271. #Obsessed

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The woman looked from Minnie, to Louie, to Hoops, to Rainbow, and then finally Kyo. "Uh...what's going on here?" She asked. "Mom! HOW CAN YOU STAND THERE, AND ACT LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO THIS IS?!" Minnie yelled in shock, pointing at Rainbow Dash.


The lady and Rainbow awkwardly stared at one another for a few seconds. Rainbow, who hated the silence, stuck her hand out for a handshake. "Rainbow Dash." She said. The lady's eyes widened. "I knew you seemed familiar. I'm Solar Shine. Nice to actually meet you, and not through a TV screen!" Solar said, shaking her hand.


"Uh, what?" Rainbow asked with a scoff. "Minnie is one of your biggest fans. She watched your music videos, solo and with your band, all day long, she has posters of you all over her room, and hell, she even has a replica of your guitar. AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN PLAY!" Solar laughed.


"She could learn if she wanted to, and if you'd let me, I'd be happy to teach her. I've been playing since I was 10." Rainbow said. Minnie's face lit up. "You mean you'd come to my house!?!" She asked in a high pitched voice, making Rainbow rub her ear. "Uh, I'm not sure your parents want a stranger in the house, so we could probably meet up somewhere." She said.


Minnie frowned. Solar and Kyo looked at one another, and he chuckled. "You're welcome at our house, cutie. I've known you for years, which means you're not a stranger to me, so it's fine." He said. Minnie jumped up and hugged him. "Thanks, daddy!" She squealed.


"Well, before you got here, I suggested that we spend the rest of the day together as a group, since Minnie and Louie seemed to not wanna separate just yet." Rainbow said, changing the topic. Solar thought for a moment. "Please mom? Pretty pleeeease?" Minnie begged.


She smiled at Minnie, and softly nodded. "Yay!" She squealed, hugging her mom now. They decided to get lunch together, and the kids sat at a table behind the adult's table. "So, are you two a couple?" Solar asked.


"Uh, hell no. He's just the unfortunate father of Louie. I have 3 kids, each one with a different dad. And they're all triplets, born on June 6th." Rainbow laughed. Solar raised a brow. "Sooo, where are the other two?" She asked, eating a French fry.


"With my fiance, at his house." Rainbow said with a shrug, sipping her soda. Solar examined Rainbow Dash a little more, before slamming her hand on the table. "Wait a sec! I just realized that you're the girl on the "Master of Targets' wall!" She laughed.


"Yep. That's me. 15 years ago, at least. Speaking of which..." Rainbow said, glancing around quickly, before taking her gun out, and putting it on the table. "I still have her." Rainbow said with a small smirk.


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