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The door to Spencer's home opened and closed. He was out cold as his wife entered the 6 bedroom home they shared together. She looked around before hearing snoring. Inching closer to the sound, she was taken aback to see Spencer sprawled out on the couch. He was fully dressed and his casted leg hung off the side.

She shook her head and sighed loudly. She moved to the back of the couch and looked at him as she reached over to shake him awake.

She shook harder until he finally stirred and opened his eyes.

He groaned and slowly inched his eyes open to see his wife who was visibly upset.
He closed his eyes quickly because he already knew what was to come.

"Hm?" He said in a barely audible tone.

"Spencer, get up." His wife said sternly as she pushed his shoulder.

Spencer kissed his teeth, "Kim, leave me alone okay? I'm tired."

"Where the fuck have you been, Spencer?" She asked. Her voice raised slightly as she felt her blood boiling by the second.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

Kim closed her eyes before counting to ten in her head. "Spencer, please don't play. Okay? Not tonight. I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Just answer my question."

"I haven't been anywhere." Spencer said quickly.

"Oh really? You're fully dressed. When I left here earlier, this isn't what you were wearing. Why lie?" Kim asked him. Her arms now crossed, she saw red because she knew he wasn't being honest.

"I haven't been anywhere, Kim. Ok?"

"Ok." She said nonchalantly, "I swear if you're lying to me-"

"Here we go." Spencer finally came back to reality and sat up. He knew what was to come.

"Yeah, you're right. Here we go." Kim mocked. "I come home from a 12 hour shift to find you passed out and my house a mess."

"Just because I'm hurt doesn't mean I don't help provide around here. This is all you do, kick me while I'm already down." Spencer shot back. "Instead of being a supportive wife-"

"I can't believe you just said that..." Kim said as she interrupted him. She huffed in disbelief.
"I have been all of that. I've supported you this whole time but I also have a career to maintain. I can't wait on you hand and foot and work at the same time."

"I told you, you don't have to work."

"Look at us now. Look at you. Hurt! You can't even run from here to the door, so please tell me how you can provide? You can't even play!" She screamed at him as she pointed to his injured leg.

Spencer chuckled coldly. He was surprised at her words but knew she secretly felt a certain way the whole time. He was just waiting for her to explode because he knew it was coming.
"Damn, that's really how you feel?"

Kim opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't find the words.

"The funny thing is, I already knew that's how you felt. I was just waiting on you to say it." Spencer admitted.

He shook his head. "I'll be in the guest room tonight."

Kim looked at him. "That's not necessary."

"I think it is." He shot back coldly.

Kim sighed heavily. "Go get cleaned up, Spencer."

"I will. Don't think I've changed my mind though. I'll be in sleeping in the guest room for a few days." He said before slowly limping towards the downstairs guest room.

Kim let the tears that were stinging her eyes fall when he was out of her sight.

Olivia laughed at Marie who was on the other end of her phone.
"Please get off my phone."

Olivia held her stomach which was hurting from laughing so much.

"No! I'm serious." Marie exclaimed as the laughing died down. "Anyways, how was your night with Dev?" She asked Olivia.

"We didn't really have a night. We barely got to know each other." Olivia explained.

"Well something is better than nothing. Right?"

"I guess." Olivia shrugged as she played with one of her curls. She sighed.
"He's a really cool person but-"

"But what?" Her friend asked annoyingly. "Please do not start."

"What?" Olivia asked surprised by her friends tone.

"I mean don't start that I like him as a friend shit."

"Well I do, but that wasn't what I was going to say anyway." Olivia stated.

"Oh, so what were you going to say?" Marie asked.

The phone became silent and Marie broke it by laughing loudly. "Exactly."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Whatever. He's nice. I just don't want to rush."

"Life is too short to be out here dragging your feet. He likes you, you like him so make something happen."  Marie said, "I saw all that blushing he had you doing last night. It's okay to like him more than a little."

Olivia chuckled.

"You know I'm right. I have a feeling he will be hitting you up soon for a date and you better accept!" Marie exclaimed.

"We'll see about that." Was all Olivia said.

"Mhm. What happened with Spencer though? Please don't tell me you both had drunk sex last night."

Olivia's eyes widened. "Drunk what? For one, I wasn't drunk. I don't drink and you know this. For two, I brought him home after he threw up in my rental."

"Ew. Really?" Marie asked, grossed out by his actions.


"I would've kicked his ass."

"Oh, I was about to." Olivia began, "I let him slide though. I think he's going through a rough time."

"That's not cute at all. Luckily, it was a rental."

Olivia nodded to herself. "Yeah, luckily."

"What do you think is on his mind?" Marie asked.

"I don't even know. I just know he seemed depressed when I mentioned his wife maybe helping him with his recovery journey." Olivia stated. "That's one thing I noticed."

"He's probably just not happy."

"I guess so." Olivia began, "He even wanted me to lay with him last night."

"Did you?"

"No! I told him his wife can come do that when she gets home." She answered.

"His wife wasn't home and it was 3 a.m.? That's not weird at all." Marie commented.

"I don't know but I told him that I would see him Monday and left." Olivia finished.

"Well I'm proud of you for not giving in. I know how I can sound at times but make him come to you." Marie suggested.

Olivia yawned. The time was nearing 5 a.m and she was still up. Luckily, it was Sunday and she didn't open the office on weekends.

"I'm so tired. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you." Olivia said and Marie said her goodbyes before hanging up.

Crawling into her bed, she snuggled into the covers before falling asleep.

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