Chapter 2 "The Pain"

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Throughout the 30 minute break, I decided to take a sample of his enzyme, well his blood. I looked around for an empty syringe and as soon as I found one, I dug it into the deltoid muscle of his arm.

It was hard since he was moving a little and I didn't want to hurt him. "Stop moving please! I don't want to hurt you! I know you're asleep but- why am I speaking to someone who's asleep and not even answering me or listening?" I questioned as the blood slowly filled the syringe. I raised my eyes too look at the boy. His eyes where still shut, and he remained the same position I sat him down in.

When the syringe was full, I took it out of his skin grabbing a plaster and stuck it onto the place I dug the syringe in. I then sat down and it was a perfect time in because the boy was slowing waking up.
Finally. I must have given him a lot of whatever I gave him. I thought to myself. We made eye contact for a couple of minutes and I felt a warm feeling in my chest. Like I knew him from somewhere. A few seconds later, I broke the eye contact while A5 slouched in the chair. I definitely knew those eyes from somewhere.

(Newt's pov:)
She knows, that she knows me from somewhere but doesn't know where. I can tell by her facial expression. She was in the maze with me for more than a year, so I got to know her quiet well. She looked at the sheet of paper and sighed, then she looked at me and she began to speak
"A5, you and your fr-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.
"Its Newt."
"I know your name, it's on the sheet but here, we call you by your subject names."
"Well maybe you shouldn't call us subjects because we aren't mice trying to find cheese...You have been one of us untill you dissapeard in the maze."
"I never was in the glade A5."
"You where." I argued "You just can't remember, because they wiped your memories so you wouldn't get us out of the glade." After what I said, she fell silent. After a few seconds, she spoke up
"Stop trying to play with my mind A5 because it won't work, from all I know you have been here twice. Now and before the maze, also from what I know, I was here since I was born." I sat up and placed both of my arms on the table.
"Listen here Cassandra, u might not remember anything before the maze, but I remember everything from the maze, the people that were there and the structures of the huts. How do you think I remember you?" I questioned.
"Maybe because your memories came back from before the maze, just like A2's."
"No, I didn't get the cure that he was given in the maze but haven't you thought about it? You don't remember anything from when you where little, do you?" She went silent once again
"Well, maybe my boss, purposefully, gave you your memories back. Now end of your questions and your stupid statements, my turn for the questions." she said, she haven't changed from the last time I saw her, still cocky and sassy as then.

(Your Pov:)
He really started to get on my nerves. I turned the page over on the clipboard and reached for my pen, grabbing it.
"For how long have you been in the maze?" I questioned to which he answered
"About 3 years"
"Lovely." I wrote down his answer then asked
"Have you ran into the maze, before you have been led out by A7 and A2?"
"A2 is Thomas and A7 is Minho and no. I haven't been in there before." was his answer.
"What was you posi-" he cut me off with the statement
"You exactly know my position, so cut the crap, Cas." then something hit me. Like the hole in my memory was filled.
Lizard.. I thought to myself. I continued to be silent for a second.

I stood up and took a boby-pin out of my hair and picked the lock on the chain.
"Get up Newt." I said. He looked shocked. Then I said "Keep these chains like this so it looks like your still chained up."
He was still sat on his ass "Cmon we don't have time for this!" I spoke again. He stood up and I grabbed his arm like I was taking him somewhere, which I was. I was surprised but Newt obeyed and kept the chains on his wrists. I could tell he was lost. I walked out the room holding his arm. We rushed through a couple of corridors before reaching the room where Minho and Thomas were kept. There was no guard around since every door in this building was automatic but you needed a special ID.

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