Breaky: Is He Coming Home?⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's your Request

A box of letters sits in Freddie’s closet all from his father who works in the army. They were from when Freddie was three all the way to now when he was fourteen. Freddie was sitting in his closet reading over the letters and crying softly. He longed for his papa.

There’s a knock on his door. It must be his step-father John, coming in to check on him. Fred was thankful that John understood that Freddie needed privacy and he can’t barge in.

“Sweetheart, may I come in?” John asks softly,

“Yes John.” Freddie calls and puts the papers back and crawls out of the closet as John comes in.

John’s green greyish eyes soften and he kneels down, “You miss him too, don’t you?”

Freddie goes to him and hugs him tight, “I miss him so much!”

“I miss him too, baby.” John whispers holding Freddie tight, “Come on, it’s late and time for bed.”

Freddie sniffles and looks at the kitty clock that hangs next to his door, “It is eleven at night.” He sniffles again, “God, didn’t realize it was so late.”

John puts him to bed. Tucks him and kisses his head. John closes the door and heads downstairs. He sits alone at the table, the moonlight streaming in. He lights a cigarette and inhales the nicotine. It was comforting.

John puts the cigarette out and goes into the living room. He grabs Brian’s picture of him in full uniform. And hugs it to his chest. He takes the picture upstairs with him and sleeps in their bed with it. 

John wakes up to the bride chirping and the sun blinding him. He groans and gets up. He rubs his face and gets some sweatpants on. He makes it downstairs and sees his step-son pressed into the living room window like a fat cat seeing a bird through a window.

Freddie had his face pressed into the window. Waiting and watching for his father, Brian to come home. His father was in the army. It’s been months since his father left and Brian should be home any day now, any month.

Freddie’s step-father pulls him away from the window. Freddie whimpers and tries to keep his eyes on the window. John squeezes his shoulders, “Brian will be home soon. Just wait, okay?”

“You don’t know that. We don’t know if we would only get a folded flag back.” Freddie snaps, “It’s been nearly two months since we got a letter! He writes to us weekly!”

John shakes his head, “Please, Fred. Have hope.” 

Freddie steps back. He never heard his step-father sound so broken. So mournful and scared. John wipes his eyes on the back of his hand and looks down. Freddie reaches out and hugs him tight.

“Oh, dad.” Freddie cries into John’s chest, “I’m scared papa is going to die!”

That was the first time Freddie called John dad. And that made John cry. He cries and hugs Freddie. They both wait for Brian to come to them in some shape or form. They bond together. It would be another full month before any word of Brian came to them.

Freddie runs out there barefoot nearly tackling the mailman. A letter has arrived. It has the military logo on it. Freddie runs inside begging John to come downstairs. John races downstairs his eyes widen seeing the letter. At this point they were just waiting to get a folded flag. They tear open the letter. They are shaking waiting to read the words that Brian had been killed but it wasn’t there.

Brian was writing to them telling them he would be there soon. Something came up and he had to stay a little longer there. He had to heal up first. Freddie can’t help but feel sick reading the letter and John didn’t look good either. They both had a bad feeling but none of them knew what the bad feeling was. They didn’t know why he had to heal. They wanted him already.

They reread the letter over and over again. Brian says he has been honorably discharged and won a Purple Heart for getting wounded in action. And doesn’t go into any details on his injury or injuries.

That made them worry more, they wanted to fly down to him. But Brian begged them not to fly to him. He’ll be there by the end of the month. Hopefully, he’ll be there with them.

And so another waiting game begins. Freddie counts the paintings on the wall, there’s over forty-five in the house. And weirdly there’s five paintings in the main bathroom. It’s all cats in bathtubs have been there long before Freddie was born, from what Brian said it came with the house.

Freddie counts the clocks in the house too, there were twelve clocks in the house one being the old grandfather clock that chimed in the hall on the hourly.  

Freddie fell asleep curled up in his bed. He couldn’t handle missing his father so badly. Laughter woke him up. The sound of laughter was rare in the house. Freddie gets his pink fuzzy slipper. He opened his door and heard quiet chatter. It made the house feel homely as the sun was starting to shine in and warm the place.

Freddie felt himself freeze. There was his papa sharing a cup of coffee with his dad, qqaqqqaqqqFreddie squeals and hugs his father tight, “Papa!”

 Brian hugs him tight and kisses his forehead, “My baby boy!”

Freddie looks at him, “Papa it said you were injured. You look fine.”

“Oh my boy.” Brian rolls up his pant leg and shows him his prosthetic leg, “You want to touch my stump?”

Freddie nods and Brian removes his prosthetic. Freddie pats his stump and rubs lotion on it like Brian asked him to do. It helps with the dry skin and the roughness. Brian puts his leg back on and takes his crutch. John helps him stand up and so does Freddie they help him hobble to the living room. They are just happy to have there soldier home.

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