I Have Always Loved You

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Third person POV (The next morning)

Bella slowly woke up due to the sun peaking through the flap of the tent. She wrinkled her nose. Which Connor thought was still so adorable. He watched over her as she slowly joined the land of the living. He knew in these few minutes that he had with her, were soon to be over. He sighed softly in sadness. Here we go.

Bella slowly fluttered her eyes open. At first everything was bright and blurry. She groaned. She hated when that happened. She hated when Everything was bright and blurry. "Ugh, what a night, must have been one hell of a night", she muttered to herself. Not knowing the man she loved was right beside her. She moved around some more and stretched. "Mmm", she moaned softly as her bones popped. She then moved her head, and her eyes met the ones of her love. Well, the one she did love, but was royally pissed at, at the moment. You can see where this went.

She immediately crawled away from him. So her back was against the bed frame. Her eyes were wide. She had her hands out to defend herself. "Don't you dare get any closer to me! I mean it Connor! I'm stronger then I look! Stay back! I'm not afraid to hurt you!", she yelled at him in anger. He moved back a little. He didn't want to frighten her anymore then she already was. "Bella......", but she wouldn't let him say anything else. "I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth! I don't want to hear any of it! You backstabbing bastard!", she yelled at him. She couldn't control the tears that were in her eyes.

Connor sighed softly. "Bella, please. Let me explain. Please", he begged of her. But she just shook her head. "No! How can I trust you, trust anything that comes out of your mouth, how can I know you won't lie to me?", she snapped at him. Connor ran a hand through his hair. "Once I speak my peace, you can choose wether or not that you think I'm lying", he said to her. He hated to see the tears that were in her eyes. He always hated when she cried. And he was the one causing those tears. She didn't snap or yell at him this time. But she did hesitate to give him her answer. "........Fine, speak your peace and be done with it", she spoke softly but sternly. He nodded.

How on earth was he going to explain this to her and expect for her to trust him. To trust the words that were going to come out of his mouth.

He didn't want to bring up old memories, not ones as these. Old wounds. But he had to give her the truth. His truth. The real truth. And if she didn't believe him. Then he really was going to lose her. "That night, I know you don't want to hear of it. But I have to give you the truth. The real truth. That night didn't go the way you think it did. But I will always hate myself for how it went. I should have known something was wrong. I should have seen the differences between you and her.......", Bella cut him off. "Differences?", she asked him softly.

He nodded his head. He sniffled slightly. "Lucinda came into my room, she crawled into my bed. And when I turned to look at her. It didn't look like her, it looked like you. It sounded like you. It felt like you. Everything about her looked like you. And I should have known something was wrong. I should have saw through her evil ways. I should have saw through everything. She was able to use her power of shapeshifting on me, making me see you instead of her. And the rest happened. It all happened, and yet I didn't see a difference, but It felt wrong. I should have known it wasn't you. I should've known. Maybe if I had. Cayden  would've been ours. Maybe then I wouldn't have lost you. I have always loved you Bella. Always. And I know I've done things that question my love for you. And I know you'll never trust me, or want me again. But I needed you to hear my truth, you already know everyone's truth. I needed you to hear mine", he told her. His voice cracking due to the Emotions he was feeling. He wanted to cry. The only time he's ever cried. Was in front of her.

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