Shes gonna hate me now.🔪

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🔪T H E   K I D S   W E R E   I N   D U M B O L E D O R E S   O F F I C E🔪 

~Dumboledore sits at his desk~

"So...we had to call Mrs.Weasley when we heard what Ivana did to the 3rd year." Dumboledore Explained 

"Oh great...shes gonna hate me now!" Ivana mumbled 

"What did she say sir?" Harry asked

~Luna and Hermione hug Ivana~

"She disowned Ivana...I'm so sorry I tried everything I could!" Dumboledore said sadly 

~Fred and George cry but don't let anyone see~

"Freddie. Georgie. Don't cry!" Ivana said while fake-smiling 

~Ivana bends their tears off their faces~

"Its ok!" Ivana said while crying

"No, Ivana! Its no ok! You aren't our sister now! We're never gonna see you again!" George said

~When Ron heard that he cried and hugged Ivana~

"Its better if your not around me, I'm dangerous." Ivana said while calming Ron down

"But your our sister!" Ron said while sobbing 

"Its...ok." Ivana said while a tear fell down her check but she hid it to seem strong

~They nodded~

"Where will she live?" Neville asked

"Will she still be at hogwarts?" Luna asked

"Calm down children, Sadly no she cant be at hogwarts and she will be sent to a place for people with powers like hers...its called 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children'!" Dumboledore explained 

"Where is that?" Ron asked while still hugging Ivana and while still crying

"It's in Wales..." Dumboledore said

"WALES? That's ages away!" Hermione yelled in anger 

"I'm sorry!" Dumboledore said

"Thank you Professor! Ill go pack my things!" Ivana said while standing 

~A voice came out of no where~

"IVANA NO! YOUR NOT LEAVING!" A familiar voice said

"Mattheo...its for the best! I'm dangerous, and you need to be safe!" Ivana said 

"But i-" Mattheo started 

"Mattheo, you need to know this before I leave for Wales...I love you. Like i really love you!" Ivana confessed 

"Ivana please don't g-" Mattheo begged

~Ivana cuts him off by kissing him then walking to her dorm~

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