Chp 15: Crimson and silver

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“Merlin forgive me, you’re a Xavier!”

The startled cry brought Harry back within range of his senses. Reigning himself in, he snarled back. “That was my Sire’s name, a’ashi. Why is it meaningful to you?”

Seeing his la’aka’s struggle, Severus bowed his head down and to the side, sweeping his hair away from his neck and allowing his hands to fall loosely at his side in a show of submissiveness, acknowledging the dominance of the other vampire. The display appeased the other somewhat, enough that Harry could be gentle when he reached his mate. Pinning him bodily to the wall, Harry sniffed at his neck.

“You have wronged me, a’ashi. I demand reparation for the disrespect you show.”

Answering the command with an ancient reply, Severus closed his eyes, accepting that there was nothing he could do but trust in his mate. “I offer freely what is mine to give so that you may live.”

Harry twitched. He’d never heard that phrase before in his life, but it resonated deep within him. He pondered it briefly, until the instant that his mate’s blood hit his tongue, his teeth embedded in the hidden bonding marks. It had been weeks since he’d drunk from his mate, too long. A desperate thirst that he hadn’t even been aware of ripped through him, pushing him to drink more. He lost himself in the blood; seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling nothing but the crimson ambrosia flowing into him. It was only when the bond between them vibrated frantically that he became aware again.

His mate was limp against him, all but drained, fading away as he watched.

“No!” Instinctive words fell from his blood-stained lips, answering those uttered by his mate before. “As I have taken what is mine, I offer what is yours. Blood for blood a’ashi. Drink from me and live forever.” With an almost audible snap, the third stage of the bonding process was completed, leaving only the physical bonding to go. He pulled the dying vampire’s head to his neck, pushing his mouth into the skin.

Alarm shot through him when nothing happened for long moments. Just as he was about to panic, he felt Severus stir, his teeth weakly piercing flesh. With a sigh of relief, he held his mate tightly to him, feeling the life return. That was too close. Far too close. He swore never to go that long without feeding again.

“Try not to make a habit out of this, Harry. If I’m going to die, I’d prefer it not to be at the hands of my la’aka.” Severus’ reply sounded tired. Hearing his mate refer to him as Harry, and acknowledge him as his dominant filled him with joy. Cradling his precious a’ashi gently in his arms, he allowed him to drink his fill.

“Sev’rus, forgive me. I couldn’t control the vampire. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” The sincerity in the young man’s voice reassured Snape. He shifted, wrapping his arms around Harry’s waist, marveling at the way their bodies fit together. There was less than an inch height difference between them; although Severus was pleased to note that he would still be fractionally taller once he stood.

Belatedly realizing that he hadn’t replied to his anxious mate, he reluctantly withdrew his teeth and lapped at the wounds, healing them and sending a shiver through the other man. Straightening, he looked into the emerald gaze of his mate and smiled. “Perhaps we should have this conversation elsewhere?”

He was regarded testingly for a few seconds, then acknowledged with a sharp nod.


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