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lee minhyuk was good at a number of things. for example; winking at inopportune moments, keg stands, and giving kang seulgi a heart attack.

the dark haired girl obsessively checked her wrist watch, nervously tucking her hair behind her ears.

"i knew we couldn't trust him, noona. the guy's unhinged," jaehyun rolled his eyes, prepping his materials with eun.

"there's still time, don't worry." taeyong piped up, putting a hand on the girls back.

"group 4? it's your turn." the professor called from the back of the room, and they all turned to look at each other.

"never mind, we can just present his slides." taeyong mumbled as they made their way up to the front of the room.

"whenever you're ready."

seulgi hesitated, awkwardly running a hand through her hair as she put off reading the first slide. her eyes looked between the ticking clock and the slide with their names on it.

"unni?" eun hissed, and taeyong blinked at her in confusion.

"is there a problem?" the professor spoke up, arms crossed in annoyance.

"no, ma'am, it's just-,"

"i'm here! i'm here!" a loud voice interrupted, and everyone turned to look at lee minhyuk bursting through the doors.

his hair was a complete mess and he was clad in his pajamas, his notecards spilling out of his pockets.

"sorry, sorry," he muttered, quickly picking them up as he stumbled to where the rest of his group stood.

seulgi pinched his shoulder, her face relieved as she turned to begin the presentation.


"so that's it?," eun asks, grabbing seulgi's wrist as she sets her glass down. "you're gonna leave us, just like that?"

"yeah, noona," jaehyun chimes in, grabbing at her other hand, "after everything we've been through?"

minhyuk tuts his tongue in disappointment. "women are so disloyal."

"shut up, you're all being dramatic." seulgi sighed, shoving the two of them away, "all i did was leave the groupchat, i'm not going anywhere."

"you leaving the groupchat was the beginning of the end," eun sighs, shaking her head. "by next week, you'll be ignoring me in the halls."

"tell me you'll remember me, noona." jaehyun whines, holding onto seulgi's sleeve.

taeyong released a chuckle at their antics, lips wrapped around his drink as he observed them grab at the older girl.

"and what are you laughing at?" eun turned on him, eyes narrowed.

"you guys have never been in a group project before or what?" the boy asked, raising a brow at them.

"i have," minhyuk called, raising a hand. "just not with anyone as pretty as kang."

"shut up," seulgi frowned, trying to cover her flushed cheeks. "fine, you guys can add me back to the groupchat."

eun and jaehyun cheered and high-fived each other triumphantly as taeyong shook his head in amusement.

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