Kell's POV
He gets off my back and he turns the lights off and says "I can't see" and I say "that's cause you turned the light off" and he says "it was sarcasm, dummy" and we laugh. I say "rude" and he plugs the sign in and I say "that's cool" its white and light blue lighting and he smiles saying "its cool, right?" I say "it's really cool, you know how to do shit" wrapping my arms around his waist and he mumbles "I love you" and I mumble "I love you too, did you know that guy?" He says "yeah" looking down and I say "baby, why'd you lie about that?" Riley says "I didn't want to tell you there" and I say "that's ok, baby" kissing his neck and I mumble "tell me about it" and he says "that was my crazy ex on the phone, some how found me" and I mumble "restraining order?" He mumbles "tried, he charms his way out of everything" and I mumble "I'm sorry, baby" kissing him and he mumbles "yeah, I think were going to have to get security to be with us at al times because of that now." I mumble "everyone around here has security at this point" and he says "I used to get in fights a lot in New York cause guys would come up to me and try to touch me and I'm over that now. We've been planning on it since we moved out here but we never really jumped on it" and I say "just do it, its not you'll get insulted for it, you're a dance group not rappers, you won't get trashed for having security." He says "is that why you don't have security?" I say "well, I just never really wanted security either, I made fun of Eminem having it in one of my most famous songs so now I'm not allowed to have security or I'd see headlines of MGK is a hypocrite in song Rap Devil. I'm trashed enough and I got friends who've been winning stupid fights like those for years." He says "like who?" I say "Rook and Slim, Rook is mean when he wants to be and you could say Slim is your dad then he turns protective guard dog in two seconds. Then me, we all have anger issues of some kind so you're fine wherever you go with us but if you feel safer, I would get security, like I'd pay for it too." He smiles saying "I love you" and I say "I love you too" and we go back upstairs and he sits on the kitchen counter and rests his head on my shoulder. He mumbles "I'm tired" and I mumble "once you wake up more, he might not be in the hospital since he's gone and there were no sirens, we can call him and I can fuck you so he hears you." He says "we'll have to do that at some point, maybe tomorrow" and he smiles saying "I like your idea of revenge" and I kiss him saying "he deserves it" and I mumble "plus its super hot, he'd be so jealous." He smiles saying "mmm, I'm down, but I'm really tired" and I kiss him saying "ok" and he mumbles "we can play it up a lot too if we want." I mumble "I like your thinking" and he smiles, kissing me and I say "I love you" and he mumbles "I love you too" and I say "guys, I know you're there." Riley jumps and I mumble "you're just fine" against his neck nod he relaxes a bit and I rub his back mumbling "I love you" against his neck and he says "stop doing that, it feels weird" and I chuckle. I say "love, it's supposed to" and he says "listen, dork, I'll fight you" and I roll my eyes saying "you're cute" and he says "I want a hug" and I say "you just said you were going to fight me." He says "I want a hug" and I chuckle, pulling him to me and I say "you change your mind a lot" and he says "I'm indecisive" and the people just laugh and I say "no way" rolling my eyes. He laughs saying "I want a nap" and I say "don't we all" and Dean says "how bad are your knuckles?" I say "they aren't bad, still bad from several days ago but not terrible" and Riley says "stop hitting people" and I say "ok, you know why I did, shut your mouth" and he says "fine." Dominique says "are we first to be in on this?" I say "no" and she says "damnit" and I say "such a shame" rolling my eyes and she says "I wanted the exclusive" and I roll my eyes saying "well, too bad?" Dean says "better be more important than me" and I say "most people are more important to me than you" and we laugh and my phone rings and I answer saying "welcome to the Colson Baker hotline, you're on speaker" putting it on speaker. Casie says "well, take it off of speaker, I wanna talk to you, dork" and I say "yes, ma'am" and I do that and put it my ear saying "yup?" She says "something seems off and I'm trying to figure it out, what happened?" I say "lots of things happened today" and she says "I'm coming over" and I say "great, someone is here to see you" and she says "who?!" I say "surprise, child surprise" and she says "I wanna know!" I say "well, suck it up" and she says "ok, fine, give me a few minutes" and yells to Charlie to drive her over and I chuckle saying "ok, love you" mad she says "love you too" hanging up. I say "ok, I gotta go, I'll see y'all later" and I mumble "you coming over later?" Riley mumbles "bitch, I'm not walking" and I say "ok, I might not be able to come over is all I'm saying and you asked for it" and he says "damnit." I mumble "you asked for it, quit whining, whore" against his cheek and he blushes and I mumble "I'm right" and he mumbles "you are, Colson." I kiss him mumbling "later if you're quiet" and he nods and I mumble "I love you" and he mumbles "I love you too" kissing me.

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