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y/n pov


hey babyy
i miss you:)

who tf?
bye who this?

it's me your gf

leave me alone you discharge

y/n,i miss you sooo much and i'm so sorry for everything i just want you back
i love you

i hope you know being obsessed isn't cute

so if i wasn't obsessed with you,you would like me back😁?

not at all😟

just give me a chance please

you do know i'm in a happy marriage right?
so stop being obsessed and leave me alone
if i find out that you text my girl with some empty threat i will not be happy with that so watch your back

ohhh i'm so scared😜
anyways,can you fuck me?

that's so disgusting
i just vomit in my mouth

just please

ew omg😭😃
🙍🏽‍♀️i'm so sad

why babe?

i cant wait till your future jobs find out about your obsessive behavior 🥰

daddy pls make me cum

i'm scared 😬

uh bye


i block her before pulling up in the drive way of my dad's house.

yeah i was texting and driving...don't tell billie or the police

uh don't text and drive lol,cause you can die easily and you don't need to die.

alice (y/n mom) pov

"i just want to know why we're you so homophobic to everyone? more specifically your child" lisa asks

"i was scared of my true sexuality and i took it out on her,i know she and her wife didn't deserve that and i want to do everything i can to make up for it" i smile

"how long have you known?" she asks

"every since i had been married" i say

"oh wow" she says

"let's makeout now" i say before connecting our lips together not really wanting to talk about it

she straddles my lap and i run my hand up her shirt. the sound of the front door opening makes her jump off my lap.

"EVERY SINGLE TIME!" y/n says in frustration

"sorry" i say not really sorry,cause who said she could just be walking in she moved out

"hey" lisa says

"hey,anyways where is dad?" she asks

"outside" i say

"just fucking great" she says sarcastically

"language" i scold

"it isn't that big of a deal! we are both grown ass women" she smiles before going out the back door

"she's something else" lisa laughs

y/n pov

"IM BORED SO I CAME TO BOTHER YOU" i yell out just cause i felt like it

"where's billie?"

"doing some photo shoot,i didn't go because i didn't think it would be all day long" i groan

"oh well hang with zeliah" he says

"she's fucking some girl right now" i say casually

"wait-did you leave your dog?"

"no he's with his other mommy and grandma" i smile

"i was going to suggest taking him out to the park" he says

"i'll walk around this block" i say

"be safe" he says

"i will" i say before walking back inside the house

mom and lisa obviously went upstairs so i just leave out the front door. i begin walking down the sidewalk.

as i'm walking i see a trail that i've seen but never took before. i decide to go on it.

i see waterfall fountains lined up as i walk down the trail,shooting water like my cooch when-

"oh it's you!" i hear behind me

i turn around to see the lai girl. "uh hi" i say

"it's insane how much we run into each other" she laughs

"yeah so what are you doing here,i thought you lived in the same neighborhood as us?" i ask

"well,some of my family stay in this area,we had an argument just now so i left to cool off"she smiles

"oh sorry about that" i say

"yeah,well i just wanted to let you know that billie is only with you cause she feels bad,there is more prettier people than you and i'm pretty sure she would want them"

"your wrong,no ones hotter than me" i say

"true" she mumbles

"girl make your mind an i ugly or not?"

"i was just kidding,i love you two together" she smiles

"oh well that joke isn't funny" i say

"it was nice speaking to you again,where's billie?"

"she's doing something right now" i say

"aww that sucks,also you the puppy is cute" she smiles

how does she know about that? no one knows about that

"i'm going to go" i say before speed walking towards the house

that girl is strange. i've seen her two times now and it's not like it was months apart,it was only two days apart.

also the fact that billie seen her before is strange. like it is not possible for her to happen to be wherever we are all the time.

 LABYRINTH ;billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now