talking, worrying

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,,The kid worries me."
,,Me too. I never meet him but I saw what he did to Steve's face. The kid still doesn't want to press charges and even denies what Billy has done. But I know it was him."
,,I've see him. You know? It wasn't much more than a glimpse but it was enough."
Joyce considered her next words good.
She had see Billy with a few friends drinking. That was nothing uncommon. Most teenager drank alcohol, even when they weren't allowed to.
God, she had dine it too, back then, when she was young. But it was all she heard from the kids that first cought hear attention.
They always referred to him as the psycho asshole brother from Max. With blonde curled hair, a tanned skin and blue eyes. Murderer eyes they called them.
Blue like ice and colder than it.
Obviously he was the leader of the littel group, always in the centre of the attention.
Jumping around never sitting still and always moving like he couldn't sit still, even if he wanted to
,,For what was it enough?"asked Hopper her impatiently.
Sometimes the Chief was a bit slow when it came to certain things,like thus.
,,He remembers me of Robb."
She could see how Hopper leaned back and remembered Robb.
They both had known him and never forgotten him.
How could they?
Even know everyone knew the story.
It was even in the national news.
Robb was like Billy angry, loud, a troublemaker.
The bad boy in town, but unlike Billy Robb didn't lived anymore.
Robb never said a word and no one ever suspected.
No one ever suspected what happend behind closed doors. No one had cared about it, even if they could have seen it. But they ignored all the unspoken signs, because Robb had been....Robb. Joyce remember how Robb often didn't sat down and was always on his feet.
Later they found out it was because his father hit him with his belt until sitting was painfully for Robb.
The hitting started when Robb was four.
At his eighteenth birthday Robb was killed from his own father.
It was a short and sad life and it left the village stunned.
But almost everyone forgot it soon again.
Because Robb had been........Robb.
Loud, angry, a troublemaker.
There had been no real friends in Robbs life.
There had been no one left to mourn.
And somehow Joyce felt that this was what Billy awaited.
,,You think his father hits him?"asked Hopper carefully.
,,I don't know, he just remembers me off Robb. It is like after all the years Robb has come back."
Maybe, Joyce thought then, maybe this is our choice to do the right thingh this time.
To help Billy, to try and change his life.
Even trough we are probably to late, she had to admit, remembering, the cold, cold blue eyes.
They both sat in silence then.
Fuck his father.
Fuck Max.
Fuck them all.
School was hell.
He regretted that he didn't skipped it.
The ride back home was hell too.
The shitbird let him WAIT and then talked about nothing.
Billy would have liked to punch her in the face,but he didn't, because you don't hit your step sister.
Even when it was a annoying stepsister like Max.
But fuck he was frustrated and wished there was anything to do.
,,I and Susan are going out."declared Neil.
Instantly Billy hoped that the day became interesting.
He should have known better.
Because Neil looked at him like he could read Billy's mind.
,,Don't worry Willliam, I'll make sure you don't get any queer thoughts."and then he showed him.
His keys.
His holy car keys.
No one except him was ever allowed to touch them.
Well except for......Neil.
And that was only because Billy had no say in that matter.
Neil froze them in a damn fucking ice block.
Billy felt like his heart had been ripped out his chest and then had been thrown still beating under a car wheel.
,,Remember your responsibility tonight is Max. Don't you dare to disappoint me."
Billy said nothing.
He felt like his father cut his wings off.
Max looked at her older brother suspiciously.
Right after Neil left with her mother he began blasting his awful music and weighing his weights.
That wasn't the suprinsg part.
No the surprising part came when Billy started cooking.
He sometimes cursed when he had to bent or move and sometimes he even winced in pain.
Somehow he seemed to have hurt his back badly.
She suspected a stupid fight.
Even back in California he seemed to get in fights frequently.
Sometimes he even went to some fighting club, she knew because she lied a few times for him and she had only done it because he showed her what he did.
First she noticed that all were mens and that it stank from sweat.
Then training with some show fights and Max could understand Billy.
It was fantastic to watch it, she wanted to go back badly and when he was in a particular good mood Billy would take her.
But nothing she had learned about Billy had ever suggested that he cooked.
Plus he seemed happy to do so.
And it seemed like some fancy food, Tacos if she wasn't mistaken.
Billy didn't seemed to notice her or ignored her.
,,What are you doing?"
,,What does it looks like Shitbird? I'm cooking tacos."
But even the insult sounded more like teasing then like he was really angry.
She silently wondered and watched.
As soon as he finished cooking and they joked and laughed.
When Neil and Susan came back.
Billy went to his room.
He longed for warmth.
Still, even after all this time, he remembered how it felt to be loved.
How can someone live without love?
Billy felt like his heart hurt all the time, he wanted back, travel back in time.
Just for one more moment to feel happy and secure.
Only once in his live he had felt really loved and now the feeling was gone.
Maybe forever, because a person is only given one chance in live to be truly loved from fate, Billy believed sometimes.
One time he hadn't been told he wasn't enough or too much.
He wasn't asked to change.
Finally he belonged and found his place.
Sometimes for short moments he felt spark of happiness.
Not because he forget the memories, but because he embraced them without hurt and just felt whole again.
When he cooked he remembered and now it hurt even worse.
The physical pain his father gave him was nothing compared to this.
Silently he lay in his bed and waited for the pain to pass, like it often did.
It was like the tides sometimes the pain seemed unbearable but the pain always became less.
Then the pain became stronger again, triggered by something.
Long ago he promised himself to never search for this comfort again.
Because Neil had made sure they would never see each other.
And Billy still felt the consequences, for both of them.
Tonight the pain only grew worse, until he couldn't just do nothing.
His father was sound asleep.
Long ago Billy discovered to his surprise, that his father was a deep sleeper, he never waked up.
,,Son of a bitch."muttered Billy before he climped out of his window.
In the coold air he regretted that he didn't changed, but it was to late.
His keys were still unreachable for him, but his car wasn't.
Long ago he learned how to drive a car without keys.
It was really simply you only had to know a littel about cars and then put one and one together.
Pretty easy.
As soon as he reached the street he speeded up.
The destination was clearly in his mind.
Soon he stood at the pay phone and dialed.
Shuddering he waited for a response.
Suddenly the meaning and boldness of his plan hit him.
But it was to late he could her a gruff voice asking who called in the middle of the damn fucking night.
,,It's me. Billy."he added.
His heart beated faster when the response came.
Soon enough Billy was out of change and he had to end the call,but he glowed with content.
His bruises hurt less and even the wounds at the back felt better.
His life was certainly better.
,,Why are you so happy. It's frightening."
Max looked sharp at her brother.
All morning he cursed because every move seemed to hurt him, somebody beat him up really good thought Max.
But Billy didn't seemed to mind he almost smile.
Of course he didn't smiled when Neil was around.
,,I just am okay Max.And I need a favour from you."announced her brother almost shyl.
,,A favor after you beat Steve almost to death."shouted Max angry.
How could he be such a asshole?
He certainly deserved to get beaten up, by however it was.
To her it seemed like karma.
,,I know I lost it okay?"
,,You lost it? That is your excuse?"
,,No there is no excuse but what happened happened.
So please Max do me the favor okay?"
As angry as she was she knew he passed power to her with this word.
Billy never said please.
And she would be dump to not use the power he gave her.
,,Okay but I want a favor too."
,,Okay shitbird, make your call."
,,I want you to convince Neil to let me have a sleepover with my friends."
,,What!? Are you gone crazy? What the hell is wrong with you?"asked Billy angry.
He asking his father for anything, why the hell thought Max that his father would allow her something because he asked?
,,He's your father."stated Max.
,,Yes and he hates me."snapped Billy back.
,,Oh come on. He doesn't, I mean he yells at you often, but he doesn't hates you. He is just overprotective."
Suddenly Billy was reminded that, she didn't knew.
She didn't knew that his father beated him and she would never know.
To sweet was the bubble in which she lived, Billy didn't wanted to be the one to show her how cruel the world really was.
,,Okay I'll ask him, but you have to do the favor for me first."declared Billy.
,,Okay. What do you want?"asked Max annoyed.
,,I want you to lie for me, while I go out."
,,That's all?"
If she only knew.
,,Okay. This is the plan I deliver you to Byers. You have fun do whatever you want too. I pick you up at six. Then I go out and you tell Neil nothing, OK?"
Max nodded solemnly.
,,Did you understood?"
,,Yes I did, whatever. Don't cream your pants."
Billy rolled his eyes but didn't snapped back, he knew better.
The bruises still hurt and he could feel his back ache, from simply sitting.
As soon as Max left he turned the car around and drove back. If he wanted to go out later in the night he had to go back and play the dutiful son.
In some ways Neil was really predictable and Billy knew that his chances would increase, if he gave a good act.
Sighing he parked and entered the house. Without Max, dinner would be hell. At least Susan was there even if she never did anything. Billy wasn't even sure if she knew. But there were times when Neil had beaten him, when she had been in the house.
But on the other side he never saw her, when it happened, but she could have been there. After all he was occupied at the time being.
,,You should have come back faster. Susan already cooked and the food is starting to get cold."snapped his father.
Billy gritted his teeth and swallowed every heated answser . Then he made himself remember that he had only to play the act for a few hours.
,,I'm sorry Sir. But I didn't wanted to drive to fast with Max in the car."
A pretty good answer decided Billy.
,,Yeah sure, don't act like you care about your sister. But since you are so sorry you can clean the dishes later.",
Billy barely avoided to roll his eyes at this comment. Neil always made him clean the dishes with some excuse. But he didn't let Billy cook. Because cooking is something only woman do. Neil called it how it was supposed to be.
Billy called it sexistic.
At least he managed to avoid any arguments with his father. As soon as the eating was over he looked at the clock. I was only seven, Max had still a hour before he would pick here up.
Lucky bitch he thought.
Out there and free.
,,Ouch! Look where you plant your feed!"snapped Mike.
,,I'm sorry. Wasn't on purpose."apologised Dustin.
,,Whatever."snorted Mike.
,,Could you be quite? Or do you want to get beaten?"asked Max a bat with Nails in one hand and pointing with it towards the two boys.
,,I start to think we shouldn't have gone to search for demorgens."annonced Lucas.
,,Now you sound like Steve."said Eleven frowning.
,,Maybe we should listen to what Steve said."
,,No way. Steve thinks he knows better then we. We are definitely old enough to search for demorgens."argued Dustin.
,,Maybe we can argue later and search now?"asked Will.
Nodding they began there task again.
Lucas and Mike, where both trusted with a flashlight and searched for any hints.
Max had a bat in case they would actually see a demorgen.
Will and Dustin used there eyes and ears to help Lucas and Mike search.
Eleven reached out with here superpowers.
Then Steve stumbled over them.
,,How could you run away? I went half crazy! Everyone is freaked out, because you all just fucking left without telling anyone!"thundered Steve angry.
,,We had to look for demorgens."explained Mike angry.
,,No you don't! You are kids. What would you have done, whether demorgens found you?"yelled Steve.
,,We would have beaten them."yelled Dustin back.
,,With what? One nailed bat? Sure try it and die."snorted Steve.
,,We would have won."insisted Mike stubbornly.
,,No. You would be dead."
,,We wouldn't. We are armed and we have fought Demorgens before."argued Dustin.
,,Enough. Do you even know what you are doing? You just ran off in a dark forest to search for monsters. Plus only one of you is armed."slowly Steve let his words sink in.
,,What if the Demorgen chose to attack Dustin. You don't have a weapon and most likely the Demorgen will reach you before Max can defend you."shot Steve.
,,Okay, Okay. We are going back with you."gave Mike in.
But there hang a silent ,for now, unspoken in the air.
,,Good follow me."gruffed Steve.
,,Were are we going ?"
,,Too my car."answered Steve grumpy.
The walk was a silent and uneasy one.
None dared to speak in case it would only boil oil in the flames.
The car from Steve wasn't at first visible at the street.
But as soon as they saw it they cursed.
Over it were dozen of scratches and ot front shield was broken in.
,,Oh shit."cursed Steve.
,,That can't have happened."sweared Max.
,,But it has."
,,Gosh what are we doing now?"cursed Steve.
,,Has anyone of you his mobile phone with him?"asked Max.
,,No I had to charge it."answered Steve.
,,Fuck we went on a monsterhunting adventure, not to an internet cafe."gave Mike back.
The others also only shrugged.
,,Fuck we are done."sighed Steve.
,,No, we will just walk back."explained Max.
,,You are insane."groaned Mike.
,,Do you have any better ideas."snapped Max.
,,No."admitted Mike.
,,Then shut up and walk."
,,Were are you Max."cursed Biy.
She wasn't were she should be that was clear.
No Max in sight and it got slowly late.
The Byers mother had also been worried, but too hadn't any clue were they could be.
,,Fuck you."cursed Billy.
His only hint was the mention of the Byers woman that they had gone to play in the first.
What the hell was wrong with the kids.
She also told him that Steve already was searching for them.
Growling he pushed Max's mobile phone number again in his mobile phone.
Still only the voice mail.
His father would be so mad if he would be late again.
He entered his car with a sigh and drove away.
Growling he took every turn until he left Hawkins for the woods.
At least he could say that he had searched for her.
Gosh his back still ached from the last beating.
As soon as he was in the forest he cursed them again.
What the hell was wrong with these kids?
His mind got quite absent until he actually saw a car.
A few people wre assembled around it and fuck there were dogs chasing them.
And then one dog opened his mouth.
Suddenly the dogs face quartered itself and it snapped after MAX.
,,What the fuck Max!"yelled Billy.
Then he hit the breaks and he hit them hard.
His car spun around and took one of the dogs with it, but luckily enough no human.
Frightened but certain he had to do something he left his car and went to the littel group.
One of the dogs snapped after him and he grapped it by it neck and threw it away.
After all he was always a littel bit suicidal.
In the other hand was a crossbar he had in the car just in case he would need it. Now was the time for it. With another move of his hand he cought the next dog. ,,Max what have you done?"growled Billy as soon as he reached the littel group. For a second he turned around and hit one of the strange dogs with the crossbar again. This time he heard the crack of bones. ,,What are you even doing here?"snapped she back. ,,I'm saving your littel ass."growled Billy. Again he hit one of the strange dog.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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