Interview [1]

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17th April 2013

"Hello, I'm here with Maddie Grace. Now Maddie you're about to begin filming Captain America, I wanna talk about that but also about the huge revelation from Joseph Morgan on Instagram this week,"

"I had a feeling you would,"

"He's your brother. Your twin brother to be specific,"

"That he is. Usually, I'd say 'unfortunately' but because it's been a secret for so long, I kinda miss him,"

"Who's the older twin?"

"Joey, by 7 minutes and boy did he not let me forget it,"

"Was it weird when people thought you were dating?"

"Oh, yeah. Gross. Disgusting. I felt really bad about it though because obviously, my brother is with this amazing woman, who I finally had the pleasure to meet yesterday. She's absolutely amazing,"

"Of course, you are talking about Persia White,"

"Yeah, I mean he talked about her all the time, so in a way, I knew her but didn't if you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do. It's not the same is it?"

"You know, he said that the reason he didn't introduce me, even as his best friend is because I'd embarrass him but come on, a girl has to get to know her future sister. And no, before you guys go crazy he hasn't proposed but if he doesn't I'll whack him,"

"Wow, it sounds like you really like her,"

"I do, I really do,"

"And the age difference and the fact she's older than him, that doesn't bother you?"

"Age is but a number. If you're happy then I don't see why it should be a problem,"

"Could you see yourself falling in love with someone older than you?"

"Well, to be honest. I think I already did, but he didn't know. He still doesn't,"

"You're not going to tell me are you?"


"Alright, haha,"

"If I did tell you, then Joey would go all 'protective brother' on me,"

"Does he do that a lot?"

"Yeah, he's the reason I almost went to prom with a smiley face that was drawn on my hand. That was my date. I had three potential dates to the prom but Joey hated all of them. We actually got into an argument, and I was like you know, a silly teenager who was thinking about how much of a loser I'd look like without a date. So he got a permanent marker and drew a smiley face on my hand,"

"It annoyed you back then, does it annoy you now?"

"No, actually. A couple of days ago I almost lost my role in the Captain America film because of all the bad press about 'us' and he was badgering me to tell. I wouldn't answer his texts so he did it for me,"

"Why did you keep it a secret?"

"It was my idea, I thought that if I was going to pursue a career in acting then I wanted to know for certain that it was because I was good and not because of who my brother was because he is an amazing actor. I know I'm biased but it's true,"

"What was your job before becoming an actress?"

"Very few people know this but, I was a nurse at a hospital in Wales,"

"Really? How did you come to star on Supernatural?"

"Well, I actually came to the US to visit Joey one week and there was this casting session for a small role in Supernatural and my best friend threatened to strangle me through the phone if I didn't at least tryout. So I did, by some miracle I actually got it, I thought I was a nervous wreck, you know?"

"Wow, that's insane. You just tried out?"


"Okay, so. You're going to be filming Captain America? Are you filming Revenge still?"

"We actually finished shooting the last episode of Revenge last month. So I can focus more on Captain America. I'm due back on set in August. We start shooting Captain America this week and I'm very excited to start,"

"On social media, it seemed like the cast had already claimed you as their friend now, have you met them yet?"

"I met Chris and Sebastian, at the airport of all places, I have yet to meet everyone else in person,"

"Who are you more nervous about meeting?"

"Oh, Samuel L Jackson for sure. He's one of my favourite actors of all time and to actually be in a movie with him... I mean I can't even put it into words,"

"It has been lovely talking to you, Maddie but unfortunately that is all we have time for."

"Thank you for having me,"

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