Oh no :/

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I trun around too see 1D 😱😱.
Limb: shhh don't b fret we will give u tender love to help u clam down.
Neil: yeah, that symbol is where we sacrifice fans that don't believe in our tendré luv we provide 4 dem.
The symbol is a craving of a giant LIKE HUGe D with an 1 in the mid. There are five candles lit, oun quivering.
Y/N: wow that's nice! I say deprezzed Bc the liting makes me sad.
Luis: oh no! Don't b depressed I- we r hear 2 save u <3
The other 4/5th derections look at him arngily.
Other directs: that's right... WE r her to save u frum hert <3333
They rub my arms tenderly and I feel safe. Zoyne lifts up my shirt to check my bandsages. They are almost heeled. I am happy that they are good but I am sad Bc there is vry little pain rn.
Hair: hey let's git 'er up stais now mates
Harry staid in his sm*exxy British voice. They bring me too the gust room, which is my room bye, they laid me down on the golden diamond couch as they rebandadged my cutting wounds on my stomch.
Y/N: wow thanks guys u guys are very tender wow thanks but u don need 2 do dis for me Bc I will just harm agan :/
Zynaenae: no u won Bc we sanded down all sharp objects in this house!!1!!1!1!1!
Louis: Ye I hid all the lazors above my bedroom window so u can't see them!!!1!11!
Y/N: wow that's cool
Lol too bad they didn't know I had nails >:)
They tenderly carry me to my diamond/plantium(their the same thing right? Lol XDDD). I tuck myself into bed and they fall aseep necks to me Bc they are sacred I will harm meaelf.
I fall asleep gently, the five men all around me. I feel safetly in they're tendard arms.

*£}€~^|^]£]C R A S H *****~~~*~**~~*{€~>~^|*\£]

I wake up spooked and look around. Only 4 membors of the band their.
Hm let's see there's Harold, Liam, Lois, Nile, and... wait...
The boys are a sheep in bed. I squirmily get out of the bed, carly not to wake em up. I tipped toes out of the diamon/platinum/gold/plasma/silver/neon(it's possible to b solified bc they r rich and have achieved absolute zero Bc they have money and can have solifified neon Bc neon is gas XDDD I WISH I COULD HAVE THAT LOLOLOL). I turn the dark hard hard wood oak corner and se that the spook door is open. I slip toe down here and I see a shadow.

A/N: I forgot 2 mention that under each candle is their names lol continue!!

I turn and see


Zayne looks and sees me in my onsie lingerie pajimas. He is blushed but gets mad.
Zane: hey y r u up
You: I heard a thump!
Zane: oh I'm sry. Go up 2 the bed now!
Your name: hey what r u doin?
Zane: I uhhh
He stutts, hunching over the spookily lit candel that says: ZAYNE. He pinched out the flame and the house shook with anger. I was very fright.
Y/n: i don't understand?!
Zane: I cannot 1D much longer, babe, he blushed, I am engaging in a woman named Gaga Hadeed. She does not allow me 2 sing 2 others :(
Un: don't do that 4 a gurl. U should tenderize her, not torturize!!!
I know my words got 2 him Bc he shook like a table in tears. He runs upstairs, carefully not to wake the others and to not brake the diamond foolr Bc that would be bad and an expensive fix and why're not that rich lololol.
Name: ZAIN WAIT!!!
He did not wait. I am sad. I take my nail and carve his name under my bandage into my stomach so he knows he's left a scare on my hart :(

The other directions did not wake. I sadly head to bed Bc I wanna be nutritioned and health when I go find him.
I'll bring him back
Wheather it b by force
Or by force.

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