A Fresh Start

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 Hello folks! Sorry, this took me so long. Finals are certainly cumbersome. If you enjoy it, make sure to VOTE and leave a comment!


Sunny awoke to incessant beeping. He extended his legs and arched his back, mustering a soft grunt as the knots in his body disappeared. Crawling out of bed, he looked around his room. On a wooden table there was an old computer, various school supplies, and to the left of it was a packed bookshelf, filled with textbooks and educational books. His mother had collected his school's reading materials while he was absent. Sunny shook his head and exited the room. He entered the bathroom and washed up. Walking out, he briefly cracked open his parent's door and peered in to see his mother sleeping peacefully. He closed the door and made his way downstairs. Sunlight pierced his eyes as he opened the front door.

Many years had gone by since he had left the house on his own accord. Basil, however, was being relieved from the hospital, and Sunny took it upon himself to be there. He stared at the ground as he made his way towards the intersection. Nearing the end of the block, Sunny noticed a figure blocked his path.

"Well, well. If it isn't the psycho knife boy. Where do you think you're off to, huh?" It was Mikhael, also known as the Maverick. Both of his hands were raised to the sky, a flashy grin over his face while his orange hair flowed with the wind; He was striking his signature pose. Before Sunny could decide whether to respond, the Maverick continued. "Hahaha. Naturally, I'm only joking. The gang somewhat appreciates you for getting Aubrey out of her house. Therefore, I, the Maverick, must thank you as well" He said in a bow as if standing in front of an applauding audience. "Tell me, where are you off to?" To which Sunny responded with his intentions of going to the bus stop. The Maverick frowned, looked down, then back up and smiled. "Oh, you haven't heard? Telling you myself would be a waste of effort, I'll let Aubrey do it instead!" He began walking down the street. "C'mon, walk with me."

While he followed the strange hooligan, Sunny's mind wandered. It was a beautiful day; birds crossed the street and landed on the telephone lines, a cool breeze passed through his hair, and there was not a patch of dead grass in sight. The two walked until they reached the end of the street. Once they arrived, a stranger approached them.

"Mikhael and... S-Sunny? What are you two doing together?" Aubrey was walking from her house's direction, and stared at the duo from across the street, then began running towards them.

"I thought I told you not to call me that! It's 'The Maverick'! Anyways, I ran into him during one of my training missions. He said he was going to go see that flower boy." Aubrey placed her hand on her hip and sighed. "Oh... right. I forgot to tell you, but Basil already left the hospital. His caretaker picked him up early in the morning." She was now facing Sunny, standing a few feet away. Aubrey wore her normal outfit consisting of a blue denim skirt, black tank top, and white-yellow varsity sweater. Sunny wondered if she played baseball at the high school, given that she always carried around her signature weapon.

As for the Maverick, he stood impatiently tapping his feet on the pavement. "Well, we might as well catch up with the rest," he said, taking a few steps towards the park. Aubrey followed him, and Sunny moved soon after. They arrived at the park. Children waited patiently for the swingset, and a few other kids had dug their hands in the sand, most likely searching for some hidden treasure their parents told them about. A group of athletic teenagers lined up around the basketball court. Near the entrance was the hooligan group. Aubrey and the Maverick greeted the group of delinquents. A few of them noticed Sunny, but turned their head and said nothing. They were too preoccupied listening to the Maverick, who had shared a wild tale about sensing "abnormalities in the force."

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