His Response

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"Hey, Luke! Answer me where are we going?!" I asked. I'm so confused right now. What is going on.

Too much in one day.

"To the park where we can talk." He said.

His ears are red which means he's flustered... It's cute.

Our hands are still intertwined. His hand feels so nice in mine.

We finally got to the park and sat on the swings. I remember doing this when we were younger.

I wonder if he doesn't feel the same way we can just go back to being friends and forget this ever happened...

He didn't say anything he just started to swing.

It was silent and awkward for about 10 minutes before I said something.

"I'm sorry..." I said. He must feel so uncomfortable right now.

"Huh? Why?"

"I like you, that's why this must be weird."


That's when he got off the swing and came to mind. And started to push me.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Can't you tell I'm pushing you to make you go higher? This is what couples do on dates right?"

Couple? Dates?! That's when I stopped.

"Luke, What do you mean?!"

"I overheard your conversation with your parents." He said.

I froze. I mean he already knows that I like him but now he knows that I really like him. That's embarrassing.

"Oh, you did? I knew you were acting strange." I laughed. This was always a defense mechanism whenever for me. Make light of not-so-light situations.

He turned the swing to make me face him.

"Yes, Issac I did. I heard how you fell in love with me. And from the sound of it, it seems like you fell for me hard." He smiled.

"I love your smile!" I blurted out. I want to tell him probably.

"I love your hair! I love how you dress! I love your voice! I love your heartbeat! I love your hands and how nicely yours fit in mine! I love your lips! I love your eyes! I love you at your best and at your worst. And I love everything about you!"

"Even if you don't feel the same way I just wanted to let you know how I feel!"

I wanted to say so much more to him, but I don't want to overwhelm him even more.

The wind feels nice. The sky is so pretty. And in front of me, is the love of my life. Even if he rejects me... I'll think I'll be okay.

"Ah. I see." he said. He looks exhausted. I mean who wouldn't, your best friend who didn't like anything concerning a certain community and who you thought was straight, comes out and confess to you twice. All in the same day.

I would be exhausted too.

I wonder what he's thinking about right now...

Maybe I should apologize...

~Luke's POV~

Did this guy just confess to me twice?! I mentally signed. I'm too tired for this right now.

First, my girlfriend or lover broke up with me.

Then I find out that the reason this guy was acting weird around me was because he likes me.

My brain can't handle all of this, but he's probably expecting a response. I guess I'll give him one.


"Ah, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" A voice called out to me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Sup Luke!" They said. "Oh, it's you, Sam! Sorry I want to be left alone for a while.."

"Completely understandable but before I leave you alone can you hear me out." Sam asked with her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine but make it quick I want to go home and sleep."

"Thank you so much! You're the best! Okay, first I want to apologize..." They said while rubbing their cheek I can see that it's starting to bruise a little bit.

"I didn't mean for things to go this way. And I didn't mean to use you.. It was all a stupid plan to get you and Issac together. I should have taken account for both of your feelings."

"Thank you Sam for apologizing it means a lot." I told her in a monotone voice.

"Now before I go can you please do me a favor?"

"Sure I guess I don't have anything better to do." I told them.

"Great! Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and lead me somewhere. To be honest we could have been a cute couple.

"Okay, we're here when we go in just listen and don't talk ok."

I nodded. We were at their house. 'What's all of this about now.' I thought before going in.

That's when I heard voices, well mainly one. It sounded familiar. "That's when Luke came and helped me."

Oh, he's talking about me. I guess he does like-...

"But he'll probably never talk to me again..."

I remember when he sounded like that whenever he and Alisha got in a fight. He sounded so sad.

I really did want to help him, see him smile  and hearing him like this hurt. But the thing was he was acting like this because of me...

I want him to smile again and not just because he's my best friend because I...

"According to your face right now, it looks like you know what to tell him."

I nodded my head.

"Good, thank you Luke for everything."

I walked in after Sam came and got me. I didn't do say anything I just took his hand and left. I could tell my ear was red. I was flustered.

*End of Flashback*

"I like you." I told him. I looked him straight in the eyes and told him.

"Maybe not as much as much as you like me but I like you."

"But, I'm so happy you feel the same way!" I smiled at him. I waited for his reaction.

A/N: Confession pt. 2 !!! 🤩 The confession was actually inspired by the one in Strobe Edge (the same author as Blue Spring Ride.)

I'm going to be honest if there's one thing that I would change about this story is making not focusing on their sexuality so much but instead their actual relationship. I might redo it.

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