Kell's POV
Then I get an idea, I know where Riley's stuff is and I'm trying to win him over this week so I go to get flowers. I go into this shop and the girl says "hey, what can I get you?" I say "hi, I'm trying to win someone over, what are you thinking?" She says "hmmm, pink" and I say "I like that thinking" and she says "how many?" I say "twenty" and she says "you got it" and she puts about 5 white roses in with it and she says "what do you think?" I say "wonderful, thank you" and she says "you're welcome, have a good night" smiling and I say "you too" going back to the lot. Before I go into the building I take the card that's in it and I write: xx in the bottom corner of it then I go in, place the flowers on top of his stuff and now we wait. The show finishes and the all tiredly come backstage and Riley blushes then looks at me and I wink at him then I go up to the group saying "I'll see you guys around, someone's got an admirer" and I go home. I text Riley saying:
Me: if you aren't too tired, come over
Riley: are you horny or do you want to see me?
Me: you doubt me too much and both
Riley: ok, let me shower, I'll see you in a bit
Me: ok
I shower cause I'm sweaty from stage lights and suit jackets. I put sweatpants on and I go downstairs and I scroll instagram and twitter until I hear a gentle knock on my door. I bite my lip saying "I'm fucked" and I go to the door and I answer it and Riley says "hey, daddy" looking me up and down and I say "hey, baby, what's good?" He comes in and I shut the door saying "you look really hot" and he blushes saying "you got me flowers, when did you get the time for that?" I say "while you guys were on stage" and his phone rings and he mumbles "I never get a break" and he answers saying "hello?" He puts it on speaker and this guy says "where are you?" Riley says "moved away" and the guy says "I want you back" and Riley says "fuck you, you're a bland deadbeat asshole, you need to get a life and maybe someone will want you" rolling his eyes. The guy says "can I make it up to you" and Riley says "you weren't even good in bed, never did anything for me when I got you out of jail twice and the list goes on" and the guy says "you're a fucking whore" and Riley says "at least people think I'm good in bed." I mumble "sick burn" kissing him and he smiles, biting his lip then he says "fuck you, get a life" and hangs up and he says "never catch a break from him even if I move across the god damn country." I mumble "I can make you feel better" against his ear and he mumbles "not a one time thing?" I mumble "no, I'll do you in the morning too if you want it, hell, maybe even all day tomorrow, you just gotta ask, beautiful" and he says "am I sure you're great?" I say "I'm the greatest thing you'll ever have" against his neck and he bites his lip saying "prove it" and I say "you can even call him back so he can hear you moan as I fuck you" and he says "I'm keeping you." I pull him to my room and I kiss him and he moves his hands to my hair and I kiss him deeper saying "what do you want?" He sighs mumbling "fuck, I want whatever you give me" and I kiss him and he says "I do prefer to walk tomorrow though, I got shit to do." I mumble "I'll give you whatever you want, beautiful" kissing his neck and I push him onto the bed and he smiles making grabby hands at me and I lean down to kiss him.
Smut starts
I run my fingers under his shirt and he pulls it off then I kiss him saying "you're so pretty" kneeling in between his thighs and I rub his sides saying "you're beautiful." I kiss him and he reaches over to pull my sweatpants off and he moves his hands over me slowly and I palm him slowly and he bites his lip and I lean down to kiss him. I bite his lip and he sighs then I say "you're cute" pecking lips then I kiss down his chest and stomach and I bite softly saying "I wanna see your pretty face" licking a line up his stomach slowly and he shivers. I kiss him and he says "mmmm, you're so hot" and I unbutton his jeans saying "you're so good" pulling them off and I move my hands over his thighs. I grind on him and lean down to kiss him and he moans quietly saying "fuck" and I kiss him hard and he grips my hair gently. After I do this for a bit he says "fuck me please" moaning and I say "fuck" moving my hand over him and I pull his boxers off. I jerk him off slowly and he moans saying "fuck" and I bite my lip and I smile mumbling "your moans are cute" moving my other hand to his cheek, moving my thumb over his lips. He gets up and pulls me off the bed and gets on his knees and I mumble "god I'm keeping you forever" running my fingers through his hair as he pulls my boxers off. He licks softly and I say "fuck" and he jerks me off slowly and I bite my lip saying "so cute" as he takes my length into his mouth. I thrust in slowly and I feel him whine in the back of his throat and I say "you look so good like this" running my fingers through his hair and resting my hand on the back of his neck. I say "fuck" and he pulls away saying "please?" I say "yes, beautiful, come here" and I push him onto the bed once he stands up and I kiss him softly.

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