anything-"

"Apparently daddy dearest is lacking fifteen grand because of a wedding he's last minute setting up for you." Ambrose informed her and Santana's eyes grew wide.
"The wedding..!"
"Is tomorrow, my boys hit the two of you pretty hard." He told us and I sat there frowning deeply.
Santana's brows were knitted.
"So if my dad pays you the fifteen, you'll let us go?"
"That's the idea yeah, see I'm a man who doesn't like having money being taken from him and not paid back for it. And that's exactly what your dad did, I'm not fond of kidnapping people. But if it gets me what I want, I'll go through such extreme measures to make it happen." He stood up and looked to me.

"Dallas, untie Morgan. I'd like to speak with him in the next room, and after I'm done." He looked at Dallas who nodded.
"You'll bring him back here." He explained.

Dallas walked over to me before pulling out a pocket knife and cut the ropes.
I looked to Santana who wasn't tied up at all, maybe they thought I was the one who would try to break us out of here.
But I was completely powerless.

I massaged my wrists but glared at how rough Ambrose grabbed my wrist pulling me out of the room and into the next one.

"Now I want the full detail on why Ziggy shot Valentine and why Ziggy isn't in jail for shooting an unarmed man." Ambrose leaned against the closed door with Jordan and Dallas both present.
Bellamy stayed in the other room with Santana.

Just as I went to speak, the others phone rang and Ambrose paused looking at the number before smirking with amusement.
"I guess his ears were burning." He commented answering the phone.

"Ziggy Grimes, you're quite the talk of the room right now." Ambrose stated and my eyes grew wide when Ambrose pulled the phone away and pressed the speaker button.
{"Ambrose, where is Morgan?"} Ziggy questioned.
"Oh the lost puppy? He's actually being held prisoner with a friend of his." Ambrose smirked on the other end.
{"Held prisoner? Ambrose, it's been three days. I'd like for you to return Morgan to me, he's my-"}
"You know what I'd like? I'd like to know why you shot Valentine." Ambrose said.

{"I would rather not discuss this over the phone, Ambrose, I did what I had to do to protect another-"}
"You know that is so like you, always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. It's no wonder on why half the boss status doesn't like you, you tend to involve yourself when it's not at all necessary." Ambrose commented.
{"Ambrose, where are you right now? I'll come collect Morgan myself-"}
"And if I choose not to give him back right away, will you shoot me as well?" Ambrose questioned.
Ambrose smirked softly.

"No harm is coming to him Ziggy, he's only here because he involved himself three days by trying to save a friend. She also isn't going to be harmed by the way, in case you start to panic. I know how you care about the youth, but I'm not one to harm a female. They annoy me, but I respect them." He shrugged.
{"Why did you kidnap his friend?"}
"Her dad owes me fifteen grand, he's been ignoring my calls and if he thinks I'm someone he can ignore. He's wrong, see there's this wedding his daughter is supposed to be involved in, but if the bride isn't there. There won't be a wedding." Ambrose explained.

{"God damn it Ambrose-"}
"Language Ziggy, your puppy is present."
{"Morgan?"} My brows knitted hearing his voice and I frowned looking at Ambrose who smirked.
"Speak up."

"Hi, boss." I greeted.
{"Are you hurt?"}
"Well I did get punched three days ago." I shrugged.
"I wasn't going to play favorites Ziggy, we already had to knock the girl out. You think I was going to keep him awake?"
{"Has the father reached out to you since you brought the girl there?"}
"He's finding a way to get the money." Ambrose hummed.
"But I don't see it being today, and no one likes a missing bride at the wedding." He glanced to me.

{"Ambrose, I'd like for the two of us to talk. And when we're done talking, I'd like for you to return my employee and return that poor girl home. I'll give you the money you're desperate enough to kidnap someone over."}
Ziggy spoke over the phone.
Ambrose smirked.
"Always handing out money you know you struggle with, fine. I'll meet you in thirty minutes. Meet me at Illusions." He told the other.
{"Thirty minutes, okay. Morgan?"} I looked at the phone.
{"I'll see you soon."} He told me before Ambrose hung up.

"I guess that means I have a date with Ziggy." Ambrose smirked adjusting his jacket and Jordan glared.
"Don't call it that, you both can't stand each other."
"No, we can't. But if he's offering money that he knows he can't give, I'll take it." Ambrose smirked wickedly.
"I shouldn't be long and when I get back, we'll continue to wait for the dad to deliver the money."

"What? But my boss is giving you the money." I glared at him.
Ambrose blinked but smirked.
"I know, it's an early Christmas." He told me walking to the door.

"Oh, and Dallas?" He glanced to the other while Jordan held the door open.
"You can do what you want." He told him walking out as Jordan slammed it shut behind them.

I stood there with wide eyes before looking to Dallas.
"How can you work on the side for these guys?" I demanded as he walked over to me frowning.
"Because he pays more than what Deidre can offer, plus I enjoy these guys a bit more." He smirked shoving me into the wall and I glared.
"Knock it off." I growled.
"Knock what off? Don't tell me you're no longer interested in me." Dallas smirked.

I stared at him.
"You've always came after me since I started working the street, and you think I'm attracted to a guy that would stand there knowing my boss is about to get robbed of what he barely has?" I glared.
Dallas rolled his eyes.
"Ziggy is smart, I really don't see him giving a dim to Ambrose." He grabbed my hips and I wanted to shove him off.
But he was stronger than me.
A lot stronger.

"And if he does?"
Dallas's eyes searched mine.
"Then it means your new boss is dumb as shit." He smirked kissing my neck and I wanted to feel disgusted.
This wasn't what I wanted.
But the last time I had sex.
Was with Mitch.
And that was nearly over a week ago.
So I was aching.

"Unbutton your jeans." He whispered into my ear and I nodded undoing them as he shoved them down before turning me around to face the wall.
"Spread your legs." He instructed with his hands on my hips.
My brows knitted but I did as he said to only feel his hands slipping into my boxers.
I tensed feeling his fingers and he growled softly.
"You've tightened up, Morgan." He growled lowly and I glared.
"Yeah well that kind of happens when you get the shit beat out of you, you fall into a depression and sex isn't the main thing on your mind." I whined as he thrusted his fingers into me.
"You did that to yourself." He told me undoing his own jeans.

My heart was racing before I cried out feeling him pushing into me.
"Ow.." The tears slipped and my face was hot but I wanted this.
I forgot how good Dallas really felt.
How rough he was but also how gentle he could be.
But still.
I wanted Mitch.

"Where's Ambrose?" Bellamy questioned as me and Dallas walked into the room and Santana's eyes locked on me.
"He went to speak with Ziggy, he shouldn't be gone long." Dallas shoved me forward and I glared.

"Get her and let's go." He told me and I looked to Santana then to him.
"Where are we-"
"Ambrose isn't going to let either of you go, he'll keep you locked up and he'll keep ransoming her dad for money. That's how he is." Dallas explained and Bellamy frowned at him.

"Are you sure about this man? If we get them out of here-"
"Deidre will involve Jensen if Ambrose is stupid enough to come after either of us, and Ziggy won't let anyone touch blondie over there." He smirked at me and my face grew warm.

Bellamy ran a hand through his hair.
"And the girl?"
"If she's smart the next time she goes out, she'll come with a group of friends. But we're burning daylight." He looked at us and I walked over to Santana who got to her feet and we were following Dallas and Bellamy out of the room.
Down the hall and onto the street.

Dallas grabbed my arm looking at me as I frowned at him.
"Don't ever say I owe you anything, got it?" He questioned and I smiled softly.
"Thanks, Dallas." I looked to Santana who didn't even hesitate, she grabbed my hand and rushed us out onto the street where the people were.

We were maybe twenty minutes from the dorm and Santana didn't let my hand go, not once.
Her eyes kept swelling with tears.
She really didn't want to marry Mitch.
And honestly?
For the first time of ever knowing her.
I pitied Santana Clark.

The next question is.
How do I ruin a wedding, steal the guy and get her the girl?

If I play my cards right.
Maybe the four of us can get the happily ever after we each desperately want.
And no one.
Gets kidnapped in the next twenty four hours.

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