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Chapter Song: Just The Two Of Us by Kauai45 (such an underrated song but what a beauty!)

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Is it a thing that after you admit that you like someone, you start noticing all the small details about them? I mean you don't even have to pay mind to noticing them, your brain subconsciously does that. It's not that I never paid a heed to Nandini's activities but now I notice it more. Like she is flustered most of the times, she can blush easily, she gets irritated when her hair comes in her face and what not.

Also, she cannot stay awake while watching a movie. Just like now, she is again sleeping and is about to fall from the rectilinear. She had somehow managed to sleep upside down. Her head was hanging down and her legs were on the rectilinear. It was really funny. So, I took out my phone and snapped a picture of her. Can she get any cuter?

I looked at the picture of her that I just clicked for a good amount of time and kept smiling to myself. That's when Nandini shifted and was completely on the edge so I decided to pick her up. I went and picked her up, of course she was not heavy. Which is very unusual because this girl eats a lot? When she had come here initially, she used to not eat a lot but then when she got familiar with everything and me, she doesn't keep herself from eating.

When I picked her up and even while sleeping, she cuddled closer to my chest, I felt a smile grow on my face. Thank god, Cabir wasn't here to ruin the moment. Even though we haven't cuddled yet, unfortunately, but I knew she would be a cuddler because every time that we have hugged, she has always snuggled her face further and further in my chest. And let me tell you, that's the best fucking feeling in the entire world.

I took her to the couch and she was still on my lap, sleeping peacefully. I took the time to admire her face. Obviously, she looked drop dead gorgeous, with or without makeup. But personally, I like her more without makeup. Not that she applies a lot of makeup though. It was always minimal. She didn't need it; her skin was flawless as it is.

I brought my fingers near her face and gently put it on her cheek and my fingers gently caressed it. That was automatic to me. I always did that; I didn't get many chances though. The smile that forms on my face when I see her is also automatic.

She stirred a little but just smiled a little and didn't wake up. Which is good because I didn't want to disturb her sleep. She just looked to peaceful to disturb her. But that was me, Cabir didn't know that she was sleeping. And he has to become clumsy now. He had gone to the kitchen to get something. But then, he dropped a glass and it shattered on the ground. I mentally face palmed myself at his clumsiness.

I looked down at my little sleepyhead to see her sleeping peacefully. She was curled up into me, like a baby. Cabir came out of the kitchen. His eyes widened when he looked at Nandini and I. He made an 'ohh' face at us with a smirk. I knew this would happen but I don't care now since he knows I like her. 

"Oops! Didn't know you were making her sleep. Wouldn't have interrupted you if I knew." He said, smirking at the end.

"You know, now? Can you fuck off?" I whispered.

"Gladly." He smirked, waved at me and went to my room.

I looked at Nandini to see her frowning at something. Slowly the frown deepened and she started to mumble something. At first it was inaudible but then thing because clear.

She started shaking on my lap and mumbling "please don't leave me" and "please wake up". I knew she was having a bad dream but I was clueless as to how to calm her down. So, I did what I knew, I hugged her tight and mumbled soothing things to her.

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