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🌥This chapter will be skip to 2 years after Y/N work with Johnny and still not being known by her family members. So, yeah. Enjoy.🌥


🌥Italic - Korean🌥Bold - Japanese🌥Italic bold - Chinese🌥Normal - English🌥

🌥Italic - Korean🌥Bold - Japanese🌥Italic bold - Chinese🌥Normal - English🌥

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It has been two years Y/N work with Johnny. They did a lot of business deal from overseas to the local industry itself. All the employees still does not know about Johnny and Y/N real relationship except for Doyoung, of course. They all thought that they both were in relationship (not brother sister) because of their closeness. Either new employee or current employee know that they should not mess up with these two because when they focus on something and being serious, they are scary. Even Doyoung are scared of Y/N.

As usual, Y/N coming to the company, greeted by the employees. Johnny arrived not longer after that and he manage to match up with Y/N steps as his legs were more longer than Y/N.

"Good morning, Miss Jung." Johnny greet her as he walk by her side.

"Good morning, Mr Suh. We will have a busy day today." Johnny nod and his lips form a smile. If it was two years ago, people would be surprised to see him smile because he always keep her cold expressions. But since Y/N came to his life, she changed him slowly. Not the negative change but positive change.

"Looking good today?" She ask him.

"Looking good today?" She ask him

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<Johnny Suh>

"The usual me. And you?" He look at her. She just shrugged and they get into the lift. They reach their office (yes, they still share office) and greet by Doyoung.

 They reach their office (yes, they still share office) and greet by Doyoung

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