>>Chapter 20<<

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After talking to Lillie about Gladion's disappearance, (Y/N) felt a bit relieved. She had promised to take care of Lillie and since she had promised none other than Gladion, she vowed to make it her life mission to protect Lillie until she left her house like Gladion did.

Gladion didn't like talking about it but (Y/N) knew that their mother put them through hell like they had put Type: Null through hell. She didn't exactly know the details, but Gladion had told her enough for her to be wary around his family. She was sure without Gladion, Lillie would have it 10 times harder, and she vowed to be there for her. Lillie was her friend after all, and (Y/N) would never forgive herself if she allowed something to happen to her.

Prom was in a few days and (Y/N) felt sad that Gladion would not be there for it, or for graduation, or anything for that matter. She half-expected him to text her by now but she was met with static silence. Of course, she tried calling him but he wouldn't answer his phone. Perhaps it was for the best since Lusamine would probably just track it down.

(Y/N) let out a sigh and walked into her house. The first thing she noticed when she got in was her bookcase. Suddenly she remembered.

The flowers.

The flowers Gladion had given her were still pressed in her books. She took them out and stared at the withered and dried up flowers in the pages of her books. That's all she had left of Gladion for now. Not to be dramatic, she would eventually see him again, but she still missed him. She missed his emerald eyes, his blonde hair dancing with the wind, his sassy, edgy attitude...There's not a thing about him she didn't miss. She looked at the flowers once more and decided to frame them. 

She took one last look at the flowers; they were all dry and not as colourful as they once were. They were still as beautiful as the first time she saw them, at least they were to her. She held one of the Gladiolus flowers in her hand, being as careful as one could possibly be, afraid they might break or disappear if she wasn't careful. She spun the flower around with her fingers and looked at it while she thought about the guy who had given her the flowers. Even all dried up, she would keep them forever, not because she liked the flowers (she did), but because of the meaning they held. They reminded her of someone special, of a special moment, and mostly it reminded her that Gladion had chosen her over his pride. She was important to him somehow and this flowers were proof of that.

She took the flowers into her room and took out a black frame with golden touches on the corners. The color scheme somehow reminded her of Gladion, more so because the flowers she kept were red. She carefully placed the flowers inside the picture frame and hung it up on her wall. (Y/N) sat on her bed staring at the flowers and thinking about Gladion for the longest time. She never had time to confess her feelings to him. Maybe that was for the best, (Y/N) thought. After all, she didn't want to embarrass herself if Gladion were to reject her.

Maybe they would've been together if she confessed. What would life be like if she and Gladion ended up together? What type of boyfriend would he be? Would he be into PDA? Or would he be as stoic and cold as he usually is towards everyone? (Y/N) wondered if Gladion would be the romantic type. He was quite different with her, he was kinder, warmer, and probably more genuine, but she had a hard time picturing him in love. She could only wonder.

(Y/N) continued to daydream about how her life would have been had she confessed her feelings to Gladion.


It was already nighttime and the stars sparkled far above in the sky where no one could reach them. The wind blew, making the branches in the trees rustle and lose some leaves in the process. The leaves fell down, creating a soft rain of nature fall upon anyone who walked outside. Gladion stared at the leaves for a moment before turning back to the sound of the music. He sat in a dark corner looking at the party in front of him. He couldn't be seen or there would be dire consequences, so he remained in the dark, just staring at (Y/N) sitting at a table talking to Ilima about god knows what. 

He desperately wanted to go to her and confess all that he felt for her. To look into her eyes and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, to hold her face in his hands and kiss her gently, but it was too risky to even try, so he settled for just seeing how beautiful she looked in her (F/C) dress.

He didn't have all the time in the world, so he decided to do what he was there to do. And that was to return Milotic to its rightful owner. He took Milotic out of his pokéball and let it sit on the pond just outside of school, hoping (Y/N) would see it when she came out.


(Y/N) decided to leave the party early, she was too tired both physically and emotionally to try and pretend she was actually enjoying herself. She said goodbye to Ilima and hugged him tightly since this was the last time they would see each other, for Ilima was leaving. He was going to the Kalos region to train and learn more about Pokémon. 

She left her best friend and walked outside only to find the last thing she expected to see. Milotic, HER Milotic was sitting right in front of her, with a ribbon tied around its neck. She walked towards her Pokémon, picked up Milotic's pokéball from the ground and got close to Milotic to pet it. Milotic happily accepted it owner's display of affection. (Y/N) looked at the ribbon tied around its neck and noticed a piece of paper stuck to it. She took the ribbon of her Pokémon and read the note.

 It was an address. In Akala Island. 

She knew exactly what it meant, and she couldn't wait to visit, but she had to make sure Lillie was safe first.

A/N: HEY THEREEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm shit at updating i know I'm sorry. I'm planning on ending the story soon and I wanted to know what you guys think, should I make a sequel or should I leave it at the happy ending in this book? There's one or two chapters left to the story and my brain is completely out of ideas. Sorry if this was short, I'm already writing the next chapter and I plan on making it a long one so it might take some time to get done

I do want to apologize for the long time it's taking me to update lately, I'm drowning in homework and killing myself to get good grades. But I'm glad to inform you I got an A++ in all my exams, My semester ends soon so if I do finish this story soon, I'd probably use my vacations to write a sequel or maybe another book. Also if anyone has suggestions as to another fanfiction, I'm open to ideas, currently I'm watching Attack on Titan so I might do that next.

Anyways please vote and comment if you liked it! It would mean the world to me!

See you next chapter!

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