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Yoooo! Sorry, this took me so long. I took a bit of a break, but I found some good inspiration and I finally decided how to finish up this story. If you enjoy it, make sure to VOTE and leave a comment! Also, share your predictions on what happens next in the comments. Honestly appreciate everything you guys say, your comments have been really supportive and entertaining to read!


 Before rushing out of the house, Sunny spent an hour catching up on his school materials. It had become a habit to wake up early and review various readings. He didn't care much for schoolwork, but various works from history and science were able to maintain his interest. He took a hard left down the street towards the park. The sun has just risen, and morning dew glistened off the trees. None of the hooligans were at the park, but he saw Mincy and decided to watch him draw for a while.

Eventually, the group arrived and the boy presented them with the retrieved treasure.

"Here," Sunny said, handing the flag to The Maverick, who had originally enlisted him to search for it.

"What! No way, you actually found it. We looked everywhere for this. We even considered begging Charlie's brother for help, since that nerd knows everything about this town" Angel said.

"Spectacular. Magnificent. Simply... Wonderful! You've outdone yourself!" Said the Maverick. "This is impeccable timing. I hear some new kids are coming to town, and it'd be a shame for them to think we aren't an official crew"

"Tch... I guess you're all right for a nerd" said Kim. "Don't ya think so too, Vance?" Vance nodded, and Charlene smiled and gave Sunny a "thumbs up". "Hey, Aubs, looks like your buddy isn't that bad after all."

Silence filled the air. It was not an uncomfortable feeling but instead filled with curiosity and concern. Up until now, Aubrey had been gazing off towards the swingset in the distance, as she slowly sipped on an iced coffee. She sighed and closed her eyes, frowning like a bull. Her hair stretched across her wrinkled jersey as she leaned heavily against the rigid tree. "Guess so," she said.

The group shrugged and went back to celebrating Sunny's contribution. They laughed and cheered, or more accurately, Angel, Vance and The Maverick did so. Charlene and Kim just chuckled and searched for something else to do. A good amount of time passed and the hooligan's enthusiasm settled down. They rested near the pond, the same one where Sunny saved Basil from Aubrey's shove, and the same one Mari did the same for him.

"Hah, you're pretty rad, Sunny," Angel said, laying next to him and Vance. "Come hang out whenever, man."

Darkness slowly grew between the cracks and crevices of the forest. Stars in the sky signaled it was time to return home. The hooligans departed into the night, walking in a pack from the entrance of the park. They walked down the sidewalk discussing games and their futures. Suddenly, a voice called out to them.

"Oi, you kids are still out this late?" The voice came from a police car. The window was rolled down, but the red and blue lights flashing above the vehicle cast heavy shadows on the inside of the car. The hooligans turned and faced the car in shock. "You all should get home. It's not safe this time of night. I'll tell you, we've been getting much more calls nowadays. Mostly domestic... ya'll still here! Get home!" The officer said.

The hooligans feared the ramifications of getting questioned further and scattered into the night. Before Sunny was able to leave, however, Aubrey stopped him.

"Hey, could you meet at the park a little earlier tomorrow morning? I'm gonna leave my house a bit earlier." Aubrey said.

Sunny nodded. He raced home. He washed up, called his mom, ate a steak, watched some tv, and went to bed. Sunny felt excited about the upcoming summer. Then morning came. Then another night. Days passed, and Sunny spent them surrounded by his new friends. In the afternoons, the Maverick pushed Sunny to move his legs and practice sprinting. Angel was fun to be around, and Charlene always stood by his side. Kim and Vance took Sunny out on various heists for lollipops and candy corn. Somedays, Kel would come over and take Sunny around Faraday Plaza. Hero became busy with summer classes, and even Kel seemed bored in his brother's absence.

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