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Fluffy chapter inbound!! Enjoy guys!


I got off Pico's chest and started to walk, or rather limp, towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. Pico came in not long after and hugged me from behind, being careful not to hit my stitches.
"Is your arm feeling okay?" Pico asked. I couldn't speak with toothpaste in my mouth so I just nodded and continued to brush my teeth.
"Good... you're still weak so let's take it easy today..." Pico said. It made me feel good inside to know that someone actually loves and cares about me. I spat out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth.
"I'm gonna make us some breakfast Pico!" I said, scratching my head
"Wait!! Let me finish so I can carry you!! Your legs are still weak..." Pico said worriedly.
"I'll be fine Pico! I can still walk... Kinda..." I said, voice becoming quiet at the end.
"Just wait a few minutes Keith..." Pico said, grabbing his toothbrush.
"Okay fine..." I said, leaning onto the wall.

"Okay I'm done now Blueberry! Let's take you into the kitchen..." Pico said. Pico tried to pick me up but I was still angry at him for not letting me walk to the kitchen so I backed away, almost falling over.
"Keith? Why aren't you- Oooohhhh..." Pico said, slowly realizing. All I did was cross my arms and make 'hmph' sound, looking away from Pico.
"Look, I'm sorry Keith... I just worry about you sometimes!" Pico said, coming closer towards me.
"Shut up!! You won't even let me walk!! A normal basic human function!!!" I yelled, giving him a weak punch on the arm.
"Aaawww... Is Keith angry?" Pico teased, picking me up and leading me onto the kitchen. I always hated being teased because it always made me angry or made me cry.

"STOP CARRYING ME!! I'M NOT A BABY!!" I yelled, weakly punching his back.
"Oh no, of course not! Your my baby!" Pico teased, putting me down. I couldn't take it anymore, I started to tear up.

"Stop teasing me... I don't like it..." I said, wiping a tear that formed in my eye.
"Oh no... Keith I didn't mean to!" Pico said, giving me hug. I sobbed lightly into Pico's shoulder while he kept trying to apologizing.

"I'm so sorry Keith!! I mean you do look a little childish when you're angry..." Pico said, making me cry even more.
"Stop making fun of me!! I've been through enough with Cherry!" I cried, wiping my tears away.
"I fucking hate myself... Keith, I'm so fucking sorry..." Pico whispered. Bad memories of me and Cherry flood in which only made me cry more.

"Keith I'm so sorry... We can both go to the park tomorrow and get ice-cream okay?" Pico whispered, trying to reassure me.
"O-okay... C-can I have a blueberry one...?" I asked, holding Pico more tighter.
"Of course... One to match your beautiful blue hair!" Pico whispered.
"Don't ever tease me ever again!! It reminds me of when Cherry used to make fun of me..." I said, wiping a tear away from cheek.
"Don't talk about her plastic ass... I'll make us both some cereal..." Pico said, carrying me into the living room. He put me down on the couch and went back into the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal for us.

*Time skip go brrr*

I finished eating my cereal and scrolled away on my phone, lying down on Pico's lap, until a notification popped up.

New message from Cherry!

I instantly got scared and started to whimper.
"Keith? What's wrong baby?" Pico asked, rubbing my sides to reassure me. I hesitantly tapped the notification and gave it to Pico, holding him tightly.

Pico POV

Keith gave me his and phone and held onto me tightly. I put it to the side and made sure that Keith was okay first.
"What is it Blueberry? You can tell me anything..." I said, making him sit on my lap.
"I-it's... H-her..." Keith said hesitantly, holding me tightly. When he said that, I immediately got angry and growled at the thought of her insulting my Keith.
"NO-ONE makes fun of you!! Only I do!"I growled, making Keith whine. I grabbed the phone and started to text her, seeing only rage and anger.


Keith: nah he isnt trying to hide hes just with his boyfriend right now
Keith: (Changed contact name to Plastic bitch)

Plastic bitch: no hes relationship with me

Keith: you call hurting him giving him bruises and shaming him is 'a relationship'???
Keith: my baby needs to treated the right way you plastic whore


Keith: i do
Keith: in fact he ran away from u just to say sorry to me

Plastic bitch: WHO ARE YOU?!????

Keith: his ex Pico


Keith: yes u dumb plastic whore
Keith: now if youll excuse me i need to make sure my keithy is ok from all the trauma hes experiencing cuz of u

I put the phone down after sending that last message before getting exploded by messages. I put Keith's phone on mute and hugged him tightly.
"P-Pico... I-it hurts just thinking about her..." Keith whimpered, shaking in fear.
"Sssssshhhhhh Keith... It's okay baby... Here, I'll block her number so then you don't have to listen to her bullshit..." I said, grabbing Keith's phone.

When I opened up his phone, there was about 20 notifications on Cherry's messages and it still going. They were all threats like 'bring Keith back to me otherwise...' blah blah blah, you get the idea. All I did was block her number and put the phone straight back down, no question asked. I kissed Keith's neck to reassure him and decided to walk back up to our bedroom. I took Keith's phone with me so he at least had something to do.

"Pico... I don't ever want to let you go ever again..." Keith said, while walking into the bedroom.
"It's okay... The thing between you and... plastic bitch is gone." I said, laying Keith down on the bed and giving him his phone. I layed down next to him and cuddled while he smiled and went on his phone.

Lost Without You | Pico X Keith/BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now