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The next morning was a lot more productive than her last few days had been. The office was back open and her clients were as happy to see her as she was to see them. Olivia knew this is where she needed to be. She needed to help people.

She had been swamped with appointments all morning and she was on her final one before lunch. They were about 5 minutes from being finished.

"Okay, Mr. Thompson-"

"Please, call me Johnathan. Mr. Thompson makes me feel old." He insisted as he watched her nod.

"Right. Right. I'm sorry. Johnathan, what is the goal for this week?" Olivia asked him as she notated a few things in her notebook.

"The goal is to learn how to communicate better. I'll get started on that as soon as I get back home." He stated happily.

She smiled at his happiness. She was glad she was able to get him where he needed to be in such a short span of time. He was one of the tougher ones. When he first started coming, he would shut every idea down. This was definitely a 180 from the last session.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that." Olivia cleared her throat and sat up a bit. "Is there anything else you wanted to discuss before we end for today?" She asked him.

"Actually, there is." She watched her client reach into his pocket and pull out a business card. "I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are. I wanted to give you this."
He handed over the card with black small letters.

Olivia blushed at his comment before focusing on the card. "Thank you." She responded to his compliment. "What is this?"

She looked over the card as she waited for him to answer her question. Two words caught her attention. Modeling Agency.

"A modeling agency?" She asked after realizing what the card was saying. Olivia chuckled shyly, "Um.."

"Yeah. My sister owns her own modeling agency and she's always looking for young, beautiful models. You definitely fit the description."

Olivia's cheeks turned red at the compliment. She cleared her throat in attempt to keep everything professional.
"Wow, I don't know what to say."

Jonathan looked at her before standing. "At least say you'll think about it."

Olivia watched him stand before she followed suit. "Of course. Thank you."

They shook hands and said their goodbye's before he exited her office.
Olivia looked over the card once more before she placed it into her purse and walked into the main area where her receptionist/best friend was waiting.

"You okay?" Marie asked as she noticed her best friend's expression.
"He didn't try anything did he?" She asked worriedly.

"Hell no!" Olivia quickly shot back. "It's not that."

"Okay, then what is it?"

Olivia didn't speak, instead, she reached to crab the card before handing it over to a curious Marie.

Her face scrunched up. "Modeling agency?"

"That's the same face I made."

"Oh.. he wants you to model for him? Sort of like playboy?" She asked with a devious grin.

"No, crazy. It's his sister's company." Olivia explained before taking the card back.

"Oh.. well are you going to do it?"

Olivia shrugged. "Not sure. I don't think modeling is for me."

Marie laughed, "girl how bad can it be? I'm sure it's not hard."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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