chapter 2

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Fall 2016

Kara didn't sleep at all last night. She had told her sister that the rescue of the Venture had exhausted her and pretended to go to bed to avoid talking with her about Lena. That conversation, which promised to be very difficult, could wait until tomorrow. But tomorrow was here and she wasn't more ready today than she was yesterday. Alex knew about Kara's friendship with Lena but she never really met the woman. Alex was already studying in Metropolis at the time Kara went to high school and the whole family moved out to National City right after the final exams, when the Lex's disaster broke out. The fact that Alex knew of Lena mostly through her connexion with the latter's crazy brother didn't help Kara's case at all. Moreover, like the situation wasn't already bad enough, the DEO investigation on the crash revealed that the explosion was provoked by a device manufactured by Luthor Corp. At this point, Kara thought that it couldn't possibly be worse but then, Hank showed up holding some kind of list in his hand. It turned out that Lena was supposed to be a passenger of the Venture but of course, she never showed up. After all this information was shared at the briefing table at the DEO facility, Kara wanted to disappear somewhere far away where her sister couldn't find her. Ever. Alex's was already glaring at her across the table with that look Kara knew well meant : Kara, I know you, don't do anything stupid. And then Superman saved the day. Literally.

-"I could go interview Miss Luthor as Clark Kent" her cousin said. "That way we will know her version of what happened and I could take a quick look around her office" he proposed. Before someone could add something, Kara jumped on the occasion.

-"I could come too !" she exclaimed enthusiastically. The look on Hank's face told Kara she needed to be a little more convincing. "I'm a reporter too now so this could be a good first experience..." she tried but judging by Hank's still furrowed brow, she wasn't persuading anyone, she was digging herself. "And two pairs of X-ray vision are better than one" she finally said, smiling awkwardly.

-"OK. You two go" Hank suddenly said, pointing at both Superman and Supergirl. Then, he exited the room making clear that the meeting was over. Kara couldn't believe her luck but she wouldn't push it either. So she left the room as fast as she could without using super speed before Alex got the chance to scold her.


-"Kara !" Clark yelled. "We're going to be late !"

-"One sec', I'm coming !" Kara answered quickly. After the DEO briefing, the two super cousins decided to meet up at Kara's apartment and go together to their interview with Lena Luthor. It was a perfectly simple task until Supergirl realized that she was going to meet Lena in person after all this years. Lena. Face to face. Suddenly, the question about what to wear became really crucial to Kara. She was still in her super suit, debating relentlessly with herself when Clark showed up at her door. Now, there were getting late and she hadn't made any progress. At Superman last cry of desperation, Kara finally made up her mind. She chose an outfit that was casual, her usual style and above all, comfortable. A simple white and beige linen dress with a light pink cardigan. This would do. It had to.

When they entered the big Luthor Corp building, Kara's nerves went back full force. They had settle down during the trip, when she was occupied chatting with her cousin but now, she has nothing to focus herself on beside the insane width of the building. As Clark was asking the receptionist to inform his boss of their arrival, she turned her head towards the "ding" sound coming from one of the four elevators. How many floor this building must hold so there would be four elevators needed ? Kara never got time to assess the question as the first person to exit the elevator was none other than Lena herself. She was everything a CEO was supposed to look like Kara thought : classy, poised and a little authoritative. So far away from the geek teenage girl in jeans, snickers and an oversized hoodie she once knew. Kara smiled at the memory but stopped right away when Lena's eyes landed on her. The CEO halted herself on her way out of the elevator, confusing the man she was talking too. She dismissed him with a few words and wave of her hand, her eyes never leaving Kara's. Lena seemed to wonder if this was really her long time high school friend or just someone who really looked like her but then Kara saw it. The ghost of a smile at the corner of Lena's mouth. It started stretching, more and more as the seconds went on. Lena took a step forward and opened her mouth as if to say something when Clark, who caught sight of her from the reception, passed by Kara to greet the CEO.

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