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y/n pov

i get to the venue and park my car. i go behind the building and knock on the tour bus door.

billies bodyguard opens the door. "oh y/n! hey!" he says

"hey,is billie in here?"

"yeah the others just went out to grab vegan ice cream"

"okay great" i say walking in

"BABYY??" she exclaims running into my arms

"hey"i smile

"i missed you so much"

"i missed you too,but i'm back now" i say before kissing her. she grabs my hands and we sit down on the couch.

"we should go to disneyland when we get back,as like a date" she says

"yeah? you think so! i mean...cause when we get back we are only going to have one week until college year starts"

"let's make that week worth it then" she smiles before taking off one of her rings. i look at her in confusion before she slides it onto my finger.

"we're married now" i smirk

"yeah we are" she smiles before kissing my hand

"i'm really tired though so like,nap with me?"

"of course" she says before we go to the bunk and get in together.

billies pov

i wake up an hour later and check my phone. i see that sage dmed me.


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me and supposedly yo girl the other day

cause the other day she was in a forced marriage

nah she was with me
she lied
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we're pretty hot together aren't we

that's literally old
she doesn't have her piercings in thoses
damn you really are stupid😭

bitch,she's mines
you have her for now
but i'll make sure to get her back
she still loves me i know she does

she literally hates you
she said she would rather jump off a bridge than date you

i want proof

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but whatever
check out my new post luv🥰

i exit out dms going to her page.

i exit out dms going to her page

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sage.la: yo,y/n was my girlfriend but she cheated on me with that girl @billieeilish ! billie is a homewrecker

user1: girl stop lying



user4: i believe you sage!

user5: not you lying

i laugh at her stupidness before kissing y/n on her forehead. i check the time and see we should probably get ready to go inside the venue.

i shake her. "wake up baby,it's time to go in the venue" i say

she groans in response before sitting up. after we both put on our shoes we leave out the tour bus and run into the venue building .

y/n pov

i say hi to everyone before billie and i go to the stage. we play around for a bit before her sound check starts.

after sound check we run off stage and go to the green room. "so did you kill him?" she asks randomly


"i'm taking that as a yes?"

"yeah...i hope"

"don't get caught"she laughs

"that's not funny bro"

"i'm not your bro" she says rolling her eyes

i wrap my hands around her throat. "that's true,but i say what i want" i say

her breath hitches and i let go smirking. "damn you didn't have to make my underwear wet" she says

"shut up" i laugh

"let's get married" she smiles

"nah i'm not planning on marrying you"

her mouth drops open. "that's so rude"

"i'm just playing baby,i'm going to marry you and then you're going to have like twenty of my kids"

"not at all" she says shaking her head

"you have ten,i have ten...actually never mind i don't think my coochie is made for that"

"mines either" she says

"ugh lea told me that she went on a date"

"it's about time that girl been lonely,how's max?"

"even though he got cheated on his first day of his relationship he's doing great"

"i-that poor guy always finding bad people"

a/n: how we feeling about all this stuff going on?

 LABYRINTH ;billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now