308. Gotta Love The Paparazzi

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A/N: THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN OnaylieAcosta FOR THE ART OF THE KIDS!! She actually made this a while ago, but I couldn't wait until book four, due to the cover already giving away most of the book :')

I still love the cover though!

Now for the basic low-down on the kids:

Tyler: Clearly, as you've seen, he's inherited his father's perverted side. He's also a childish weirdo, like me, who may never find a love interest, and of course, may become gay, like his father. (Sorry, spoilers just slipped.)
(Also, just waiting on someone to say something about Tyler and a love interest >:])
(And I have a bf already :3)

Travis: This little guy inherited his father's charisma, and his mother's disgust of lovey dovey shit, as seen in the previous chapter, and this one. He does like Raven, but, unlike his father, who made the first move, Travis will not.

This is because, again, he is like his mother when she was in her teens: disgusted by love. This makes him have mixed emotions when met with his crush, especially when in a suspenseful situation. (Foreshadowing? :/) The only way he can actually chill out with Raven, is if they are playing and joking around.

Lastly, Louie: Welp, he's just an annoying, yet risky badass, but with a sweet soft side. He inherited his annoying badass side (the side that shows the most) from BOTH parents. He likes to antagonize people, and sometimes does it unintentionally. (This trait comes from Hoops, obviously.)

(Most times it's on purpose though, as you'll see in book 4.) When with Minnie, his soft side shows a little more, and we get to see the Louie with a heart of gold. When at home, though, the guy is a rascal, pestering Rainbow to death. (I was gonna give another spoiler...but you'll just see it for yourself in the cover of book 4....dammit..😅 NOT COMPLAING ABT THE COVER, ONAY, I FUCKIN LOVE IT! 😁)

Louie's favorite color is red, Tyler's is orange, and Travis' is blue. (If you didn't read the part with the toothbrushes...) and every single one of them, inherited hair colors from the mother. Tyler would be the only one to have Zephyr's and Rainbow's hair color mix a little. Louie and Travis BOTH inherited the hair style of their father, while Tyler's hair is everywhere, and mostly like Rainbow's. XD!

Anyway, sorry for the long ass Author's Note (And I'm sure not may of you read it, but it's fine. It'll be on you when you're fuckin clueless about her kids 🤣🤣)

Raven noticed it too, and also noticed his distress. "Is your mom famous or something?" She asked. He nodded, and her eyes lit up.


"Both of them are. My mom is a famous singer and guitarist in a band, and an amazing athlete..." Travis said. "My dad, is another famous athlete. More famous than my mom in that genre." Travis added.


"And they both have irresistible looks..." Raven added, staring at them. "That too...and she now has three kids...me being one of them who has to deal with this lovey dovey stuff on a daily..." Travis complained, trying to hide his face from cameras.


Rainbow parted from the kiss to take another breath, and exhaled a laugh. "You know, I hate what you do to me..." She said. "What? Love you?" Blaze asked. "Uh, no. You embarrass me in public, and you apparently don't care about the multiple cameras on us..." Rainbow said, subtly glancing around.


"Oh c'mon! I love the paparazzi!" He joked. She looked at him knowingly. "Don't get me wrong, I do too. Hell, I used to fuckin love the cameras years ago. I still do, but there are times when I wanna stay to myself, and kinda avoid the internet? Besides, I'm not even dressed properly...do you know how may porn sites these pictures could end up on?" She said, shaking her head.


"Chillax, Dash. At least they know we're real people too." Blaze said, kissing her forehead. "Hey Raimbow Dash! When is the next Rainboom single coming out?!" Someone three lanes away asked. "Don't know! I'll have to talk to the other band members about that!" She called out, scoffing afterwards.


"Mom! Dad! It's our turn!" Travis urged, pulling Rainbow's arm. "God, Travis! I know you're excited but damn! You legit could've yanked my arm outta the socket!" Rainbow said, jumping off of Blaze's lap.


He laughed, and jumped down from sitting on the bars. Berry and David moved up with them, flying through the security check. The kids still walked up front, but this time, the mom's walked together, and the dads behind them.


"Hey Travis! Remember when we were two, and I gave--no, I OFFERED you a cookie, and you didn't accept it at first?" Raven asked with a giggle.


"Yeah. Then when you started getting sad, I took it. I had saved you from a bully, and then his mom hit me." Travis scoffed. "And then, I beat her ass for touching my kid!" Rainbow blurted, making the kids laugh, and she laughed with them.


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