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It was the next day, you woke up and made your way downstairs to the kitchen. You started to brew a pot of coffee and make some breakfast for you and Amelia. Soon after you started cooking Amelia came down the stairs.

Amelia: "I thought I smelled coffee.", she says making her way to the pot and pouring herself a cup

y/n: "I'm making french toast. If you want some?"

Amelia: "That'd be great. Thank you, again for everything."

y/n: "It's no problem really.", you say smiling

Amelia: "Well, i'm gonna go shower. I'll be back down in a few."

Amelia goes up and showers as you finish cooking. Ten minutes later she makes her way down to the kitchen. You both eat then drive to work together. When you get there you walk in together, and bump into Addie.

Addie: "Hey, you two get here together?"

Amelia: "Yeah. y/n let me stay at her house so we decided to just carpool together."

Addie: "That's all?"

y/n: "Yep, just friends.", you say smirking over to Amelia

Technically you weren't lying. The two of you were just friends. You liked Arizona, but you liked Amelia in bed.

Amelia: "Oh y/n. I forgot to ask you but I need you to take my peds case today. Robbins has a kid who came in with kidney stones but we found a brain tumor."

'A peds case!', you thought to yourself panicking. How were you going to do this?

y/n: "Oh- yeah. Sure um- send the chart over to me.", you say walking off

Addie: "What's up with her?"

Amelia: "I don't know. She was fine earlier."

Amelia had sent you the chart and after reading up on it and getting to know your patient medically, it was time for rounds. You made your way into the patients room where Arizona and the other interns, were waiting for you.

You completed rounds but the whole time you were being sort of weird and not being able to hold eye contact with anyone. It was mostly just being in Arizona's presence. And she started to pick up on it, but decided not to say anything.

After rounds you were filling charts out, and checking on patients to make sure everything thing was running smoothly. Every thing with your patients were fine but you weren't. You were nervous, especially after Arizona had asked to observe your surgery, with her patient. She was always there for her patients which normally you adored about her, but not now.

You scrubbed in and began the surgery. After about 15 minutes Arizona came and joined you. Although, she said she was there for the patient you couldn't help but feel her constantly staring at you. You finished up the surgery and scrubbed out. Feeling Arizona follow closely behind, but just trying to avoid her. You were approaching a supply closet when you felt your arm be grabbed from behind and was pulled into the supply closet.

y/n: "Um- What's wrong?", you said stuttering on your words

Arizona: "I could ask you the same thing."

y/n: "What are you talking about?", you say playing dumb

Arizona: "You think I haven't noticed you avoiding me for the past week."

y/n: "I- I haven't."

Arizona: "Bullshit, and today you've been acting weird all day."

You start to walk towards the door trying to leave but she steps in front of the door, blocking it. You were cornered.

Arizona: "Just tell me what's wrong?"

y/n: "What did I say to you?"

Arizona: "What?"

y/n: "The night you drove me home from Joe's, what did I say to you? Because, this whole time I've been imagining the worst. I can't even look at you without feeling humiliated, and I don't know why."

Arizona: "y/n, you said nothing."

y/n: "I'm serious Arizona!"

Arizona: "You came up to me at the bar and just started talking. I drove you home and you started crying on the way there, so I asked what was wrong. You said that you were fine and to just keep driving. Then we got to your house, I helped you in and into bed. Then you started to cry again. I tried to comfort you, and asked what was wrong. All you said was you had a rough childhood."

y/n: "That's all?"

Arizona: "Yes, now tell me what the hell is happening with you.

You let out a sigh of relief and reach for the door handle. Arizona stops you.

Arizona: "Tell me."

y/n: "Please, Arizona. I just need some time. I'll come find you later."

Arizona: "Promise?"

y/n: "Yeah, sure whatever.", you say reaching for the door handle

Arizona stops the door handle and raises her eyebrows giving you a stern look.

y/n: "Fine, promise."

She steps back from the door, and you walk out. You were relieved that you didn't tell her anything that night, but now she wants to know. You want to tell her, but you just needed some time to prepare to tell her. You've never really been one to open up to others. Arizona cared, and you knew that. You want something with her, and for that to happen you have to be able to talk to her about these things.

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