Chapter 25

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Kongpob's POV
He was so close to me, too close in fact and I could almost reach him.


And then someone decided to barge in our moment by faking a cough and he even threw a strawberry at me covertly.

"Uncle." I was gritting my teeth internally saying that.

"I see you're here." Arthit's father was standing a few feet away and he strode to us, pulling Arthit away from me.

"You're eating so messily." He used his sleeves and wept off the juices on his chin and lips, not forgetting to roll his eyes at me.

I guess he knew what almost happened then.

"Why are the both of you together?"

"Well, I brought him here, dad. I'm showing him some of our plants."

"Let's go then."

"Can you go first, dad? I wanted to show him something special." Arthit whispered in his father's ear but I could still hear it as I not so subtly scooted closer to them. His father was obviously not going to agree with it but well, his son was pouting and if I were him, I would even give him all my fortune in a blink of an eye.

"Fine but you need to be back in half an hour."

Well uncle, half an hour is enough for anything to happen if you hadn't noticed that.

"Follow me, P'. I've something interesting to show you."

Is it as interesting as you?

Am I being a pervert now?


Maybe yes?

He held me by the wrist and led me to another path. It was still the same as the other parts of the farm. We were walking for a moment and he stopped as his eyes sparkled seeing something.

"Here it is, P'."


"This plant, P'." He pointed at a strawberry plant in front of us and said,"This one is mine. I planted it myself a few months back."

"How do you know it's yours? They all look the same."

"See?" He gently pried away some leaves and I saw a small wooden sign with some letters written on it.

'Ai' Oon's'

"See? Here's my name on it."

"That's great then, they'll know that it's yours."

"Yeah, my mom taught me since I was little to mark what's mine so that no one can take them away and there wouldn't be any misunderstanding about stealing or taking them by accident."

"Can you?" I asked, my voice lowered by an octave.

"Can I?"

Can you mark me as yours too?

"Can you let me take some strawberry seedlings home? I would like to plant them in the garden."

"Sure, P'. I'll bring you to the nursery."

At least I got what he likes and maybe I can convince him to come to my place to teach me on planting strawberries.

It's been a week since I went to Arthit's home. After we came from the farm, nothing special happened as I needed to rush back home. My mom fell from the stairs and was hospitalized. But luckily, it wasn't anything too serious, just a sprained ankle.

I was at home waiting, waiting for the time to pass. Two more weeks for semester break to end. My parents were too busy to accompany me on a trip and I wasn't in the mood to travel alone. So, I was lazing around in my house, sometimes staring at the strawberry seedlings I planted.
And I got a phone call abruptly.


"Umm... P', are you home right now?"

"Yes, I'm home. What is it?"

"Can you... perhaps tell the guards to let me in?"

Wait, what did he say?


"I'm in front of your house, P'."

"I'm coming, wait for me." I threw away the television remote in my hand and rushed to get my keys. I didn't forget to look at the mirror and tidy myself up a little. It's too late to take a bath now so I opted to spray some perfume on and I ran to the gates. I saw him standing there, fidgeting nervously with his hands full of bags.


"P'...Hi." I signaled the guards to let him in and he was struggling to get in with the heavy bags he was carrying.

"What are these?"

"I heard that your mom fell and I thought it would be good to visit her. You know, since you came to visit my parents too." He glanced to the side while saying with flustered cheeks.

We'd just skip dating to visiting our parents. Great, what's next? Marrying each other?

"Let me help you with them. Uhh, how did you get my address?" He handed me some stuff and I walked ahead while he followed behind me closely.

"I got it from P'Forth." He muttered so softly that I could barely hear it.

"So... Welcome to my home."
Soon to be yours too.

"Your house is huge, P'." He was looking around the compound while saying. 

"Let's put these away first. I'll bring you to the garden after that." I quickened my pace and he was half running behind me. And when I stopped abruptly, he bumped onto my back with an 'Ouch'.

Yes, I did it on purpose. I couldn't hug him nor even hold his hand, so this is my way to touch him.

Okay, I feel stupidly in love now.

We then went to the garden and I could finally show him my plants. That are almost dead.

"P', are those the strawberry seedlings?"

"Uh... yeah?"

"Why are they like that? What did you do?" He kneeled on the carpet grass and held the wilting plant softly.

"I don't know. I always remember to water them and they absolutely get enough sunlight."

"P', how many times did you water them?"

"Two times a day, oh..." I suddenly realized something,"I forgot to tell the gardeners that I'll be watering them myself."

Hearing me, he sighed loudly.

"So, what to do now?"

"They could still be saved but remember to only water them twice a day, not more than that."

I nodded intently while he was still looking at the plants in the garden.

"Are those black roses?" He exclaimed enthusiastically as he dashed towards the rose bushes.

"Yes, my mom likes roses. We've plenty of them." And for the next 15 minutes, he was admiring the roses while I obviously was admiring him.

"Kong, did you bring someone here?" I turned towards the voice and saw my parents standing at the entrance of the garden.


"Good afternoon, Khun. It's a pleasure to meet you." Beside me, Arthit was greeting them and giving them a shy smile.

"Mom, dad, this is Arthit, my..." I couldn't finish my sentence as mom decided to cut me off.

"Your boyfriend?"
And I choked on my saliva hearing that.

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