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"You two know each other?" Dev asked as he gestured between Olivia and a very drunk Spencer.

Olivia sighed, "I'm familiar with him. We barely know each other." She lied. She licked her lips nervously and looked at Dev before smiling.

"So," she started before taking a seat next to him. He seemed to have forgotten about the little moment between herself and Spencer. Everyone went into their own little worlds, including her friends who occupied their time with Dev's friends.
"Tell me about yourself?" She asked him to avoid another awkward moment.

Dev looked at her after hearing her question. He licked his lips slowly before nodding. Olivia studied his features in the mean time while she waited for him to answer her question. He was very handsome and based on his body, she wouldn't have to think twice about him being a football player.

"Well I'm from Oakland. I moved down to the city a few years ago. The Chargers drafted me a couple years ago and this has been my home ever since." He spoke close to her ear.

She shivered a little from the cool air on her ear. He definitely passed the breath check which made him even more attractive.

"Nice. Well I'm from Beverly Hills. It's not a far drive from here. I moved here after graduating college and I haven't left since." She shouted a bit over the music.

"So what do you do?" He asked her, intrigued to know more.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked obviously confused.

Dev chuckled, "I mean for a living." He elaborated.

"Oh," Olivia said as she slightly blushed red from embarrassment. "I'm a counselor slash therapist. If that makes sense."

Dev nodded, "I like that. Beautiful and smart. You have it all figured out, huh?" He complimented.

Olivia smiled, "something like that."

The conversation died down a bit as they sat in silence for a few minutes. Dev eventually raised another conversation moments later.
"Look, I don't want to leave here tonight without getting your number. I think you're amazing and I would love to get to know you more. If that's okay?" He asked while looking at her.

Olivia smiled, "Of course. Give me your phone."

Dev didn't hesitate to hand over his phone where a blank contact screen showed. Olivia quickly entered her number before saving the contact under: Olivia. She handed his phone back.

"Text me so that I can save yours." Olivia instructed as she pulled her phone out.

Dev nodded before texting her a random Emoji. When the text came through, she saved his number under: Dev.

As they were about to continue a conversation,      
yelling caught their attention.

"What the fuck, Spence?!"

Everyone in the section stopped to see what the commotion was. Olivia looked over to see Spencer sitting confused and the other guy who she guess was his team mate standing over him.

"You need to take your drunk ass home!"

Olivia looked at Dev as he stood to separate the two before things got even more out of hand. She shook her head as she noticed how messed up he was. Even though they weren't "friends", she still felt the need to help him. She wouldn't feel right if she left him in this state.

Marie walked over to her and nudged her before sitting next to her.
"What happened?" She asked Olivia as she watched the scene unfold.

"He's too drunk." Olivia observed. "I think I'm going to take him home."

Marie looked at her, "really?" She asked.

All Olivia did was nod before standing. "Okay. We'll be safe and call me if you need anything."

Without another word, Olivia walked over to where Dev was standing.
"Hey, I think I'm gonna help Spencer get home."

Dev turned to her, "You sure? I mean you don't even know him."

Olivia nodded, "I'm sure. This is what I do. I can't let him go like this. He could hurt himself or someone else."

"Yeah, you're right." Dev agreed. "I told him not to come. I don't know how he can relax with his leg messed up like that."

Olivia chuckled, "He should be resting. If you could help me get him to my car, I could drop him off at home."

Dev nodded before whispering to Spencer. He didn't really know what was happening so he didn't object.

After about 10 minutes of dragging Spencer to her car, Dev made sure he was in the passenger seat strapped in and comfortable.

Olivia stood outside of her door as she waited for Dev to come around.
"Thank you." She said sweetly before kissing his cheek. "I had fun."

"No problem and I did too. Let's meet up again soon?" He asked.

Olivia nodded. Before leaving, he grabbed her hand a placed a light kiss on it. "Goodnight, Olivia."

Olivia smiled and waved as she watched Dev head back inside. It was about 3 a.m and the club was still very much live.

As she put the address into the GPS, she looked over at Spencer who seemed to be asleep.

She pulled off and followed the directions presented in front of her.

"Spencer?" Olivia spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

Spencer slowly lifted his head. He groaned, "M..my head." He said before laying it back.

"Too much to drink. What were you thinking? You're so fucked up." She stated as she watched the road.

It was pretty empty on the roads leading to his home.

"I just needed to relax." He slurred.

"Trust me, this isn't the way." Olivia shot back before sighing.

It was quiet for a few more moments before the sound of retching caused her to jump.

"What the-" she looked at Spencer who was doubled over. "Are you serious right now?" she asked a sick Spencer.

He held his stomach and when he was finished, he sat up.

"You know what? You're so lucky this is a rental because if it was mine, you'd be walking home AFTER I beat your ass."

Spencer looked at her. "I feel like shit, Liv."

"Yeah, I bet. You look like it too."

When they arrived to his property, she parked the car after unlocking his front gate. She walked over to his side of the car and opened the door. She attempted to her him out without causing them both to topple down the drive way.

"Spencer, I need you to stand up." She said as she grunted from the struggle of supporting his weight.

Eventually, they made it into his home after fumbling to unlock the door for nearly 5 minutes.

She helped him to his couch before letting him fall onto the couch and sprawl out.

Olivia stood as she tried to catch her breath.
"Okay, you can go to sleep now." She said breathlessly.

"You're not going to lay with me?" He asked with his eyes barely open.

"No. I'm sure your wife can do that when she gets home." Olivia said coldly as she made sure her keys were in her palm before heading to the door.

"I'll see you Monday at nine. Don't be late."

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