Chapter 28

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Arthit's POV
I wasn't really expecting P'Kong to really fulfill his promise of courting me and I doubt that he knew how to pursue someone. From the previous rumours I'd always heard, he's never the one courting others except for that one time with Khaofang.

"Arthit." I was sitting on the bench alone behind the main building whereas my friends went to the library to gather some information for their assignment. I was done myself so I opted to stay here instead and do some extracurricular reading.

"P'? Why are you here? Don't you have classes now?" I was shocked to see P'Kongpob here. I've heard from the seniors that he never skips any classes when he's in university unlike when he was in high school.

"Well, I'd already read about what the professor is going to teach today so I came here to see you." He sat down beside me on the long bench.

"But I thought you'll never skip classes." I was looking at him curiously as he picked up my pen, twirling it around his fingers.

"That's true. It's just because we've to pay for each class and skipping them is a waste of money." He put down the pen and held my cup of pink milk.

"Then why don't you go back to class? Your lecturer might have highlighted some important notes." I tried to convince him as I knew the classes he's taking aren't that easy to pass.

"It's alright, I'd already spoken to the professor that I had some important matter to do and he'd promise to send me a copy of his PowerPoint." He then let go of the cup, grabbing my book instead and was flipping it.

"Why do you keep touching my things?" It's kinda strange for him to do that.

"I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to touch you so...this will suffice at this moment." He was giving me puppy eyes while pouting and my ears redden hearing what he'd say.

"I didn't say that you can't touch me." I whispered, gazing at the book he's holding. The book was then quickly thrown back to the table and I gasped as he pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"P', this is too much." I was pushing his chest when he was leaning too closely.

"This isn't touching, Oon." His voice was deep and hoarse as he whispered in my ear,"This is just hugging."

"You're being impossible, P'!" I shrieked when he placed a kiss on my jaw.

"This is not courting, P'. This is harassing." I was panting heavily when he planted another kiss on my cheek.

"You don't like it?" He muttered under his breath with his lips still caressing my cheek.

"P', we're outside." I was trying to convince him to let me go but that didn't work at all as he placed a third kiss on the corner of my lips.

"That will do for now." He let go of me and was staring ahead rather quietly while I was still calming my racing heart. The atmosphere was filled with silence and he was engrossed in his own thoughts before he started speaking again.

"Did I... Did I make you uncomfortable?" He suddenly gazed at me and the distress was so apparent in his eyes.

"No, P'. You know how I feel for you, right?" He nodded but I knew he's still not alright.

"Just now...What I'd just said, it's just me being shy." I held his hand in mine, tightening it slightly,"You know right? That I'm more of an introverted guy. I'm just not used to this kind of affection even though I'm absolutely sure about my feelings for you."

He intertwined our fingers as I added,"It's my nature to be shy when you kiss me or get really close to me and I'm not sure if that will ever change. So... never mistaken it as me rejecting your advances, please."

I looked at him with pleading eyes and saw him biting his lips, trying to hide a smile. I couldn't help but to tease him as I tilted my head, dropping a kiss right on his lips before grabbing the book from the table to cover my crimson red face. I could hear him chuckle and I thrusted my face further into the book.

"Don't change, Oon. I like it when you blush." He tried to pull the book away but I was resisting it.

"Arthit, where are you?" Someone was yelling from afar.

"Bright, are you blind? He's there." Toota smacked his head and was yelling too.

"He's not alone." I peeked from the book when I heard Prem's voice and saw Knot and him dragging the other two with them while they're still fooling around.

"Good afternoon, P'." They greeted P'Kong and he nodded to them.

"I'll be taking my leave now." He stood up and ruffled my hair,"I'll text you later, bye." He then walked away while Toota was squinting his eyes, looking at me gingerly.

"Why is P' here?" He instantly asked the moment P'Kong was out of sight.

"He came by to say hi." I looked down at my book, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Is it?" Knot asked suspiciously.

"Yes." I nodded my head but still kept my gaze low and luckily, they didn't quietion anything further.

I was laying on my bed after a hectic day of classes when I received a message.

"Are you free right now, Arthit?"

It was from P' and I wanted to call him instead of just replying to him.

Will it be okay to call him? Will he get annoyed by it?

My thumb was pacing around the screen while I was struggling with pressing the call button. Eventually, I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice myself touching the button. I didn't even realize that he'd already picked up my call for quite some time.

"Arthit?!! Are you alright? Did anything happen? Why aren't you talking?" I snapped out of my trance when I finally heard him.

"I'm sorry, P'. I didn't notice I'd call you." I explained to him apologetically.

"I don't mind. Are you alright?" I could sense his worriness.

"I'm fine, P'." I replied and was nervous as I didn't know how to continue our conversation.

"Are you free right now? Can we perhaps have dinner together? My treat."

"I-I'm free right now." I stuttered embarrassingly.

"Then... I'll meet you in five?" He said unsurely.

"Okay." I said and was silent for a moment.

"YES!!!" I suddenly heard P'Kong exclaim excitedly from the phone.

Did he not know that I hadn't hung up the phone?

"I'm going on a date!" He continued with his yelling and I couldn't control my chuckle after finally hanging up the phone.

I guess I'm not the only one looking forward to our dinner date.

Hey guys, I've something to say.
About me updating this frequently am because I just graduated high school and is waiting for my national exam results. It'll be announced on Thursday so I might take a break for one week starting Thursday too cause I'm not sure how my results are going to be and how I feel when I get it. The results will be affecting me applying to university and scholarship so it's really important to me. I'll be editing my stories in the meantime.
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting.

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