Chp 10: All Sev, all the time

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Severus opened his eyes and smiled. Sitting up in bed, he looked around his dungeon bedroom. Everything seemed brighter this morning. His body felt better than it had in years; the aches and pains that he had developed were all but gone. His skin and hair felt softer, less greasy and sallow. After only one feeding, he was already well on his way to looking like the man he should. He showered and got to work on the Dark Lord’s potion. The Imagrex potion was complex, requiring many steps and a long brewing period. Most potions masters would have found it quite challenging, and he eagerly anticipated the thrill that would come from being the first to successfully complete the potion in centuries. He idly wondered where his mate had gotten a hold of the venom from an ancient balisk. The thought tugged at a memory in the back of his mind, but his attention was soon taken by the intricate potion.

Around mid-morning, Severus felt a pull from the tracking spells he’d placed on his mate’s wand. His now slightly fuller lips curled in a smug smirk. His soon-to-be-identified mate hadn’t found them then. He worked steadily for another hour, until he had the potion at a place where it could be left to simmer for a while. A simple flick of his wand cast a shield over the cauldron to prevent anything being added to the potion before he came back. Peeves hadn’t dared invade his areas for years, but he didn’t want to take the chance that today would be different. Not with this particular potion. Moving swiftly into his rooms, he changed his clothes, telling himself that it was because his current robes were stained from the potion ingredients, not because he wanted to look good for his mate in any way. Irritated because he didn’t sound convincing even to himself, he made his way out of the castle to apparate, being careful to avoid the other staff members who lived at the castle. Particularly the Headmaster.

Outside the gates, he disillusioned himself, and crouched into a more defensive position. Apparating blind wasn’t really a good idea, even for one as experienced as himself. He snorted at the thought of acting like a Gryffindor, as his mate had suggested a few days before. Drawing a beep breath, he apparated to the tracking spell’s location.

When the brief second of disorientation passed, he was confused to find himself in a small room, surrounded by mirrored walls. The only non-reflective wall was behind him, and contained the door. On a small stool in the middle of the room sat a small box; it was this that the pull focused on. The box was barely bigger than his hand, and rectangular; certainly not big enough to contain the wand he’d seen the day before. Cautiously, he approached the box, checking for traps and curses. Finding none, he opened the box, a sinking feeling rising in him. Inside was a rolled scroll tied in a silver ribbon, which he lifted out. Sliding the ribbon off, he allowed it to dangle from his fingers as he read the scroll.

y darling mate, placing tracking charms on my lovely new wand was very naughty of you. I’ll have to think of an appropriate… punishment... for you later. For now, I offer you another chance to discover my identity. Allow Mme. Malkin to measure you for new robes, and I will deliver my blood to you personally for your next feeding. Otherwise; we will not meet again until September. Before you make your choice; my beautiful, proud, Slytherin mate; know that your doing this will please me greatly. I feel the need to see you in new robes that will both protect your person and enhance your beauty. Do this for me, my a’ashi. Warmest regards, your mate.
He dropped the disillusionment charm, and threw the box across the room with a bitten-off curse. Frustration echoed down the bond once more, to be met by quiet laughter.
“I am so glad that I can amuse you!”
he snarled. His mate just sniggered and closed down the bond. That sneaky, conniving little… With a sigh, he conceded. He’d been out-Slytherin’d, and he would accept his penalty. For his pride, nothing else. Certainly not the thought of making some upstart newly fledged-vampire who just happened to be his mate happy. He scowled and shoved the scroll and ribbon in his pockets when Mme. Malkin came bustling in, alerted by the noise.

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