Well-known scent

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Take place in 8x05

What if Kate came for the rest of her clothes to continue the LokSat case, but just couldn’t walk out that door and leave him again??


Beckett still loves you...with a passion and you don't have to measure pheromones to sense that... I've spent my career manufacturing the aromas of love for perfumes and colognes but they're all just forgeries like that painting...what you and Beckett have, now that's the genuine article

Mia's words that for a moment gave him at least a little hope again for him and Beckett, for them, for their always. But that momentary hope subsided the moment he entered the empty apartment. Beckett still loves you it repeated in his head like an image that never fades. Love? Ya, if by love can be meant an empty bed, here and there some of her clothes, that's all that's left of her in their apartment. When you are in love, all songs make sense, now all songs make sense to him,too but those that are depressing, sad and about unrequited love. He striped away his suit and let himself lie on the empty, cold bed, constantly revolving the wedding ring on the finger of his right hand. He ran hand through his hair, the way she would have done when they were lying on the couch, but this was not the same feeling, when he felt her touch, the indescribable feeling would spread all over his spin, his chest would become wider and as if he could inhale as much air as he wanted, his heart would beat faster each time, and his eyes reflected a special glow. But now it wasn't the same feeling at all, his heart was constricting with pain, his eyes were covered with a gloomy gray gaze, the blue gentle color of his eyes could barely be seen. If he tries to sleep, will it help him? No, it won't and he knows that, because one and the same dream will come to him Richard Castle lives in New York with his wife senator Beckett and their three children he has no doubt in part of Simon Doyle's prediction that Beckett will become a senator, but suspicions have begun to surge about part of his wife and three children. Why is she pushing him away from her so much? Why? His jaw clenched, his eyes shut but his heart was still an open wound. The one which hurts him the most, she, she gave it to him, but she would also heal that wound with one gentle touch and a warm word, that  damn wound of her departure, which burns like hell. He closed his eyes again by force, trying to sleep, but in vain all, he just lay there, his eyes focusing on the side she should be on, her side of their bed, which was now empty, lifeless...

"It’s not at all that I smell like baby diapers"  "And my cologne is great, just ask Lanie" Espo and Ryan had serious male conversations after Mia's visit precinct and judging their scents with her pre-sensitive nose. "We smell good, don't we, Beckett?" They were still focused on the previous topic when they noticed Beckett coming out of her office and heading for the elevator. "Ya...ya you do, boys..." She just murmured back to them to satisfy their boyish behavior. "Tommorow, Captain" Ever since Castle wasn’t at the precinct , Ryan has become real Castle junior, and now he’s even started to greet on the same stunt as Castle always did. "Can't you just say night?" Beckett scolded him just as she had Castle years ago I am a writer, until tommorow is more...hopeful Castle's words played in her ears, but Ryan's and Espo's usual 'night' pulled her out of those thoughts, only Castle was the one who could fascinate her with words.

She was in her car on her way to their apartment to pick up the rest of her clothes, when tears began to roll down her cheeks without her control.
The tears had been held in for too long and she couldn't stop them from breaking out. Somehow she managed to park the car in front of their building as tears dripped, her forehead rested on the steering wheel and her face in her hands, she cried all out and just hoped no one would pass by and see her in the car in this mess. Her fingers gripped the circle-shaped metal that rested on the finger of her left hand, the same piece of metal that Castle watched with a hint of sadness in his gaze as he lay lifeless on the bed, their wedding rings. With a deep breath, she tried to calm down and wipe away the tears that blured her vision. Damn it that case! she whispered in a broken voice as she stood in the elevator ascending to her and Castle's apartment.  Oh just how many times in this elevator did she and Castle share kisses and hugs, to avoid being caught by two redheads. With the ‘ding’ sound the elevator door opened and she was faced with a well-known red-gray metal door. She couldn't help but remember how, still all so wet from the rain, he pushed her against that same door and began to attack her lips with his own with such great desire, as if he had been waiting for it all his life, the day she became aware that she can't imagine her life without that childish annoying writer who is shadowing her around for so-called research. And now she stands at the same door, wondering whether to knock or unlock herself. She placed her fist and knocked lightly twice, her fingers clenching as she waited, her breath getting shorter and tears visible in her eyes again. There is no answer. She knows he recognizes her knocking, which means he doesn’t even want to open the door for her or? What if something happened to him, those thoughts haunted her when she pressed the key into the keyhole to unlock the door herself. Dark. She was greeted by complete darkness. But as she got used to the space around her, a faint sound from their bedroom caught her attention. Wheezing? Snoring? Gasping? She couldn't decipher it until she was completely close to the room. Castle, still curled up on the bed in his clothes, his breathing shallow and fast, his eyes narrowed but twitching every now and then, some strange murmur escaping his lips and every time that happens his body twitches harder and his arm tightens around her T-shirt in front of his nose, he seemed to have fallen asleep smelling her scent. "Rick..." She sobbed at the sight of her husband breathing with heavy sighs and fighting hard against something he dreams of. "Castle" Her tone as quiet as possible not to frighten him. "No...she still...does, always, Kate...always..." He was raving something incomprehensible from which Kate managed to catch only her name and their always. His voice was so weak and quiet, his demeanor frightened, as if it did not belong to the man lying in front of her. " Rick" Her voice twitches equally as she utters his name. Eyes already full of tears, she ran a jerky and insecure hand through his hair, as she always used to do to calm him down. "I am so sorry, Rick I am so sorry" She muttered softly, sobbing lightly, running her hand through his hair. She knew he was hurt, but how could he cover it so well the other days if all this stood trapped in him? She wonder and then she felt his body shiver under her touch and his eyes shuting open. "Kate? Kate!" The first pronunciation of her name was confused, but the second time he uttered it his eyes lit up inexplicably, smile playing on his face. And how could she tell him now that she had not returned home, but that she just  had come to get more clothes?? Best straight away, she decided as she did her best to hold back tears that were just about to flow. "Rick, I came..." Her voice grew weaker and weaker, turning into a murmur until it completely died out, so she just pointed to the bag on the floor.
His eyes shutting close and then shutting open with a watery coated texture. "Kate..." He no longer bothered to cover his vulnerable gaze and trembling voice. "Rick, don't"Kate resisted the tears that came with all her might, bit her lip to stop it from shaking and closed her mouth to keep from sobbing. "Stay with me tonight, Kate" he continued, no longer caring or whether his voice was trembling or whether his eyes were full of tears, he just wanted to show her how hurt he was and how much he need her. "Rick, don't do this to me, you know I can't, the case is still active" She can't because she's protecting him, but he doesn't care now whether the killer walks into apartment and kills him or not, because his heart is already so to say dead.  "Rick I..." No, she just didn't have the words to say, as if they were gone. "It's okay, Kate, do what you need to do" He got out of bed and followed her to see her off, shrugging his shoulders and saying "okay" just to fool himself that this was okay to him, and the truth is, it hurts so damn hard like someone ripped his heart out. She opened her mouth to say something, but then after a few awkward moments of silence she closed it again because she didn't know what to say, her eyes tormented by crying becoming wet again as he looked at her with his vulnerable gaze. "Wherever you go, I'll be right here waiting for you" Rick's words only moved her tears even more, she couldn't believe it, and after hurting him so many times, he's still there with her and for her and will wait for her as long as she needs. It's love, yes love, No matter how hurt he was, his heart would skip a beat with love every time he saw her. But his skipping heart calmed down and squeezed again in pain when she came out the apartment door and he was alone again and again. She told me you still love me he repeated softly, almost inaudibly when he just threw himself on the couch because he had a feeling that his legs could no longer withstand his weight. It was the same as the first time she walked away from him because of the damn case, standing in the hallway clutching the handle of her bag tightly, sobbing and almost choking in tears that flowed completely uncontrollably down her cheeks, glancing every now and then at the threshold of the door through which she just came out...She stood there, looking around to see if she might get a signal of what was right to do, while ignoring her heart beating madly for the right decision. The handles of the bags slowly slip out of the grip of her fist, some invisible force seems to turn her and guide her steps towards the apartment she just came out of, and she doesn't resist that force, the force of a four-letter name that has completely taken control of her heart and leads her in the right direction, love, it was love. She opened the door to the sound of metal hitting the floor and Castle's voice "She told me you still love me" Castle repeated the same sentence again, and that sound of metal that had just been heard was the sound of his wedding ring hitting the floor after he ripped it off his finger. After watching the tiny round-shaped metal slowly stop rotating from the impact and lying completely still on the floor, his face fell and it was completely buried between his hands to hide his vulnerability. He didn't even register the door opened and closed again, until he heard someone's faint voice say something through sobs "I do...I still love you, Rick" He raised his head and spotted a pair of hazel-green equally weeping eyes in front of his blue ones, and in her hand was what he had just a few moments ago jerked convulsively off his finger "and I need you" she continued, placing his wedding ring where it belongs, around his finger. "I love you Rick and I always will" Her hands cupped his cheeks, pulling him closer, her lips claiming his and locking together in one gental kiss. The sweet taste of each other's mouths mingled with the salty taste of tears that unconsciously flowed down her cheeks. "Kate, don't, don't give me hope if you're going to left me again" His tone was extremely low, his fingers clenched in an awkward grip, and his blue eyes wandering all over the apartment just not to meet her gaze. She managed to untie the grip with which his hands were forcibly joined and intertwine her fingers with his in a gentle touch."I won't, I am done playing lone wolf, this is our fight now" Her thumb gently massaged his hands and she slowly felt tension of his body decrease and relax under her touch. "Just you and me, okay?" Her hand traveled lightly along his cheek to wipe his teary eyes. He nodded weakly and her hands pulled him off the couch toward the bedroom. He was nervous and she could see it, every now and then his hand was on the back of his neck, scratching his hair and lightly chunkling. "Come here" She tucked herself on their bed and called to him, pointing to her lap. His head found a place on her lap, her hand was already disappearing through his hair the way he loved it most, she knew he hadn't gotten any good sleep these last few days and no one but her was to blame for it, so if she needed it now she will lulling him to sleep for hours, though it was not necessary because his eyes were exhausted only minutes after he felt her touch, truth he closed his eyes with a certain dose of fear because he was afraid that all this would be another dream and that she did not actually return. "Always" she brusheed her lips over his so that the feeling of her lips on his is the feeling with which he will fall asleep, and on hers remained the sweet taste of the man who now lays in her lap, whom she never want to leave again, with whom she imagine a family and the rest of her life, her writer.


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