Chapter 11

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Kongpob's POV
We're currently gathering behind the faculty building, trying to cram something out to write in our assignments. We're never the kind of students to do their assignments diligently. But lucky us, we still passed every assignment, so the lecturers can't really do anything to us.

"Hey, Kong!" I looked up from my assignment and found that Forth was standing in front of me with a stern face.

"Forth? You're looking for me?" We aren't that close to actually meeting up frequently. Surely we're friends but he isn't in my gang either.

"I have something I wanted to ask." He's fidgeting while speaking to me. It must be something really important to him.

"Go on."

"Okay, the thing is I just knew about Ming picking on Arthit." He paused and looked at me.

"Mmhmm." He's taking a little too long.

"And I'm really grateful that you helped Arthit."

"It's alright, he's my friend too."

"But you're not being you when you're with him."

"What do you mean?" I lifted an eyebrow when I heard what he said.

"Finally, someone is saying my thoughts." Oak budded in our conversation.

"What's wrong?" I seriously don't know what they were thinking.

"Kong, didn't you know when you're with Arthit, you act differently?" Aim glanced at me curiously.

"I'm not acting differently when I'm with him. I'm still me." I tried to defend myself.

"Didn't you notice? When you're with him, you're like a hen, always concerned about his well-being, flocking around trying to chase off every threat that you see. This isn't you. You're not that kind of person even to your girlfriends." I looked at May, still couldn't believe what she just said.

"Are you guys kidding me? I'm not like that at all."

"Kong, you're in denial."

"I'm not!" I raised my voice as I felt a little helpless.

"Okay, Kong. I don't really wanna care about you being in denial but I really wanted to ask you," Forth looked me straight in the eyes as he said," Are you having interest in Arthit?"

"What? No way! You guys are really ridiculous."

"Kong, we're just stating the fact that you're not willing to accept." I didn't reply to Aim. I tuned out all of their voices and continued with my assignment.

It can't be, right?

I will never like that kid. He's not even my type to begin with.


Arthit's POV
"It's lunch time and let's get your asses to the cafeteria." Bright practically pulled me out of my seat and I almost stumbled. Unfortunately, my glasses managed to leave me and committed suicide.


"Arthit! Your glasses!" Knot quickly picked up my glasses from the ground for me as I'm blind without them. I looked at the crack and glared at Bright's blurry figure. One day I'm gonna kill this brat.

I heaved a frustrated sigh and put on my broken glasses. I'll go back to my dorm later to wear my contacts. I don't particularly like wearing contacts as for me, they're quite uncomfortable but my friends said that I might have bought the wrong brand. My mom had always agreed with me not wearing contact lenses as she said I won't distract others with my looks. Seriously, I don't think I can actually attract people with my nerdy look. Even without my glasses, I bet I still look weird.

"It's alright guys, I'll change into my contacts later. I've got them back in my room."

"You should have done it a long time ago. You don't know how fine you look without those heavy glasses." Toota said as he playfully smacked my butt.

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes and followed Bright as he led us to the cafeteria. Knot is helping me buy my food as I help them find a table for us. As I settled in my seat, Knot passed me my plate of rice and pink milk. We're joking around while we ate our lunch when suddenly we heard someone strumming a guitar in the cafeteria.

I looked up and saw P'Kongpob all dressed up with a guitar in his hands. When he walked past me, he gave me a wink and continued walking to the table beside us. He stopped behind a girl and sang her a really sweet love song. I know her. She's our faculty star this year.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, N'Khaofang." He put down his guitar when he finished singing and said to the blushing girl.

"Would you like to go out with me?" She quickly nodded to his question and I can see P'Kongpob still engaging in a conversation with her.

I took my bag and told my friends that I'll be leaving first to change my contacts in my dorm, not bothering to take my plate. I was running away from the scene as quickly as I could.

I'm panting heavily when I finally reached my dorm. I locked the door behind me and sat on the floor, with my head propped on my knees. I stared blankly while my tears threatened to spill.

"You know it's gonna happen, Arthit. You already knew." I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes feeling the tears staining my cheek.

"You always knew it so why did you even hope?" I buried my head in my palms as a hot torrent of grief coursed down my face.

"Arthit? Are you alright?" I heard Knot knocking on my door and I quickly bit my hand to muffle my sobs.

I heard continuous knocking as I felt a little lightheaded.

"Arthit, open the door!" Toota is yelling and knocking the door harshly. I couldn't speak, afraid that they might hear me crying.

"Arthit, you better open the door or I'll fucking destroy it."

"I'm fine!" I yelled to them, managed to hide my hiccups from crying.

"Arthit?" Prem's voice softened and I knew he's concerned about me.

But, not now.

"I'm alright, it's just that I hurt my eyes with the contacts." I chuckled a little," I guess I should just let it go."

I should know that both of us won't ever be together. I always knew that I shouldn't be stubborn and to just let it go. Him or the contacts, they don't actually suit me.

I guess I finally understood that I shouldn't wear contacts that'll never be the right one for me.

Here it is, I managed to add a little angst in it despite all the fluff I'd written. Did I succeed in writing this chapter sad as a sad one? I tried my best. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting.

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