Chapter 1 "Group 'A' Arrived"

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I was demanded by Chancellor Paige to make my way to room B600, she only said that I'm getting trusted with one of the groups, I was expecting to take over group C since I worked with them for the past few weeks.

I walked down the corridors, quickly, with my head up straight, straight face, wearing a white apron, red high heels, black leggings, hair clipped into a high-pony tail, holding a clipboard with a pen attached to the top and my free hand dangling along my side while swinging back and forth. I was part of WCKD. We were trying to find the cure for the illness that was taking over the world. It was called the Flare, I'm not excited and never was excited about hurting others but it's better than being thrown into the maze.

As I approached the door of B600 I slid my ID card out of my apron pocket and placed it just over the scanner. Just after it got scanned, the door opened automatically and I entered the room. There where 3 boys, chained up to a table that was fixed into the ground. I walked up to the table and sat across from a tall blonde boy. One of the guards said
"Hello Cassandra, this is group A, or should I say all that's left of them."
"Alright thank you."

Soon after, I got passed their details which I then clipped onto the clipboard and took a good look at them. "You can take A7, and A2." The guards, released the other boys from the table and led them to their room.
"So," I then began speaking, while I looked back at the paper.
"A5, I'm Cassandra and-" the blonde boy looked up at me and said shocked
"Cassandra." He then stood up and started screaming my name and questioning 'why' while he tried to release himself. I stood up in shock and walked back. All I could hear was the boy shouting and chains rattling. I backed out into another small table, looked behind me, at that table. There was a syringe with a sedative drug. I hid the syringe in my sleeve and walked up to him. He grabbed me by my apron tightly.
"WHY DID U LEAVE US?! WHY DID U LEAVE ME?!" I was puzzled but I looked him in the eyes, he had tears in his eyes, they were beautiful, blue like the ocean, but his eye lids were puffy and his eyes were bloodshot, it was obvious he didn't want to show his weak side. I stabbed the syringe into his bicep and pressed down on the top, technically pouring the liquid into him. I could see that I gave him a strong sedative drug.

It started working straight away. He let go of my apron and before he could hit the ground, I caught him. I sat him back in the chair, awaiting for him to wake up.

(AU: I'm so sorry it's short but I spent an awful lot of time on my homework today. I promise I will make the next chapter longer.)

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