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     It's been a week. You've got the condo in Los Angeles switched to Kendall's name, and have moved all of your belongings back in Seattle. You're staying at Amelia, and yours house. Today you have to interview for your job at Grey Sloan Memorial. 

     You wake up, and get ready for your interview. You decided on wearing a white pant suit, and a pair of heels. After you got dressed you went downstairs. Amelia was standing in the kitchen filling a water bottle, you joined her. 

Amelia: "Hey. How'd you sleep?"

y/n: "I've slept better."

Amelia: "What's wrong?"

y/n: "Just with everything. My dad is probably not going to wake up."

Amelia: "There's still a chance."

y/n: "It's been over a week Amelia. I'm a neurosurgeon too, I know the odds."

Amelia: "I'm sorry. I really am.", she sighed out, "Don't give up just yet."

y/n: "I'm not, I'm not ready to let go yet.", you said with tears in your eyes, "Oh, on another note, I have an interview at Grey Sloan today. With your brother."

Amelia: "That's great! When do you have to be there?"

y/n: "I'm heading out right now."

Amelia: "Can we carpool? I have something, I wanna tell you."

y/n: "Yeah, I'll go wait in the car.", you say smiling

     You go out to the car, and wait for Amelia. A couple minutes later, Amelia comes out and joins you. You start driving to the hospital.

y/n: "So what'd you want to talk to me about."

Amelia: "I'm just going to say it."

y/n: "Ok, say it.", you laugh

Amelia: "I'm pregnant. With Link's baby."

y/n: "My bestfriends having a baby!", you say excitedly 

Amelia: "I need you to do the scan."

y/n: "Of course. Do you know how long you are?"

Amelia: "Anywhere from four to six weeks."

y/n: "I'm so excited for you. I'm gonna be an Auntie."

     You both talk about the baby and pregnancy until you pull up to the hospital. You both get out, and go you separate ways. You walk up to the chiefs office. Once you get there you knock on the door. Derek answers. 

y/n: "Hi Chief."

Derek: "Dr. Olson, come sit."

     You go and sit in the chair as he sits across from you.

Derek: "How have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while. You just sort of upped in left."

y/n: "I've been doing really good, and you?"

Derek: "I've been doing good. Why did you leave?"

y/n: "I had some personal issues."

Derek: "Ok. Well you've worked here before. And we are in desperate need of a neuro attending, since I've been Chief. So it's sort of a no brainer to give you the job."

y/n: "Thank you."

Derek: "One thing. I've heard about your dad. I'm so sorry y/n. But I need to ask, Is that going to be a distraction?", he said with sincere eyes

y/n: "No, not a problem. I can focus."

Derek: "Alright well I'll get you on the schedule then. When's the soonest you can work?"

y/n: "Tomorrow."

Derek: "Sounds great! See you then Olson. We missed you around here."

y/n: "I missed it around here. Bye Chief."

     You waved bye and walked out of his office. You decided to walk up to your dads room, since you hadn't seen him much this past week. You walked in, and sat down next to his bed. The silence was awkward, you felt awkward. You love him so much, but you couldn't bring yourself to talk to him. You held his hand, and just sat there. When someone walked in the room, and touched your shoulder.

Arizona: "Hey."

y/n: "Hi."

Arizona: "I haven't seen you much this past week. Everything been alright?", she said worried

y/n: "Yeah. I was moving back here."

Arizona: "You were?", she lightly smiled

y/n: "Yes, I'm officially moved back, and I start work here tomorrow."

Arizona: "I'm so excited. Do you want me to leave?"

y/n: "Can you stay? If you don't mind of course."

Arizona: "I'll stay."

     Arizona pulled a chair up next to you, and sat down. One hand was holding your dads, and the other was holding your dads. You just sat there taking it all in. When suddenly a rush of emotions took over you. The reality of it all just sort of hit you. You started uncontrollably crying. Arizona got up, and shut the door, and blinds. The she came and wrapped her arms around you. You cried into her chest.

Arizona: "It's ok. Let it out." 

     You continued to cry. It felt so good to have someone be there for you. Letting you know that it's ok. It started to get hard to breathe, and you were hyperventilating. 

Arizona: "Breathe with me."

     Arizona took your head in her hands, and looked you in the eyes. She took deep, loud breathes. Once she started doing this, you breathing started to match hers.

Arizona: "What happened?"

y/n: "I just realized it all.", you said still crying

Arizona: "You're gonna be ok.", she said pulling you into a hug again

     She made you feel so safe. Everything felt like it was falling apart, but at least you had her back. You both just sat there hugging for a little while. Before you pulled away.

y/n: "I think I'm gonna go home."

Arizona: "My shift ended thirty minutes ago. I can come with you.", she offered

y/n: "You don't have to."

Arizona: "I want too."

y/n: "Thank you so much."

Arizona: "Come on, lets go.", she said smiling

     She led you out to her car, and you both drove back to your house. Once you got there, you took a quick shower. And then joined Arizona in your room. It was only about midday, but you were both tired and in need of a nap. You both got changed into some pajamas, and cuddled under the blankets.

Arizona: "y/n?", she asked

y/n: "Hmm.", you hummed out exhausted

Arizona: "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

y/n: "Yes.", you giggle

Arizona: "I love you.", she smiles at you

y/n: "I love you too."

     You both just enjoy the company of each other. And end up falling asleep after a little while.

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