Chapter 5: ... Angel of Heaven Pt. 2

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[It's time partner] Ddraig said to Issei who was watching Rias speak.

'How long will it take?' Issei asked the Red Dragon.

[30 minutes at most, 15 at least] Ddraig replied. [She'll have to keep everyone busy until it's done... You'll have to go against your master's wishes as well. Do you want to do this, partner?]

"I am Rias Jackson the last of the Nephilim," Rias said. "Devil of Hell, Angel of Heaven."

Everyone was surprised at her statement and her wings and Issei said, "I'll be honest with ya... You look very beautiful with angel wings."

Rias blushed lightly and said, "T-Thank you Ise."

Issei sent a small smile her way and Rias blushed even more, before shaking her head and saying, "Do you really think I would fight you all alone?"

"You don't have anyone," Riser said with an evil smirk. "I'll make you hungry for me and..."

He couldn't finish what he was saying because Riser was hit by an energy wave and an arrow made of heavenly energy and a voice said, "If you touch a single hair on her head, I'll show you why my name is War."

"And I'll show you why my name is Famine."

"Jaune, Izuku," Rias said with a sigh. "I thought that our older brother told you both to wait for my signal?"

"He was being a douche so I put him in his place," Jaune told her, his long sword glowing with power. "Now then, who else wants a fight?"

Issei clenched his left fist and he asked Ddraig, 'What's taking so long?'

[It's only been 5 minutes, Issei, be patient and you'll be a dragon much like I am] Ddraig replied.

"Can we just talk this out?" Issei asked about getting in between Rias, War, and his [King]. "I do not want to die at the hands of War, the second strongest Horseman. After all, he and the others are the ones who will bring forth the Apocalypse at the End of Days."

"They're just myths," Akeno said as Asia began healing her [King]. "There is no such thing as the Horsemen."

A dark fog began to cover the ground as they all heard the clip-clop of hooves and the snarling of a hound, Ddraig said, [N-N-No... I-I-It c-c-can't b-b-be... ]

A horse as black as midnight, with glowing red eyes and sea green flames where its tail would be, around the hooves and where its mane would be, and a hound by its side. The hound itself was skeletal, with ruby red eyes and had wisps of dark mist emitting from its body. The horse's rider was a figure garbed in dark cloth with a hood on its head. Its hands were skeletal and before long, it spoke, "Heir to the Clan of Phenex, I am here to stop you from taking my sister from me. I am your end, the end of all life, the end of the beginning. I am... Death."

Akeno stepped away from the most powerful of the 4 Horsemen and said, "L-Lord D-Death... W-Why a-are y-you h-here?"

"Because I have seen the death of a pawn," Death replied, his empty eye sockets somehow finding Issei. "And my sister would not like it if he died."

Issei gulped and Death continued, "If you all don't leave now, you will die by my hands. I have foreseen it. You, Red Dragon Emperor will die if you all fight. I will be forced to collect your soul and take it to either Heaven or Hell. And the White Dragon Emperor will have to wait to fight you. Is that truly what you want, Issei Hyoudou? To die without telling her that you love her? Or will you live to a rightful old age with plenty of children and grandchildren? Before you welcome me with open arms? Your choice. Choose wisely."

Issei looked at Rias and he immediately had his choice picked out.

He turned to Death and said, "I choose life, Lord Death, I choose to live and have a family with the love of my life without the fear of Devils and Fallen Angels breathing down my neck which is why Ddraig has been doing something for the last 15 minutes."

Death became human and his clothes, turned into modern-day clothing, his skin and muscle reappearing and his horse and hound turning into dark mist.

Akeno looked at Death's human form and said, "Screw you, Riser. I just found someone even more enticing."

"1, fuck you," Percy said to which Akeno said, "I'll allow you to do anything you want to me."

"Would killing you be included?" Jaune asked with a cruel smirk on his face. "Cause it's been a while since I spilled Devil's blood."

Percy just ignored his brother and the weirdass Devil, saying, "2, I never saw this coming."

Everyone looked at the Horseman and Issei said, "It's the only way I can be free of Akeno and Riser the Douchebag."

"Then continue on, Red Dragon Emperor," Percy said before turning to the Peerage. "I thought Sirzech and Grayfia were going to be here... I guess I was wrong."

"They had a meeting to go to," Koneko replied in her usual monotone voice.

"Well, Grayfia still owes me Death, a drink," Percy told the Nekomata, surprising everyone. "Anyways, you done yet Issei?"

Issei then screamed as 8 [Pawn] pieces fell out of his chest and Akeno just scowled and said, "Why the hell did you do that?!"

Issei then fell to one knee and said, while panting, "... Because... I didn't... want to... be a part of... your peerage, Akeno."

Percy then got out a pocket watch and said, "Issei Hyoudou."

The clock began ticking and wasn't even close to the number 12 and Percy said, "It appears that your time is not yet up, Issei, you will survive this and become a dragon just like Ddraig."

Issei was then covered in a red aura before he roared out and the aura dissipated before he began falling and Rias caught him and said, "You did that... for me? Why?"

"Because... I love you," Issei replied before falling into unconsciousness and Rias looked at Akeno who looked like she was about to burst into flames of rage.

"Why would he ever love a slut like you?"

Rias's eyes then turned two different colors. Her right eye turned blood red and her left eye turned silver-blue.

"Because he loves me, and I love him, Akeno, so if you have a problem with it then fuck off!" Rias shouted, her voice gaining an echo. "But if you don't, I'll have to show you who the higher power is."

"Bring it on bitch," Akeno said before sending a thunderbolt towards Rias who brought a shield made of liquid poisons and Izuku said, "Akeno used thunderbolt."

"Rias protected herself," Jaune replied as Percy facepalmed at his younger brothers' antics.

"Is that all you've got?" Rias asked as the shield dissipated.

Akeno snarled, but before she could attack again, Izuku appeared in front of her and said, "Leave and never return, or else I'll turn you to ashes."

Akeno then vanished, along with her lover and peerage, as Izuku looked back at his family and said, "We should get out of here. My place is nearby that we can stay at."

Percy nodded, before picking up Issei, and they all turned into mist before appearing in front of Inko and Rias gasped, before saying, "G-Gabriel?!"


A woman with long black hair, wearing a satin red dress walked out of a male's apartment saying, "He was a decent meal, but I was hoping for him to be better... Oh well. Time to find my next one!"

Before the door closed all the way, the male could be seen, but his skin, rather than looking fresh, appeared to be mummified as if he had all of his life force drained out of him, with the more mummified place being his lips. This male is a victim of a Succubus or rather, the Queen of the Succubi: Lillith.

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