Ok wow. So many reads and votes! :D so happy! x Thankyou for reading or even clicking on this! Sorry this took so long, been really busy and sorry again for this being so long too! I promise the next one will be a bit more exciting than this one. Btw please comment, vote or become a fan if you like this, thanks! xx
Chapter 3:
I turned my head round to Meredith, "What?" I asked her shocked.
"Yeah, she didn't go here though, she went to that skanky school a few miles away," Meredith replied, eyes lighting up from sharing gossip. "Apparently she was going..." I tuned out after that and turned to Sara.
"What did you say?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I read about it in this really cool book, it's called..." Sara said rambling again.
"Yeah" I cut her off, "Does it mean anything else?"
She shook her head and pushed up her glasses. "That's all I know, sorry" With that she picked up book and tray and walked off.
I sighed, and continued to look for my bagel; I found it at the bottom of my bag. I dumped everything back in and turned to the Rob and his friends, it crowded enough without his whole basketball team joining us. We had already joined two tables and it had worked. Just. But now it was seriously over crowded again.
"What's with all the celebrating?" I asked the boys who were enthusiastic cheering.
"We just found out, were playing against 'Blue Ribbon' next month on the first! We going to trash those mother-" Todd shouted. His last words covered by the rest of the teams cheers.
"You are coming right?" Rob asked.
I hesitated and could see disappointment clouding his shining eyes. I grinned "Of course, silly!" I said and hugged him tightly, not wanting to upset him.
Great! Now I've got to sit through another long, sweaty and boring game, which is totally lost on me, I thought darkly. I shook myself; where had that come from?
Blair tapped me on the shoulder as I was about to take a huge bite of my bagel.
"Isn't your Dad expected from New york that day?"
I dropped my lunch, I had completely and utterly forgotten about that. I was dead, if I wasn't there to greet him when he arrived.
"Shit!" I swore.
"Oh its okay, you don't have to be there, it's only the semi-Finals." Rob said trying to sound cheerful, but failing.
"No, it's not okay. I'll just sneak out after dinner. What time is it?" I asked him, frowning.
"8:30" He said.
"Ok, I'll be there." I picked up my bagel, not hungry. "I need to go to the library to do some homework." I lied, picking up my bag.
I looked out the window, it was pouring outside. It was the middle of winter, and our town hadn't seen the sun for a few weeks. I missed it. Looking outside I could see the long felids, which were so much fun in the summer. We would lie in the fresh cut grass, chatting, laughing. I could just see in the fog a large barn at the end of the acre. Inside horses were asleep, we did have some ponies a few years ago but they were sold off when Isabel, a friend of mine, took a fancy to the brown mounts.
I snapped out of my dreamy daze when something black moved outside. It was incredibly foggy so I couldn't be sure what it was. It was coming closer, closer to the window.