Chapter 7

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"Are you guys really brother and sister?" Annabeth asked with a raised eyebrow. "You look nothing alike."

"Why are you here Annabitch?" Percy asked her putting his lunch down. "You never wanted to speak to me ever since you started going out with the heartless bastard known as the Hero of Olympus."

"Because he is better than you, a mortal," Annabeth replied.

Percy just smirked and asked her, "How do you know that I'm a mortal, Annie? How do you know that I'm not a Son of Poseidon? How do you know if I'm more than what I appear to be? Answer those questions and then we'll talk."

Two women and a man then walked into the cafeteria and the three of them caught the attention of the 4 Horsemen and the Red Dragon Emperor who asked, "Who the fuck are you people?"

The male then brought out a stygian iron sword and said, "Don't talk to my girlfriend or my mistress like that again or I'll send you to my father."

Issei's eyes then gained slits in them and he said, "I could say the same to you, Kyūketsuki. After all, you just threatened the Red Dragon Emperor."

"Enough baby. We aren't here for you, Red One, we are here for him."

"He isn't here," Issei replied knowing that everyone was silent and listening. "I last saw him last night after he saved me from his own hands."

"I know he's here, Red One," Artemis told him. "I can sense him in this very building. Come out Rider! And I'll let everyone here live!"

Unknown to all, except his siblings, Percy slipped away and returned as the Rider and he said, "Hello Artemis. It's been quite some time since you've seen me in this form."

"Hello, beloved," Artemis replied as the sky darkened and her silvery-red eyes turned into a dark and dangerous ruby red.

"I still don't know where I am on my feelings, Arty," Percy told her. "Now why are you here? Does Olympus finally want me and my family for what we are? Has Zeusy finally cracked and you're here to tell me and show me a video of him going crazy? Please say 'Yes' to the last one. I'd love to see a Pagan God finally going crazy."

"What are you?" Annabeth suddenly asked. "What do you mean by: Pagan God?"

"He is the Horseman of Death, in one of his forms," Thalia replied kneeling in front of Percy. "He is the one who created the vampire race."

"Stop," Percy told the Vampiress. "Do not bow to me, for I am not God, I am just his son and the one he has chosen to wreak havoc upon the darkened souls of hell and the sinful. I am the one who chooses where you go after you die. I am Death the eldest of the Horsemen."

"HA!" Jake shouted, getting everyone's attention. "The Horsemen are myths! Even Zeus himself believes they never existed!"

Percy turned to his half-brother and said, the flames on his person disappearing and a robe forming out of mist with his bones showing, "Do I look like a myth, boy? I am one of the oldest beings to have ever roamed this planet... Nay, whole universes. I am Death."

"Y-You can't be real!" Jake shouted as he backed up.

"Oh but I am, boy, I am very real," Percy replied as ghosts of lives long past started to appear around him. "And I am very powerful. More powerful than your Pagan Father. You are very lucky that it is not yet your time, Jake Aquarius, but it will be soon enough."


"Did you really create the vampire race?" Rais asked her brother.

"I suppose I did," Percy replied with a sigh as he and his siblings were doing their homework. "You see, I turned one human into a creature of the undead and gave them the ability to turn others, whether it be immortal or mortal, he could turn anyone he wanted into an undead. He was the first. I also made him unable to be tracked by War's bloodshed sensing power."

"Dracula," Jaune said with a frown. "Whatever happened to him?"

"After he turned Artemis, she attacked him, drank his blood, and became the Queen of Vampires and turned her Huntresses in that one night," Percy said. "Then in 1692, we met for the first time. The rest is history."

"You should know, Percy, that Lilith struck last night," War said, getting Izuku to pale a bit. "Her first victim in 150 years and we know that she'll keep doing this until she's dead."

Percy then got up, walked over to the window, and looked at the full moon before saying, "Why are you so pale brother? You look like you just saw a ghost."

Izuku was silent, until he said, "Long ago, before Dracula, not long after Rome fell, the very first Famine met a beautiful woman. That woman's name was, or rather, is, Lilith. They fell in love and were together for a very long time. But Famine knew, oh he knew that he couldn't stay with her, for she has been absorbing his sin manipulation powers and her body began to adapt to one single sin. That sin was..."

"Lust," Percy stated as Izuku nodded and said, "You are correct Perce, she became the embodiment of Lust turning her into the very first Succubus and their future Queen. She grew in power so fast that she practically went from mortal to a goddess in just 6 months. After another 6 months of tailing her, I caught up to her, and well... I guess you could say we made a deal."

"What was the deal?" Jaune asked. "It couldn't have been that bad was it?"

Izuku sighed and ran his hand through his hair, before saying, "Her side of the deal was that she is allowed to whatever she wants for 300 years, before going into a hibernation-like state for 150 years and have Death clean up after her."

"I'm going to kill her," Percy said. "I'm going to kill that she-demon and send her back to hell for the rest of eternity."

"And your side was?" Rias asked her brother.

"I told her that she was only allowed 150 years hibernation and 150 years being awake and to have a host body whenever she became awake," Izuku said. "We agreed on 200 years awake, and 150 years asleep and having a different host every 50 years for those years being awake or when one of her hosts dies early."

Izuku then walked up to the window and said, "But the one thing that I didn't expect is that I fell in love with each of her incarnations. Even though she was a demon, and I was one of the Lord's helpers to bring about the Apocalypse we still fell in love. It also didn't help that I was immune to her charms."

Izuku gave a soft chuckle and a somber smile, before saying, "That's my story. That's the sad, sad story of me and the Queen Succubus."

Rias was silent and Percy said, "I think we should all get some sleep. School is tomorrow and in case we have any more Supernatural at our school, I want to be fully rested."


Pyrrha was walking home late in the evening, when she heard growling behind her, taking out a silver knife that her father gave her, and said, "Who's there? Come out now!"

She then heard something from behind her and when she turned around, the creature jumped her and she stabbed it, but not before it could get a bite into her shoulder, the creature then died and Pyrrha called her father saying, "D-daddy? I-I was bitten. C-can you please pick me up? I'm by the apartment buildings on State Street. I love you too.

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