Kell's POV
Dean says "literally no one drives around here" and I say "well, not in here anyway" and he says "if we wanted to do anything in the streets we would have to do it really late or really early, like two in thee morning. It would be really quick so its weird we can just stand in the street." I chuckle saying "old rich people live here mostly so I don't recommend doing this in the middle of the night" and we chuckle. One of the girls say "you're cool but I'm tired and we live across the street from each other so I'll probably see you around" and I chuckle saying "you're cool too, I don't leave my house so I'll probably see you around." We chuckle and she says "I'm so tired" chuckling and leaves and goes into the house and Charlie comes up to me saying "hey, I'm here to kidnap a kid" and I say "alright" and we chuckle. Casie says "I'll see you later, dad" and I say "see ya, kid" and we do our handshake and Charlie says "I'll see you later, Col" and I say "yeah, bye" biting my lip. Dean says "you're a lot nicer than I thought you were" and I chuckle saying "I try" and Riley comes up to me saying "hey" and I say "hey" and Dean says "I'll see you around" and I nod at him. Riley says "I'm Riley" and I say "Colson, Kells, Col, whatever you want to call me at this point" and he smiles saying "hi" and I say "hey" smiling. We chuckle and a girl says "I'm gay but you have a really nice face" and we chuckle and I say "thank you" and she walks away and Riley says "I'm gay and you have a really sexy face." I say "you're just really sexy" and he says "is it really hot out here or is it just you?" We chuckle and he says "that was low hanging fruit, I couldn't help it though" and I laugh saying "so low, it was great though and yeah, it's a bit hot out here, it's not just you" and he says "that was smooth. Low but smooth" and I say "I'll agree with that" and he smiles saying "you're really hot" and I say "I'm gonna be home alone later, wanna come over?" He says "you're passing up Megan Fox for me?" I say "baby, you don't know me" and he bites his lip saying "I'll take you up on your offer then" and I say "let me see your phone" and he blushes, handing me his phone and I call myself. I answer it then hang up saying "call me" and he bites his lip and I walk away and Megan says "are they cool?" I say "yeah, they're cool, they're really nice" and she says "they seem cool" and Rook says "they're all going to be my besties" and I chuckle saying "I'm your bestie" and he says "that's true" and we chuckle. Megan says "I gotta go, my parents want me to come over for dinner" and I say "I'll see you" and she says "yeah" hugging me and she leaves. Rook says "I'm really tired, man, I'm gonna go home" and I say "you're always tired, are you doing alright?" He says "I'm borderline anemic according to my doctor, working on fixing it but I'm still tired" and I chuckle saying "alright, good luck, man." He says "gonna try working out after taking a nap" and I chuckle saying "I wish you luck" and he says "see you, man" and he leaves. I sit on the stairs and I smoke and Travis FaceTimes me and I say "what's up?" He says "nothing much, you?" I say "this dance group moved in across from me and they did a thing to Floor 13 and Bad by Michael Jackson and it was sick, so I watched them with Megan, Rook and Casie for an hour. Then I talked to the dancers for a bit, made friends and now I'm smoking, hanging out, talking to you, that's all I did really." He chuckles saying "sounds fun" and I say "yeah, so what do you got for me?" He says "interview tomorrow night" and I say "with?" He says "Cordon" and I say "that guys nice, I'm down" and he says "good cause you don't have a choice" and we chuckle. He says "ok, I'm going on a date, I'll see you later" and I say "bye, Trav, good luck with your date" and he says "thank you" and we chuckle and I say "you're welcome" and we hang up. I take a hit mumbling "damn, Riley is like stupid pretty" and I get up and change my sheets on my bed because you never know then I go back outside. I go to twitter and I write: how are y'all doing? If you're on the east coast, go to bed, you have school in the morning. I chuckle saying "I'm an idiot" rolling my eyes and I mumble "tomorrow is Monday though" and I chuckle mumbling "I'm so high." Riley walks over and says "hey" quietly, sitting next to me and I say "hey" and I say "how are you?" He smiles saying "I'm good, tired, how are you?" I say "tired, good but high" and we chuckle and I say "what are you doing tomorrow?" He says "putting together a dance studio in the basement by myself probably" chuckling and I chuckle saying "I can help if you want, I'm doing nothing as of right now." We chuckle and he says "you seem like a busy guy" and I say "I bet you're a lot busier than me, oh yeah, I have an interview tomorrow night, forgot about that, I literally just got called about that." He smiles saying "our whole group has one tomorrow too" and I say "where you going?" He says "Cordon" and I say "me too" and we chuckle and he says "no way" smiling and I say "probably going to be, so are you doing it with Megan Fox?" We chuckle and he says "we'll probably get is anyone dating each other in the house?" We chuckle and I say "that sounds interesting, literally a soap opera" and we chuckle and he says "pretty much."

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