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y/n pov

"y/n what's the answer?" my teacher asks thinking she caught me off guard

"3" i say smiling

"seems like you were paying attention" she says

"yep" i say before going back on my phone

soon class is over and i grab my bag and walk out.

"y/n" i hear behind me

i turn around and see billie. "what's up?"

"i was wondering if you wanted to hang?"

"i was going to hang with my sister,you want to hang with us?"

"sure" she says

"ok come on" i say before grabbing her hand

we walk out the building and head to my car.

"so you sing how come i haven't heard of you" i say when we get in

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"so you sing how come i haven't heard of you" i say when we get in

"i don't know maybe you just live under a rock" she laughs

"let me hear something" i say before handing her my phone

"this just came out today" she says

"wait how famous are you?"

"seven grammys" she says

"WAIT...seriously" i say

"yeah" she smiles before the tune of an acoustic guitar sound begins

"what's this called?"

"your power" she says

i listen closely to the lyrics and the singing,by the end there are literal tears streaming down my face. "that was so good what the hell" i say wiping my tears

"thanks" she says

"you don't even have to explain i get it" i say before driving off

"okay good" she says nodding

"but i'm playing this on repeat" i say before restarting it

we soon get to my sister house and get out of my car. "so what's her name?"

"her name is zeliah and she's 24"

"oh so you're younger"

"yeah" i say

i knock on the door four times.  soon the door opens and my sister stands in the doorway.

"hey y/n"she says hugging me

"hey" i say

she pulls away and looks at billie before saying "ain't you that girl who tried to fuck me?".

"i-uh-no"billie says nervously

"yeah you are" she laughs


"her underage self was at the club and tried to fuck me" she says

"billie" i laugh

"what i didn't know that was your sister" she says

we walk inside and sit down. "so how's your little girlfriend and you?" zeliah asks me

"i broke up with her" i say

"oh—damn why?"

"racist ass bitch" i say

"did you beat her ass?"

"yeah" i say

"good! have you talked to mom?"

"no" i say

"well i don't blame you" she says before rolling her eyes

my mom and i kind of have a toxic relationship. she always find a way to make myself feel bad. like she'll point out things that i don't even care about and then boom another insecurity. then she'll try to make everything up by buying me things. she's also homophobic,i think i'm not sure but neither zeliah and i have came out to her.

my dad on the other hand is different. he's very nice and caring. he is not homophobic at all. sometimes my mom have her nice days but other than that she's making my life worse. she's nice and all to zeliah though.

she treats her way different than me. always praising her for everything but when it comes to me it's like she has this hatred towards me.

"so you two date now?" she points between billie and i

"oh no" i say

"i wish" billie says

"it's too early for me to get into another relationship i need time to myself first" i say

"well i can wait as long as you need" billie smiles

"want this?" zeliah says handing out a blunt

"nah i'm good" i say

"you smoke?"

"nope,i get high two different things" i say

"it's the same-" she starts

"just leave it be" my sister says

after hanging at my sister for another hour we leave . i get back to the dorm parking lot. "see you later" billie says after we get out of the car

she begins walking off but i stop her " wait"

she turns around and looks at me. "come to my dorm"

"you sure?"


we walk inside heading to my dorm. we get inside and i turn on my red led lights. i shuffle my playlist and the first song that comes on 'all the time'.

"NEXT SONG" billie yells

"why" i laugh

she shakes her head. "what's wrong with it?" i ask innocently

"nothing it's just—actually never mind"

"just what?" i smirk

suddenly i feel her lips on mines.

 LABYRINTH ;billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now