Chapter 1: Captured

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???: So who is this guy?

???(2): I dont know... how the hell did he even survived the crash?

???: Dont ask me...!. This guy looks quite interesting. I mean look at him! he dosent have floating hands!

???(2): And he has some sort of military uniform that we haven't seen before... lets take him to the base. The

Auditor might be interested in this...

* a couple of hour's later *

Shephard *still knocked out*: *start's having Black Mesa flashback's *


(minute 2:06 to 2:22)

(Black Ops: Why do we have to clean up the mess that the Grunt's cant even handle...?)

Oh god... Black Mesa...

(minute 1:19 to 2:03)

Shephard: * inmediatly wakes up * FUCK!

Scientist: ...

* akward silence *

Shephard: Ughh god... where the hell am i now...? and who the hell are...

Scientist: * start's running * GUUAAAARD'S!!!

Shephard: ... That dosen't sound right... wait. Where's my PCV?!


Shephard: Aww shit... * gets hit in the head, and gets unconcious. *

A few minutes later...

Shephard: * waking up* Uhgg... my head... where am i...? again...

* Shephard checks aroung the room, but it just an big open white room with nothing but 2 doors, and he later sees 2

windows and a big door in the middle*

* behind those window's Shephard sees some shadow's behind it *

Shephard: Hey... HEY! HEY LET ME OUT OF HERE!

* silence *

Shephard: Do you even hear me?! fuck...

* left door open's, and a grunt with a combat knife comes in *

Shephard: Hey! uhh... you just came out of that door right? could you let me o...

Grunt: * tries to stab Shephard *


* Shephard lasted a couple of minutes dodgin the grunt *

Grunt: C'mon! stop moving you rat!! just fucking die!

Shephard: Ok now im damm tired of this... * grabs grunt's hand and then takes its combat knife with ease. *

Grunt: Wai...! * gets stabbed in the neck *

Shephard: Sorry but you left me with no choice... god dammit... well... at least i got a free knife!

* left door opens, 4 grunt's come in *

Shephard: Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me...

Grunt 1: You wont last long with us!

Grunt 3: YEAH!

Shephard: Look's like ill be quite some time in this place...


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