Ch. 2

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Aizawa turned to his students, he saw how fearful they were. Most of them worried for their parents and some even worried for the civilians outside. "I'm gonna have to go out there and fight those things. You're not fully trained so you can't but you can communicate with other students and the Japanese military to try and help locate civilians for me and my crew to save.", Aizawa said. The students understood and agreed to help the military rescue citizens.

Aizawa carefully and quietly patrolled the city streets in a huge tank, making lots of noise as it rolled over cars. So much for carefully and quietly. He listened as the students of his class told him where civilians were hiding out, they were looking at traffic cams on Mineta's laptop. They did not like Mineta's laptop. It opened up to a horrible and probably illegal site. They did not like Mineta. He was a horrible and definitely will be an illegal perv. Nevermind, he IS an illegal perv. They switched through the cams and Aizawa was able to save 6 families and a puppy so far. Everyone agreed that it was the cutest puppy ever.

Suddenly the cams caught something, a car speeding down the road and heading straight for UA. Izuku looked up from crying into Katsuki's shoulder and immediately recognized the car as his mother's. Nobody was able to stop Izuku from dashing out the door and running through the tunnels towards the main entrance. A few followed him. Bakugou followed after seeing his parents get out of the car through cams, Todoroki followed when he saw Izuku leave because everyone knew Todoroki went wherever Izuku did, and Momo followed cause she was bored and she saw an adorable little kid get out on cams. How Momo was bored in an alien invasion, no one knew.

Izuku grabbed a nearby piece of rubble from UA and used it to shield them as they escorted Inko, Mitsuki, Masaru, and Eri into the academy and towards the tunnels. An alien rushed towards them and tried to attack but Momo ripped her jacket off and used it to wrap the aliens limbs and slam it to the ground. They closed the trapdoor behind them and ran through the tunnels, Momo now jacketless but still covered. They reached their shelter and everyone cheered, relieved they had done it. Izuku hugged his mom, Katsuki hugged his dad and his mother scolded him but also gave him an awkward side hug, and Kirishima gave Eri his jacket as Momo calmed her down. Todoroki stayed next to Izuku the whole time and chuckled as Izuku tried to tell Detective Toshinori it was okay to join the hug. Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Mina were yelling "No left! The other left!" at Aizawa who was trying to shoot an alien and deal with a migraine at the same time.

The alien released its deadly, toxic pheromones that made humans and some canines calm to lure them in. Luckily Aizawa was in the tank and he shot the alien, however he saw yet another puppy walk out of the rubble and aliens lurch towards it. Aizawa climbed out of the tank and grabbed the puppy, running towards a nice hiding spot in a convenience store. After 5 minutes he made it back to the tank, climbed in with the puppy, and drove back to UA. By the time he entered the bomb shelter full of students, 1 kid, and a couple parents he had rescued 15 puppies and 4 kittens. Why did pet store owners abandon these little guys? Multiple students, including Koda of course, gathered around the baby animals and pet them. One little Oreo looking kitten in particular kept scratching whoever touched a little black Labrador puppy, she was very protective of the little guy. A tabby cat was already sleeping as 4 golden retriever puppies tried to play with him, a black cat snuggled with a multicolored cat with white paws and two different colored eyes, and the rest of the puppies were climbing over each other to see the humans. It was an adorable scene.

Meanwhile in a less adorable scene, Dabi was holding Toga and Shigaraki back as they tried to kill Twice for rescuing a baby alien. "But it's just a cute baby one!", he argued. This did not convince the two as they now were throwing slanders and obscenities at him. What a lovely thing. And totally helps when you're in anger management classes for $9.95 an hour and your only way of making money is praying your mafia boss likes you enough to pay you well. -_-

After a while Shiggy and Toga calmed down and Twice put the alien baby back outside. AFO, their boss, said they should take this opportunity to fake an alliance with UA. Dabi took that opportunity to drink a beer and plan out his next robbery, he needed more money for more beer. Toga meanwhile was zoning out and thinking about why alien blood was purple instead of red.

Back with class 1-A, many students were now assisting the Japanese government and military by using traffic cams to spot civilians, aliens, and other potential military forces coming to help. Japan sent a few troops over to South Korea, the UK, the USA, and Canada already. Many other countries were receiving help from the US, the UK, and some parts of South America. Russia and Germany were throwing vodka and shooting at the aliens, for some reason this seemed to be working... And Australia just bribed the aliens by giving them a baby Koala and a couple crocodiles. Africa was receiving help from the US and China, who were fighting over who was more helpful, and Brazil blinded aliens with flashy sequins and the will of Jesus. (All religions accepted here so please don't come after me. Also, I'm not really religious, I just believe in the possibility that anything could be real.)

Students who weren't helping the military were checking on other classes, rescuing students still trapped in the crumbling school above, and then there was Katsuki and Izuku...

Katsuki was staring at Izuku as Izuku played with a puppy and let a kitten sleep in his lap. Todoroki also stared at this for a while, but once he noticed Katsuki staring he got a bright idea. "If you love Midoriya so much why don't you marry him?", he whispered to Katsuki. Katsuki whipped around. "I don't like nor love anyone Icy-Hot!", he whisper-yelled. Todoroki rolled his eyes in daddy issues. "Besides, why don't you? You're always staring at him too ya know.", Katsuki jealously retorted. "Midoriya is my friend, he has helped me and for that I owe him a great debt of gratitude. I watch him because I want to make sure he's okay as he did for me. Also, he has a cat in his lap right now. I adore cats.", Todoroki replied.

Finally, Izuku started helping the other students and Todoroki soon followed. This left Katsuki to join in as well seeing as he can't be the only one not helping in this alien invasion nonsensical catastrophe.

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