Chapter 8 A New Guard

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Nightglider stood before the Senate with a smile as they read off her oath and then put a new little addendum on her crown to make it larger, and gave her a black cape and black shoulder pads and then simply let her speak. She decided to make her speech to the nation short and sweet

"Hello, citizens of the Cybertronian empire, vossians, southerners, northerners, colonists, miners, students, teachers, military men, seekers, bosses, workers, mechs, femmes, sires, carriers, sons, daughters. Today we are gathered to welcome the new regent of the cybertronian empire. That regent happens to be I, Nightglider the first, the eldest surviving daughter of our great lord Starscream. Today I stand before you accepting the full burden of the empire, and I say that not only will I take this responsibility, I will own this responsibility ,"

She then slammed her hands down on the table before her and she leaned into the multiple microphones that were sat there and were being pushed into her face

"My sire is the greatest leader cybertron has ever had but recently his old age has affected his mind and he has stopped our conquests of the cybertronian empire! But today I tell you we will continue, the universe is ours to control! This universe is ours to pillage and ours to abuse until we are all rich and never have to work. But before then we have money in the bank, you will be given welfare, you will be given everything you want, your jobs will pay you more, your houses value will go up. I am a populist, a reformist, and a proud militarist. You will be able to be happy and do whatever you wish within the law, no one will go without their needs! And the institutions that have allowed the slowing of our progress in the last few years will be overthrown, first and foremost, this senate. So thus I am hereby announcing that any and all power that the senate has is now null and void, this is a absolute monarchy as it should be, not a democracy!"

There was a collective gasp from the senate as Valkyrie smiled. She disliked the senate as well but she would never have the balls to disband it, or take away its power. Nightglider walked off the stage with all of the sisters except Screamfly and Lilith a smirk plastered over her face

Nightglider strode into the throne room and as she opened the door and walked into the room, it was large and rectangular with a large and fancy throne lifted up with a flight of stairs leading up to it which separated it from where everyone else would ever be. Next to it say a smaller but identical throne, they were tall and black with triangles that stood at the top of the throne, and then throne of the ruler had a large purple gem above it. She walked up to the throne, she had already talked to all of her sisters except for Screamfly, Valkyrie was already assembling her staff, Viper was readying for the destruction of the secret services and starting up her own services, their name haven't been decided yet. The secret services were good at killing organics and killing political enemies but they were far to powerful and their leaders were too independent and power hungry so within a few days the army will kill the leaders and Viper will set up her new little army. Nightglider strode up to the throne her fists clenched as Lilith her slave queen walked behind her. Her heels were loud and they commanded the room as she walked up to the throne and stopped as she looked over it. She was almost drooling as Lilith came behind her and politely waited for Nightgliders command. She had been rather independent today and her mind was tired out so she was going be extra submissive throughout the day, and well that would also make Nightglider happy. Nightglider then took a careful step forward and then slowly and carefully, as if it would bite, she sat down, and then it seemed like she melted back into the over sized throne. She leaned against one side and sighed as Lilith looked at her with puppy dog eyes and instantly she could tell what her lover wanted."

"You May sit with me."

"Thank you, what should I call you now, empress of queen."

"Empress will be fine."

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