Tried to keep myself locked up
Shut my heart in a steel safe
Forgot the code and became so distant
Blue with the cold of being alonePeople watched and tried to get in
I added padlocks to the door
Threw away the keys and sat
In heart of mind of mineI wrapped myself in chains and gags
I burned and writhed in pain
No tears fell but screams escaped
I died inside and outAnd then somebody came
And my door was opened by them
I let them in and let them stay
They gave me a little life and lightAnd then the door slammed shut
The lights were nought but glass
My heart was unsafe in its safe
Open to the SomeoneAnd I was lost being lost
Washed away in being dead
They brought me alive just to make me die more
And I sunk lower than I'd ever beenIf I had just kept my door shut tight
Left the locks and chains in place
Turned away from Someone
I wouldn't be dead today.
Like her tears, she fell.
PoesiaSadder poems. Not much else to say. Quite deep, may be depressing. Sorry.