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Ugh! I'm sorry this took so long ya'll. Between my injury, work, and some emotional crap, I found this one really tough to finish. As such, you're getting this a day earlier than you typically would. I know that if I don't just give in and post it, I'm probably gonna want to change it again. That, and you've waited so long already. I couldn't really justify making you wait until Saturday too.

So, here you go. Finally! Hope you guys like it :)


As it turned out, Hayden's 'PR Guy' was a six and a half foot tall Adonis who looked like he spent ten hours in the gym every other day. The boy was seriously jacked. Doesn't Hayden have any ugly friends, Astrid grumbled to herself as she looked over the group in the elevator. As back-up, Mr. Muscles had apparently brought two gorgeous ladies with him - a brunette and a redhead. One for him and one for Hayden? That thought had Astrid rolling her eyes before she could stop herself.

The two young women almost pounced on Hayden. Darting out of the elevator and wrapping their arms around his shoulders as they hugged him tightly. The whole group laughing together as he embraced them back and lifted them both off of the ground, and Astrid stepped a little further out of the way. Feeling like the fifth wheel all of a sudden. The monster of a man promptly stepping forward as well to pull Hayden into a familial man-hug of his own. "We were going to surprise you at work, but when I messaged Eret, he said that you were probably already at home," he stated jovially. Just a hint of suspicion laced into his tone.

"Lucky I was too," Hayden countered dryly. Making a show of crossing him arms and scowling convincingly. "I think I need to speak to the management about the severe lack of security in this place. Apparently they'll just let any old riff-raff bully their way into my condo."

"Pfft, as if added security could keep me out," the gorgeous redhead scoffed in return. Her mane of bright hair swishing softly over her shoulders as she shook her head. "Clayton loves me way more than he loves you." Her soft voice, finely boned face, and aristocratic accent all somewhat at odds with both her attitude and her attire.

"Yep, and don't even try to pretend you're not stoked to see us either," the brunette girl chimed in with a laugh of her own. Astrid noting vaguely that all three of them sounded as if they came from across the pond. Apparently these young people were not from Archipelia. Then again, many of the older families of Archipelia still held onto their traditional accents despite generations spent away from the homeland, so who was to say. The Haddocks and Jorgensons were prime examples of that. Aside from Hayden and Scott of course, the rest of the family had never quite lost the thick Scottish burr of their ancestors.

"Dad sent us to try and keep you out of trouble," Mr. Muscles offered as explanation. "Although it looks like we might be too late. Why aren't you at work right now," he added pointedly.

Hayden rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly for a moment. "So... Remember when I said that I knocked out my cousin on Thursday night after he learned I slept with his ex? Well, it seems the rest of the school now knows about it too. After a fun little chat with the Dean and the Board this morning, along with two armed officers ready to clap me in irons, they decided to send me home while they figure out what to do with me."

As Hayden quailed slightly under the look Mr. Muscles was now giving him, Astrid allowed herself to take a better look at the girls instead. Not feeling overly comfortable inserting herself into this particular conversation; especially with a bunch of complete strangers. Then her jaw almost hit the floor. "Oh my god... You're the Wing Maidens," she blurted out stupidly.

At the sound of her voice, the three guests finally glanced over at Astrid in interest now. Almost as if they had only just noticed her standing near Hayden. "Well, half of them," the taller of the two girls agreed blandly. Putting her partially gloved hands on her hips as she arched a slender brow. "The other two are arriving a little later this week along with Minden's brother," she added. Tossing her head slightly to get her long mane of loose, copper coloured curls out of her bright green eyes. Eyes that had been looking at Hayden with fondness barely a moment before, but were now cool and hard as ice chips as they studied Astrid.

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