Truth or dare and spin a bottle

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Words: 1,547
Alon's POV

Claire smirks devilishly making me slightly nervous you never know what falls out of her mouth. "Okay the order is the same as last game except it's going to be dirty and drinking edition." she says, "I should've known." I say as I lean into my boyfriend Izuku.

"Let's start!" she says loudly. "Mina goes first." Evelyn says, "Truth or dares Izuku?" Mina asks, "dare." He says, "let your boyfriend give you a lap dance." Mina says, I instantly blush while Izuku blushes slightly while smirking.

"Do it now for display." He says The last time I gave Izu a lap dance was at school when a kid in class suggested playing truth or dare. I stand up, Ash grabs a chair and sets it a few feet from where everyone is.

Izuku sits down in the chair while I walk up to him. The song Talk Dirty comes on.

I blush harder as the song progresses. As I give Izuku a lap dance I notice he got hard. I keep going torturing Izuku slightly. Izuku tries to grind against me but I move pissing him off making him let out a growl.

I look at Izuku his eyes are full of lust and need. I end the lap dance and look up at Izuku. "You're fixing this problem later Angel~," He says, "I nod and get off of him only to be pulled back onto Izuku's lap. "You're sitting with me since you decided to torture me," Izuku says just slightly above a whisper.

"Damn Alon your fucking red," Ash says while laughing. I flip him off Izuku didn't agree with it too much he slapped my thigh. I quickly bit my lip and looked at Izuku he pretends to not have done something.

"Alright Sero's turn." Mina says, "Bakugou, truth or dare?" Sero asks, "Dare!" Bakugou says, "Kiss Kirishima." Sero says, Bakugou just shrugs and kisses Kirishima. "Dunce face the truth or dare?" Bakugou asks, "Truth Kaminari says, "That's just lame!" I say, Izuku slaps my thigh again, I let out a small whine.

"What age did you lose your virginity?" Bakugou asks, "A year ago." Kaminari says as he downs a shot of vodka. My turn!" Kaminari says, "Claire truth or dare?" He asks, "Dare." She says in a boredish tone. "Down a whole beer." Kaminari says, Claire gets up and grabs a bottle of beer and chugs it finishing it in 3 minutes. "How is that possible?" Kaminari asks. "Ask her yourself she'll tell you." I say mockingly. Izuku slaps my thigh once again, " Truth or dare Everlyn?" Claire asks.

"Truth I'll do a dare later." Everlyn says, "Who's your crush and here's a shot of vodka." Claire asks/says. Everlyn downs the shot. "A girl in our history class." She answers. "Izuku Truth or dare?" Everyln asks. "Dare" Izuku answers. I began to get nervous. "Give Alon a hickey." Everlyn says, I blush deep red and attempt to hide my neck but Izuku grabs my arms and uses one hand pinning them behind me as he gives me a hickey. I bite my lip holding back any sounds. "You know it's not fun when I can't hear any sounds you make." Izuku says to me.

I end up blushing a deeper red and nod not trusting my voice. "Izuku your turn." Ash says, "Truth or dare Angel?" He asks me. "Truth." I say quietly, He slaps my thigh slightly giving me 10 seconds to change my answer. "Dare." I say in a normalish tone. "Grab the vodka and drink half the bottle." He says, I nod knowing it isn't a dare more of a punishment for torturing him and trying to hide my neck from him. I grab a full bottle of vodka and down a bit more than half. I walk back to Izuku he picks me up, and sets me on his lap.

"Angel it's now your turn~" Izuku says, I nod, "Kirishima truth or dare?" I ask, "Truth" He says. "Biggest fear and go grab a shot of vodka." I say. "Not living up to my hero name." He says, I nod and watch him take the shot. "Asher truth or dare?" Kirishima asks, "Just give me a dare." They say. "Kiss whoever you're dating for 2 minutes." Kirishima says. Ash walks up Claire and kisses her for 2 minutes then walk over to Amelia, pulls her mask down and kisses her for 2 minute. "Didn't know they're in a poly relationship." Kirishima says. "Anyways my turn, Amelia truth or dare?" Ash asks her. 'Dare' Amelia signs. "Grab the alcohol you hate the most." Ash says, Amelia glares at him as she walks up to the bar. She returns with whiskey and quickly drinks it as fast as possible. 'Alec truth or dare?' Amelia signs, "Truth." Alec says. 'Who do you hate the most?' Amelia asks. "Izuku's Ex" He says as he downs the shot. "Truth or Dare Izuku?" Alec asks, I slightly glare at him not trusting my brother. "Dare." Izuku says, "Drink the rest of the Vodka that Alon drank from." Alec says, I glare at Alec once again.
"Alright, Angel hand me the bottle of vodka." Izuku orders, I hand him the bottle he begins to chug the rest down. "How are some of you only tipsy while most of the Bakusquad are wasted!" Mina says, Izuku just shrugs and sets the empty bottle of vodka down. "Oh! Look who arrived the Urabitch and her so called friends."I say in a rude tone. Izuku slaps my thigh once again for probably being rude. "I told you not to cuss didn't I?" Izuku says, I just nod not looking at him. "Let's play a game all together?" Everlyn asks, everyone agrees we all sit on the ground. "Izuku hand me you and your boyfriend's empty vodka bottle." Claire says. Izuku hits me lightly with bottle as he hands it to Claire.

"So we're playing spin the bottle with fucking shots?" I ask, Izuku slaps my thigh again, I whine slightly. "Did Alon just whine?" Claire asks, "Yeah he did." Izuku says, "Shut up babe!" I say slightly annoyed. Izuku slaps my thigh again I bite my lip once again. "Here's the order Asher, Mina, Amelia, Urabitch, Izuku, Tsyu, Iida, Alon, Kirishima, Claire, Todoroki, Everlyn, Sero, Bakugou and Kaminari." Claire says. "I'm not a bitch!" Izuku's Ex yells, I roll my eyes and laugh. Some how Izuku saw me roll my eyes, he slapped my thigh once again but harder making me yelp slightly. "Jeezus Izuku you're going to leave hand prints on Alon." Everlyn says, "Probably already are." I say a bit to loudly. Izuku just smirks and rubs my thigh where he continuously slapped it.

Asher spins the bottle it lands on me, Izuku gets jealous and tries to hide it. Asher kisses my cheek I instantly wiped it off right after. Mina then spins the bottle it lands on Sero who I'm assuming their dating because they ended up making out. After 2 minutes Amelia spinned the bottle it ended up landing on Claire luckily for her. It soon was Izuku's ex turn I ended up gripping Izuku's wrist. Sadly it landed on Izuku she crawled towards him, She tried to kiss him on the lips but izuku moved his face so she ended up kissing his cheek. She got mad and stormed back to where she was sitting. I turn around in Izuku's lap and clean the lipstick off his face and fix the makeup on the cheek.

It was now Izuku's turn to spin the bottle it landed on me I smiled it didn't last long because Izuku started to kiss me and deepened the kiss and bit my lip asking for entrance I denied him, Izuku slapped my thigh making me gasp. He stuck his tongue in my mouth I attempted to fight for dominance but he of course won. "AHEM!" Claire yelled. Izuku finally broke the kiss and looked at claire a bit annoyed. "Fuck him later not now." Claire says, I pressed my face against Izuku chest internally screaming. A girl with a frog quirk spun the bottle it landed on Bakugou they ended up taking a shot each.

A guy named Iida, who lectured Izuku before his turn on PDA. Izuku rolled his eyes ignoring Iida the whole lecture. Iida then spun the bottle it landing on Todoroki, they also took shots. It's now my turn I got nervous knowing Izuku gets super jealous it landed on Kaminari I decided to mess with Izuku. I crawled over Kaminari and kissed him on the lips surprisingly he's a good kisser. "I'm going to be screwed after this but none of it is your fault." I say to Kaminari before being grabbed from behind and carried out of the party and dragged home.

Izuku unlocks the front door and pulls me in slamming the door shut and drags me to the elevator. "I'm sorrryyy." I say to Izuku, he smiles slightly. "No your not you kissed Kaminari to see my reaction this is what you getting." Izuku says, I decide to say nothing knowing if I did Izuku would just make whatever punishment I have worse.

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