Feminine Ivory

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Ivory's POV
January 2nd, 2040
"Well, this is interesting," Eli said with a smile.

"This isn't what it looks like I swear!" I said quickly. I couldn't see myself but I know I was probably crimson red.

"You look so cute in that skirt," Eli admitted.

"I-I swear I wasn't trying to touch things that wasn't mine. Speaking of that, why do you have so many feminine stuff in your wardrobe?" I questioned.

"Well I like to dress femininely as my guilty pleasure, why are you wearing a skirt?" Eli asked me in a sinister tone.

"I was just curious! Please don't get mad at me," I blurted. Eli didn't seem like the type of person to get mad easily but because of my past relationship, it was kind of a natural instinct.

"Oh trust me I am far from mad, you look so adorable. I could never reach such levels when I'm in a skirt," Eli mentioned.

"Hey! I'm not cute! Shut up," I muttered before putting my hand against my mouth. I just told the one who was sheltering me to shut up! How stupid can I be?!

"Don't be like that," Eli whispered as he started to walk towards me.

"Ah! What are you doing? Keep your distance," I stated before starting to step backwards. The problem is I didn't know there was a book on the floor and I fell onto the ground leaving me alone even more vulnerable.

Eli took advantage of me on the floor and quickly pounced onto me startling me for a second. I tried to push away but he was way stronger than I thought! He is older than me but he overpowers me ten fold!

"Hold still! I gotta look at this outfit closer," Eli teased.

"No! This is so embarrassing why are you amused by this!" I let out a whine before giving up on struggling.

"Finally, you stopped moving," Eli said.

The position we were in was a little bit awkward. We were both on the floor him on top of me, pinning my wrists above me with one of his hands. After a few minutes of us cooling off from that play fight we just did Eli finally got off of me.

"Can I take off the skirt now?" I uttered before attempting to leave Eli's room so I can change into something more casual rather than this painfully embarrassing outfit.

"Hmmm, nah. I wanna save this somehow. This might be my only chance seeing you in such a cute outfit. Sit down on the chair I'm gonna draw you real quick," Eli responded.

His words surprised me and probably made my face get even redder. Eli? Wanting to draw my ugly body? There's no way. Even so, this skirt is vomit inducing. I can't let Eli save this! Before I could deny his command I was pushed onto a chair.

"Hey I never agreed!" I objected.

"Well I think for sheltering you and providing food for you would be an equal trade for a drawing of you," Eli mustered.

"Hmpf, I guess you're right. Just don't take too long! This skirt is getting uncomfortable," I agreed.

With that I attempted to adjust my position into something more comfortable. Nothing was working though. The though of me being in such a girly outfit made everything so much worse. After about 5 minutes of me trying to find the right position I noticed Eli was getting annoyed by my movements. I didn't want to anger him because who knows what type of person he is when he isn't happy with someone.

I sat still in the chair with legs together and my hands on my lap fidgeting with each other. I tried to ignore the eyes that was staring me down from top to bottom. I knew it was Eli who was looking at me but in the end I still couldn't resist letting out a small whimper. I always had anxiety, I hated when people had all their attention towards me. I loved having attention in a loving relationship sure but in this situation it was different. The amount of pressure that was on me kept giving me bursts of tears that I had to hold in.

I couldn't keep it in anymore. I felt so overwhelmed with things. I had mixed emotions of embarrassment and nervousness. I hated both feelings and it struck me at the same time. So with that, I did the one thing I didn't want to do. I turned my head down and started sniffling. I could hear Eli's pencil come to a stop on his paper. I looked up to see him looking at me extremely concerned.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice. Something totally different from earlier when we were play fighting.

"I'm sorry I was just feeling overwhelmed," I told him but him attempting to comfort me just made me burst into a full breakdown.

I fell out of the chair and collapsed into Eli's arms. He was kneeling on the floor with me clamping my fingers into his shirt and my face nuzzled into his neck. It was a lot of physical touch but I don't know what to do. I just knelt there being in my most vulnerable state and surprisingly, he sat there with me holding me in his arms closely. Tight enough for him to never lose grasp of me and loose enough for me to move and breathe in. After what felt like eternity of him patting and ruffling my hair I finally were  able to control my breathing.

"I'm sorry," Eli mustered. His voice trembling in guilt.

"I shouldn't have forced you to do that, do you want to have some alone time?" he added.

"No, I want to be you to be here with me. Don't be sorry I'm just weak and can't handle being in a situation like that," I apologized.

"Just accept my apology," he said still trembling.

"You didn't do anything wrong though," I reassured. He obviously didn't believe me from the way he continued to pat my back. We just sat there and hugged for a few more minutes before Eli let go of my touch and stood up.

"Hey don't leave!" I shouted out before realizing what I just demanded for.

"I'm just grabbing a few tissues to wipe the tears off your face, I also need water to clean off the dry tears too. I'm sorry I'll be right back alright?" Eli promised. I nodded slightly before he left me, leaving me alone in his room again. I crawled towards the piece of paper that Eli was drawing on. I took a peek at it and I saw something amazing. He drew me, he actually drew me. It wasn't just me though. He drew himself next to me. I was wondering why he took so long. The drawing was perfect. He didn't exaggerate the skirt and he drew me in a style I haven't seen before.

My admiring came to an end because of Eli rushing through the door. I quickly got away from the piece of paper and went back to my original spot. He came over to me cleaning my face off with a wet towel.

"I'm sorry it isn't warm, you know how hard it is to even have running water," Eli sighed.

"It's fine, I needed something cool me down anyway," I said.

After Eli finished wiping my face he used a dry towel to clean off the excess water left on my face. He shoved the towels away and went to pick up the piece of paper. He picked it up and started to head towards the trashcan with it.

"Hey wait! Don't throw it away, I like it," I admitted. Eli looked at me in shock.

"You've seen it?" Eli asked.

"While you were out getting towels I got curious. I very much like that drawing," I stated.

With that, Eli shrugged and put the piece of paper on a high shelf on top of his desk. I wanted to look at it one more time but Eli blocked the view. I finally got up from the floor and walked over towards Eli.

"I'm getting sleepy," I noted.

"It is getting a little late," Eli mentioned.

He told me that he's gonna go brush his teeth and do his night routine. He said I could just go to sleep without him if I don't wanna wait for him. Although I wanna be with him, my love for sleeping overpowers anything. I crash onto his bed remembering to not take up too much space. I closed my eyes and I hoped that tomorrow will be filled with more joy than sadness.

A/n - Did you guys like that?! It's the longest chapter by far. Next chapter this ship of mine might sail. I'm excited for me to write about it! Thanks for reading.
Word count - 1500

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