He's my father?

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Arabella's POV

I sighed as I walked into the house, with the help of uncle John and C.J. I sat down on the couch. I sighed again. "Mom, who was that man? How'd he know you?", C.J. asked me. I looked up quickly. I looked between both C.J and uncle John. Uncle John just gave me a look. A look that said it was time and he deserved to know the truth. I sighed once more and ran a hand through my hair. I gently pulled a little bit. I looked back up at C.J. "Baby, I think it's time you sit down for this one. We need to talk", I told him softly. I didn't want him to freak out and shift on accident. He gave me a confused look, but listened to me. He sat down next to me.

He placed a hand in mine. "Who is he mom?", he asked me. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I sniffled. I could remember everything. What I kept from him to keep him safe. "Baby, I think it's time I told you the truth", I told him. He gave me another confused look. "The truth, what truth?", he asked me. I let a tear slip from my eye. Which he wiped away. My good boy, my baby, light of my life. My heart. Without him, I'd probably already be dead.

"About your father", I told him softly. A look of anger slipped on his face. "What about him? You shouldn't worry about him anyways, he ran away before he even knew about me. He doesn't deserve us", he said. Oh, how I wish that were true. But it wasn't. "Oh baby, I wish that were true, I really do. But I was the one to run away, I ran away from home. And I didn't look back. I did what I had to protect you, both of us, I knew if I stayed, we would have both have been hurt", I said to him. I watched in hurt as he got up from the couch. He turned his back to me.

He started to pace. I sighed and got up. "C.J. Baby, please, try to understand", I tried to tell him. He turned around and glared at me with his white eyes. I backed up in surprise. "So you lied to me? You lied to me my whole life! You told me he skipped out on us! Why?! Why did you lie to me?! Huh! What was your reason for that, what the hell were you protecting us from! Why did you lie to me!", he yelled at me. With each word, he stepped closer and closer. Until he was barking in my face. "Are you even my mother? Or is that a lie too?", he growled at me. I gasped.

I could feel my heart clench hard into my chest. My hand shot over to my chest. Clenching hard, to make the clenching of my heart stop. My pup, why? He doubts that I am his mother?

"C.J!", I heard Victoria yell my sons name. But he only ignored her. "Huh? Are you really my mother, or did you lie about that too?", he spat at me. I clenched my eyes closed at the harsh clench of my heart. The one thing that was killing me from the inside out. "ENOUGH!", I heard my father roar. I felt feminine arms wrap around me. Helping me sit down on the couch. I opened my eyes, only to see the sweet eyes of my daughter. "Vicky", I whispered softly. She only shushed me and started to caress my hair.

I watched as my father stood in front of C.J. A glare in his eyes. Glaring right at C.J. "You have no idea what your mother had to do. When she left, she wasn't protecting herself, she was protecting you. She had to leave her mate, her family. So you could grow up into the man you are today. You wouldn't have even met that little girl sitting right there, if it weren't for your mother! The reason why your mother left your father, was because he was a backstabbing asshole! He broke our most sacred law! He laid with another woman! She was the one who found the two of them together, and in that, caused her not only emotional pain, but physical, she got those scars from her cousin, the one who slept with your father that very night. Your mother loved that man so much, she would have given up anything for him, and yet he betrayed her, broke her heart and trust. She had every right to do what she did. She left, protecting you. So you wouldn't have to grow up like him, like Conner! So, you don't get to yell at her for keeping all this from you. She was protecting you from the truth, the very truth that got her hurt!", my father yelled at C.J.

But he let out one little detail he shouldn't. Conners name.

C.J looked at me and then back at my dad. "Conner, that man out there, he's my father?", he asked. I clenched my eyes closed at the sound of his name. I bit back a hiss. "Yes", I whispered. I gasped in a breath as my heart gave out the biggest squeeze. I was so scared that one day that it would somehow stop. And it will. I already lost my wolf. She hasn't been around since the day we left. And half of me thinks she's dead. She died of a heartbreak. Just like I am.

"Bella!", I heard both my parents yell my name. I gulped. "I-I'm fine, I'm okay. Vicky darling, c-can you help me up to my room, please?", I asked her. I needed to get to my pills. I haven't taken them today. I stood up on both wobbly legs. Vicky helping me up. I gave my son a sad look. I didn't want to see the hatred he had for me in his eyes. I looked away and slowly made my way up to my bedroom.


Third person POV

Victoria came back down the stairs. A glare that was focused on her mate. "How could you? How could you?!", she yelled at him and she punched him in the chest. Angry tears welled up in her eyes. "If it weren't for that very woman up those stairs! I wouldn't be here! She's the one that took me in! If it weren't for her, we would have never have met! That woman is your mother through and through, and you dare to doubt that she is your mother?! Are you mad! You know exactly what's happening to her! Why she takes those pills, why's she's so weak, and not as strong as she once was. She is dying C.J! And you saying those things are only making it worse, you keep this up, and you'll be the very reason why you kill your mother, stop her heart inside of her chest. You'll be the reason why you kill the very woman I see as a mother", she said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She walked out of the room. Not wanting to look at her mate at this very minute.

C.J looked down at his feet in shame.

"You have a lot to explain young man", he heard his grandpa said. He turned his head and saw his grandparents, uncle John and aunt Clara glaring at him. He knew he was screwed.

He sighed. "When I was younger. Around the age of twelve. Mom was having chest pains, a lot of them, everyday it seemed. Me and Victoria convinced her to go to the doctor. She didn't really explain what was wrong, only that something was wrong with her heart and she needed to take these pills everyday, everyday she would still get more chest pains, headaches, and she got weaker. A lot weaker. I didn't know why, until I read up on some old books about mates. Heartbreak, between two werewolf mates. And for so long I thought he had left her, leaving her with me, leaving her heartbroken. That she was dying of broken heart. I didn't know that she had left, I didn't know that he hurt her so deeply. I should have never said those things to her", he said as tears welled up in his eyes. At the thought of his mother dying.

He looked back up at his grandparents. To only see them still glaring at them. But this time with tears in their eyes. "Then you better go apologize to her then, she deserves at least that", his grandpa said to him. C.J nodded his head in shame. Knowing that his grandpa was right. He regretted every word he had said to his mother. He understood now, that man he had met. He wasn't a good man. He was lucky enough that his mother did leave him.

He turned around and made his way up the stairs, to his mother's room.

Hoping that she would forgive him for all those nasty words he had said to her.

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