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Shouto's POV
When Midoriya enters the classroom, he looks even worse than he had the day before. His eyes are bloodshot, as if he'd been crying all night and he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. His hair is more of a mess than usual and his uniform is wrinkled, as if he'd slept in it. His tie is missing as well. He's just all around disheveled, which seems out of character for him as far as Shouto can tell.

"Midoriya, it's school policy that every student wear a tie and it is very rude of you to go against that," Iida exclaims as soon as the greenette enters the room.

"Sorry Iida, but I really don't care right now. I'm too tired to be bothered with school policies," the aforementioned greenette responds.

"You really should make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep at night. It's very important for-"

"Yeah? Well tell that to my anxiety," Midoriya mutters, cutting the bluenette off mid sentence. He then plops down in his seat and stares out the window, head held up by his arm.

It's only been a couple of minutes before Aizawa pokes his head in. "Midoriya," he says, catching the entire class's attention, "I need you for a minute." He then disappears back into the hallway.

Midoriya lets out a long, suffering sigh before following him.

When Midoriya returns, no more than two minutes later, it looks like he's lost at least another week of sleep.


Midoriya spends most of the day dozing in his seat, head pillowed on his arms. Shouto thinks it's a good thing Bakugou's been moved to the other side of the room, because he's pretty sure he hears the greenette snoring at one point. Iida, who's changed seats with the blonde, turns around and taps the greenette's shoulder until he wakes up again, sitting up so quickly that Iida flinches away from him as if he's been bitten.

The bell indicating the beginning of lunch period rings a couple minutes later and Midoriya groans so loud it sends a couple of their classmates into fits of laughter.

Shouto goes over to the other boys desk and waits for him to get up so they can walk together. "Are you alright?" he asks as they leave the classroom, "you look like you haven't slept in at least a month."

"Well if you don't count the fact that I couldn't sleep for shit last night and the panic attack I had this morning, then yeah, I'm great," he responds.

Izu's POV
By the time I get home all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep for three days. When I walk into the apartment, mom gives me a hug and tells me to take a nap, that she'll call me out when the Bakugou's get here. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

I don't wake up until mom calls about two hours later. I'm still half asleep when I walk into the living room, until my eyes lock onto Bakugou that is. He looks up and our eyes meet for a moment. "Hi," I mumble after a few seconds, dropping my eyes down to the floor.

"Hello Izuku. It's been a while. It's good to see you," Aunty greets me from where she sits beside my mother.

"It's nice to see you too, Aunty," I respond, forcing myself to look up and give her a small smile, even though it doesn't quite reach my eyes.

"Come sit down," she says, scooting over so I can sit between her and my mother rather than on the other side of the couch beside Bakugou. I sit down a bit awkwardly between the two and then Aunty starts talking again. "I wanted to apologize for Katsuki's behavior towards you. I know it doesn't mean as much coming from me as it would coming from him and I know that no amount of apologizing will fix what he's done, but I want you to know that I'm sorry I didn't notice what he's been doing and I'm sorry I couldn't do anything until now. And I wanted you to know that had I noticed, I would have done whatever needed to be done to put a stop to it," she told me, reaching over to pull me into an awkward little side hug.

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