Chapter 4: Devil of Hell... Pt. 1

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"What the hell was that?!" Rias shouted at her older brother. "Why the hell did you kiss the Vampire Queen?!"

"...It's a long story," Percy replied as Rias said, "We've got time."

Percy sighed and said, "It was 326 years ago. During the time where 200 young men and women were accused of being witches and warlocks, and 20 were executed. You all know what I'm talking about."

"The Salem Witch Trials," Jaune spat rage, clear as day in his face. "I remember those... I'm glad that I caused them to shed one another's blood."

"And I had to clean up your mess," Percy retorted. "Anyways, during those trials, I met Artemis who was preying on those who executed the accused. I met her on one of those nights."


Death was riding in the woods near Salem, Massachusetts when he heard someone scream, "HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!"

Death then disappeared into the mist, along with his horse, and reappeared where he saw a woman with auburn hair, wearing a dark dress attacking a male and the Horseman said, "Stop! Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

The woman then finished off the male, before turning around and said, "I am Artemis the Queen of the Vampires. I am here to show these people what true suffering is like. And you are?"

Death then made a scythe appear out of thin air and said, "You know me. I am the end of all life. I am inevitable. I am Death the eldest of the 4 Horsemen."

Artemis backed up in fear and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Because this man was screaming for help, Artemis," Death replied as he took off his hood to reveal sea-green eyes, untameable raven black hair, and a beach-tanned skin tone.

"You look just like my Uncle," Artemis said with a gasp. "How is that possible?"

"Much like you Olympians, I can change how I look," Death replied. "My personal favorite is this..."

The Horsemen's skin then turned ash as sea green flames surrounded his skeletal system and Artemis backed up seeing what Death looked like in one of his many forms.

"I am the Rider of Death," Death replied, his voice taking a demonic tone. "This is the form that your family and the mortals of the world call the Ghost Rider. I make a deal with mortals and they gain this form as my instrument of death."

The two then heard villagers coming and Death, after returning to his normal form, said, "Allow me to take you back to your encampment. After that, I must go."

Artemis then took Death's hand and somehow last her footing and fell into his arms and she realized that she felt safe in Death's embrace. Her cold, pallid skin felt warm against his sun-kissed skin tone, and, surprisingly to the Pagan Goddess, he was not cold like her skin was, it was warm. Like he's been in the tropics all his life. This, along with his handsome features, made her heart skip a beat.

The two then vanished in dark mist and reappeared not far away from Artemis's camp.

"Will I ever see you again?" the Goddess asked her tone having an underlying pleading.

"I do not know," Death replied knowing that he was beginning to fall for the Pagan Goddess of Vampires and Maidens. "But I cannot promise you that I will be the same person as before. For I will have faded and another will have taken my place as Death. I will return though if you want me to return. You have my promise."

Artemis smiled sweetly and kissed the Horseman on the cheek before turning into a swarm of bats and flying off into the night, leaving Death to his own self.


"That's how Death and Artemis met," Percy told them as he finished the meet between the Queen of the Night and Lord of Death. "A couple of hundred years later, I met her myself, but that was when I was about 14 or 15. I haven't seen her until today."

"But I think I heard her say that she loves you," Rias said. "How can she love you if you only met her once?"

"Creatures of death, like Vampires, are attracted to and fall in love with, Death," Percy replied. "She is truly in love with me for who I am as a horseman and as a Demigod."

"Wait what?" Rias asked her eyes wide. "What do you mean by: as a demigod? You surely jest."

"I am a Demigod Son of Poseidon," Percy told them. "I asked him to keep me the same. But still, be the Horseman of Death. In doing so, I cannot step foot into Camp Half-Blood since it is a Pagan Domain. I am out of Fate's control as well since I'm the Horseman of Death. To quote a Legend: I have no strings on me."

"What of the Pagan?" Rias asked her arms crossed. "What will you do with her?"


"You don't know do you?" Rais asked her older brother.

"No I do not," Percy told his sister. "But when the time is right, I will know. Now come on. Your old family will be here soon and we need to plan this battle."


It was the day of the battle and the 4 Horsemen were ready to fight some of the most powerful devils alive.

"Hello Akeno," Rias said as her old family and friends walked out in front of her. "How are you doing with your little boy toy, Riser?"

"He's great in bed," Akeno said with a smirk. "I don't know what was going on in your brain, but you were out of your mind."

"Because he would've treated me like I was just a trophy to be displayed," Rias said with a snarl. "He was the one who forced himself on me, taking away my purity! But no more! I am no longer your Crimson Princess of Ruin! I am Rais Jackson the younger sister of Percy Jackson and the Horseman of Conquest!"

At those last words 2 wings shot out of her back, one of them was white as snow and the other was bat-like with dark red veins pulsing through it.

"I am Rias Jackson the last of the Nephilim," Rias said. "Devil of Hell, Angel of Heaven."

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